Narayana mantra – Om Namo Narayanaya

Om Namo Narayanaya

“Om Namo Narayanaya” is an eight-syllable Sanskrit mantra (om – one, namo – two, narayanaya – five) most revered as the Narayana mantra. All Sanskrit mantras start with the auspicious syllable, Om or Aum.

It represents universal energy and is derived as the first spoken word revealed from the divine musical instrument of Lord Siva. It encompasses consciousness and leads to concentration on the object. Taken with a long breath it invokes prodigious concentration.

The second word “namo” epitomizes salutations to the Lord. The third word is a combination of two words “nara” (water) and “ayana” (resting place). The finer connotation of the mantra is “Salutations to Lord Vishnu”. If the mantra is repeatedly chanted with devotion, it will bring prosperity, mental peace, and positive vibrations in the chanter.

Mantra means, “manana trayate iti mantrah” (whose name is repeatedly recited as a mantra).

The origin of the Narayana mantra will be found in Yajur Veda as “Aum ithyagre vyaahareth nama ithi paschath. Narayanasa ethyuparishath. Aum ithyekaksharam. Nama ithi dhwe akshare. Narayanayethi Panchaksharani”. Etadvai narayanasyastaksaram padam.” It means Aum should be recited first, followed by Namah and Narayanaya. Aum is one syllable, Nama(ha) is two syllables and Narayanaya is five syllables and this is Ashtakshari mantra.

The Narayana Upanishad deals in detail with the highest aspect of Lord Vishnu as the supreme Lord and protector of the universe. Those who recite the mantra will attain a desired life without blemish. That person who meditates on the mantra will reach Vaikuntha. Lord is perennial.

Chanting of the Narayana Mantra

A mantra should always be initiated by the Guru to his disciples. While chanting the mantra invoked by the Guru, certain procedures are to be followed.

Each mantra has six segments.

  1. They are Rishi, who first witnessed the same,
  2. the second is, Chandas, the intonation in which the mantra is chanted,
  3. the third one is Devata, the deity of the mantra,
  4. the fourth one is Beeja, the essence of the mantra,
  5. the fifth one is Shakti, the power of the deity and
  6. the sixth is Kilka, the inner power in the mantra.

The chanter of the mantra after repeated chanting will get the power of the mantra and the darshan of God.

The Rishi for the Narayana mantra is Sadhya Narayana, Chandas is Gayatri, Deva is Maha Vishnu.

Revealing the Secret Mantra By Ramanuja

Ramanuja approached his guru, Gosthi Purna for initiating him the secret mantra. His guru made a condition that he should not disclose the mantra to any other person as the mantra is so powerful, sacred, and pure and should not be recited by any person who has a material interest.

The mantra provided to Ramanuja was the Narayana Mantra. Being kind at heart for removing pains of the humans, Ramanuja revealed this mantra to the commons from the Vishnu temple in Tirukkotiyur, even though it was against the dictum of his guru. He wanted all human sufferings must end by reciting this mantra.

Annamcharya in His Sankeerthanas

The doyen of sankeertanas has written one of the greatest songs on the Narayana mantra. The song starts with “Anni mantramulu neeve..”

He has vividly described how

  • Narada chanted Narayana mantra,
  • Prahalada the Narasimha mantra,
  • Vibheeshana the Rama mantra,
  • Dhruva Vasudeva mantra,
  • Arjuna Krishna mantra, and
  • sage Suka Vishnu mantra.

All these mantras are embedded in the Narayana mantra and Lord Venkateswara, the Vishnu himself is the pivotal God.

He finally said that this mantra is like moonlight. This composition is an eye-opener that to attain the Lord’s abode one need not take the root of panacea, but enough if one chants Narayana mantra.

Thirumangai Alwar’s Pasuram

Thirumangai Alwar in his Periya Thiurmozhi explained the greatness of this mantra in his pasuram.

The meaning of the pasuram is

“The Narayana nama will give to those who recite it, a high class, wealth, it will destroy all that cause suffering to His devotees, it will give them moksha, it will provide them His grace and the strength to remain in His anubhava, and give all good things that are sought by them. It does more than what a mother would do to a child. Thus, the Thirumanthra will provide all the good things that are sought by those who keep reciting it.”

Benefits of Reciting the Mantra

Those who chant the Narayana mantra will achieve all things and will be an elixir for all physical and mental evils. The chanter will benefit with a blissful life and attain salvation to reach the divine abode.

Rigveda says that Lord Vishnu is in charge of all senses, Gods, and powerful elements. Reciting his name would bring in the complete grace of the Lord to win over the evil.

The mantra provides succor from problems and enmity. It relieves from complex problems of life. By chanting this mantra one will be able to unfold the pervading power, mercy, and goodness of the Lord. It gives the chanter infinite happiness, love, glory, wisdom, and liberation from materialistic desires. It brings peace and aroma to the devotee.

Practicing the Mantra

Everyone must recite the mantra at least 108 times a day after completing the daily chores. It is more powerful if the number of recitations increases day by day.”Sankeertya Narayana sabdamatram vimukta dhukha sukhino bhavanti”.

Even if the mantra is recited once, the devotee is relieved of all worries and will lead a happy life.

Narayanaya nama ityayameva satyam |
Samsaara ghora vishasamharanayamantrah ||

Shanti Mantra

Shanti Mantra

According to our religious and cultural beliefs, one of the most auspicious and famous mantras is the ‘Shanti Mantra’.

Shanti mantra is recited at the end of various auspicious occasions such as Yagna, Yaga, Homa, various spiritual discourses and prayers by the pujaris and the pundits.

“Om Sahana Vavatu, Sahanau Bhunaktu, Sahaviryam Karavaavahaihi;
Tejaswinaavadeetamastu, maa vidvishaavahaihi.”

We also recite the Shanti mantra in some or other situations daily, but we might be doing it on a mechanized basis without understanding the meaning of it.

  • To elucidate the meaning of this mantra is of utmost significance.
  • This is to be compulsively followed by all of us. We must believe that we all belong to one global family.
  • This is the reason that many institutions take the activity of reciting this mantra.
  • This is because, if the employees of the various institutions are not at peace, the institutions will not be able to move ahead.

In the older days, people used to start writing letters with the heading ‘Ubhaya kushalopari’, which means that the letter intends to find both parties to be in a state of well-being.

With the changing trends, this resulted in the weakening of human values. Hence, by administering the recitation of this sloka, we would be

Shanti Mantra


Let us protect each other always; which would mean that let us mutually protect each other, our state, language, and culture. This is mainly a formula for being united.


  • Let us enjoy the wealth of the world unitedly.
  • Let us gain the knowledge that helps us to earn such wealth.
  • We would not need an education without values.
  • We should instantaneously reject education without values.

Sahaveeryam karavaavahai

  • Let us fortify ourselves mutually. Let us attain knowledge that provides us with adventure, strength, and patriotism.
  • Let us be successful in obtaining the education which stimulates the energy for mental development, and enables us to have a zeal for adventure.


  • Let us obtain knowledge by heart which would enable us to become energized souls with a striking personality that would endow us with fame.
  • Let us conduct ourselves in such a way full of self-esteem, and respect for our motherland and our country.
  • Let us gain an international reputation by conducting new experiments based on our dedicated work, intelligence, strength and astuteness.


  • Let us not hate each other but be friendly with one another.
  • Let us follow the principle, “Ahimsa Paramo Dharmaha”, which means “Non-violence is the supreme virtue”. As this is helpful for world peace, let us walk on the path of progress and succeed in our endeavours.

So, as said above, let us all chant the ‘Shanti Mantra’ mandatorily and put it into practice. Let us set an example to others. May everyone be blissful

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