Vasanthotsavam in Tirumala – 3 day Utsavam

Everything you need to know about Vasanthotsavam

In a year, many utsavams are celebrated according to Vaikanasa agama, in Tirumala. Every celebration has its importance and significance besides its glory. One of such utsavam is Vasanthotsavam.

After the completion of the Sri Padmavathi Srinivasa Parinaya festival, Vasanthotsavam is being celebrated.

Vasanthotsavam is the combination of 2 words – “Vasantha” (Spring season) and “Utsavam” (festival).

A view of Vasanthotsavam at Tirumala

Arjita Vasanthotsavam

Arjita Vasanthotsavam is also conducted daily as an abridged version of the Vasanthotsavam. Sri Malayappa swami and His consorts – Sridevi and Bhudevi are being seated in single (Eka) golden asanam, to take a holy bath and listen to the Veda mantras.

Vasanthotsavam mandapam

The festival’s highlight is that Lord Malayappa swami and his Consorts are given an aromatic bath, which is believed to give a soothing relief to the deities from the scorching Sun. Abhishekam – specifically called Snapana Thirumanjanam (Holy bath), is performed to the utsava murthi and his consorts on all three days in the Vasanthotsavam mandapam.

The Vasantha mandapam is decorated with not just garlands, but a massive green canopy made out of grapes, apples, sweet lemons, bananas, pineapple and many more varieties spread over the space giving cool shade over the utsava deities mused the devotees, sparkled with sweet smell of green fruits and flavour of aromatic flowers.

The very objective is of this display that Lord Venkateswara is very close to nature and the rituals were performed in natural surroundings which provides an aesthetic feel to devotees.

Starting the period of Achyutaraya

The start of this utsavam (festival) in Tirumala is recorded during the period of Achyutaraya in1460’s. The festival was started with the fund of 3000 narpanam contributed by Periya Solai, the son of the accountant in the temple.

The three-day annual fete used to be carried out at the Vasantha Mandapam, an ancient structure built by the Vijayanagara rulers to perform the Vasanthotsavam. But the old one was demolished as part of the renovation of the temple surroundings in 2006. The new venue — Vaibhavotsava Mandapam — is situated in front of the main temple and this renovated mandapam can accommodate 1200 people at a go.

Ankurarpanam pooja

The festival starts with ankurarpanam pooja (sowing the nine kinds of seeds) ceremony. One day before the start of the Vasanthotsavam festival, punya vachanam (purificatory rites), vaasthu santhi (worship of deity and lord of nature and their elements and natural forces as well as Lord and deity of directions and environment) and sacred consecration rituals are performed by the temple priests.

Vasanthotsavam – First Day

On the first day, Utsava Moorthy Sri Malayappa Swamy with his consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi are being taken in procession through West Mada Street to Vasantha Mandapam and is seated on golden asthanam.

Snapana Tirumanjanam (Snapana Mandapam) / Snapana Thirumanjanam
Snapana Thirumanjanam

Snapana Thirumanjanam

Rituals like Snapana Thirumanjanam are being conducted with special samarpana (offerings) to Lord Malayappa swamy and his two divine consorts in the presence of Jeeyar Swamis.

Pancha Suktha Veda mantras

The archakas and Veda pundits chanted Pancha Suktha Veda mantras consists

  • Purusha Suktham,
  • Narayana Suktham,
  • Sri Suktam,
  • Bhu Suktam and Neela Suktam
  • and some parts of Upanishads and Arulicheyal,
  • Periyalvar Neeraatta pasurams,

while rendering sacred baths to Lord Sri Malayappa Swamy, Sri Devi and Bhu Devi. The deities were garlanded with Thulasi mala.

Then the deities were rendered Nakshathra harathi, Kumbha harathi and lastly special Karpoora harati. A golden sieve with thousand apertures is being held over by archakas and the mantrajaba holy kalasa water poured called Sahasrakalasaabhishekam.

After the aromatic bath, the deities are taken in procession through mada streets to reach Swami Sri Ramanuja Sannithi. There, Nithya utsavam is performed. While reaching the Bangaru vaasal (Golden entrance) inside the temple, a Special ornament is being offered to Lord Malayappa Swami. Mangala Vadyam and annamacharyas keerthanas are also rendered.

Vasanthotsavam – Second Day

On the second day morning, Lord Malayappaswami with Sridevi and Boothevi are taken in Golden Chariot to round four Mada Streets and arrive at Vasanthotsava mandapam. There as usual Snapana thirumanjanam (Thirumanjanam on special occasions only) is being offered with devotional fervour. Then madaveethi procession takes place to give Darshan to his devotees, who are eagerly awaiting.


Vasanthotsavam – Third day

On the third day, abhishekam is performed to the idols of Lord Rama and Krishna with their consorts Sita along with Lakshmana, Hanuman and consort of Lord Krishna Rukminidevi are also placed at the Vasantha Mandapam on their decorated ornamented aastanam (platform).

4 great epochs

The four great epochs are Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapar Yuga, and Kali Yuga. In the Treta Yuga people still remained righteous and adhered to moral ways of life. Lord Rama of the epic poem the Ramayana lived in Treta Yuga.

Lord Rama – Treta Yuga

Lord Rama represents treta yuga, whose principles are Ideal friendship, promising rule, sense of protecting the good and sense of liberality. The mother Sita has also virtuous qualities like chastity, patience, forbearance, the ideal organization of ‘dharma’.

Lord Krishna – Dwapara Yuga

Lord Krishna to represent Dwapara yuga, who taught the Great Bhagavat Gita to restore men, who had lost all knowledge of the intelligence and bliss bodies.

Lord Venkateswara – Kaliyuga

Lord Malayappaswami is to save the people in the present kaliyuga. To mark this, the holy bath is performed on all three deities with Vedic chanting. Later the consecrated idols are taken in a procession in the evening. In front of Sri Ramanuja Sannithi, they are offered asthanam and Nithya utsava.

Procession on Mada Streets - Vasanthotsavam in Tirumala
Procession on Mada Streets – Vasanthotsavam in Tirumala


In Vasanthotsavam there is no Veethi Ghosti. (Alvars hymns rendering in street procession). However, Siriya Thirumadal is alone recited. Among the six prabhandams of Thirumangai alwar, the two well-known Siriya and Periya Thirumadals are unique for the display of “Nayaka Naayaki Bhavam”.

In this prabhandam Alwar seeks God’s intervention not being able to bear the separation from his only aim in life to reach and serve God. The chanting of Siriya Thirumadal starts at Mahadwaram, where the sathumurai (concluding the Prabhandam) is being done on other occasions and ends at Ramanuja sannithi.

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