Vamana Jayanti 2024 (Significance of Vamana Avatar)

Vamana Jayanti

The purpose of Vamana Avatara is to regain Devaloka (Heaven) to Indra from Asura king Maha Bali.

Vamana Jayanti on 15.09.2024

The Vamana Purana is one of the eighteen Puranas written by Maharshi Veda Vyas. Sri Vamana is the fifth Avatara (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu. According to legends, Lord Vamana is the twelfth of Adityas and the fifth Avatara of Lord Vishnu.

The Bhagavata Purana describes that Lord Vishnu descended as Vamana as an ā€˜avatarā€™ to restore the authority of Lord Indra over Devaloka as it had been forcibly encroached upon by King Bali. As said by Lord Krishna, ā€œto protect the virtuous, to destroy evil and to establish ā€˜dharmaā€™, I recreate myself as an ā€˜avatarā€™ in every ā€˜Yugaā€™.ā€

Vamana Avatharam - Incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Trivikrama Avatara

The Vamana Avatara is also known as ‘Trivikrama Avatara’. The main intention of this avatara is to defeat the demon king Maha Bali who has ruled that Gods no longer own the heavens and the earth. Hence, Lord Vishnu took the form of Vamana to defeat the king and restore balance in the universe. Though Bali was an Asura, he was good by nature but his ego was boundless.

King Bali was the great-grandson of Hiranyakashipu, the grandson of Prahlada, and the son of Virochana. Once, the Asura king performed Mahabhishek Viswajeet yagna after consulting his Guru Shukracharya on how to defeat Indra, the king of gods. Bali received several gifts after performing Viswajeet yagna.

Some of them were: A golden chariot pulled by four horses, a quiver with several arrows, a flag post with a lionā€™s head and celestial armour. Shukracharya presented Bali with a garland of ever-blooming flowers and a conch shell that had a thunderous battle cry.

After the yagna, Bali fought back against Indra and defeated him and thereby the reign of the entire universe fell into Baliā€™s hands. Later, Gods were threatened by Baliā€™s rule and then Indra pleaded with Lord Vishnu to help him find a way out to regain his powers. Vishnu decided to reincarnate as Vamana. Lord Brahma suggested Devatas to proceed towards Kasyapaā€™s hermitage.

When they reached his hermitage, they requested Aditi (wife of Kasyap) to go for penance to please Lord Vishnu. After Aditiā€™s severe ā€˜tapasā€™, Lord Vishnu was extremely pleased and appeared before the couple and gave them the privilege of becoming their son.

Backdrop Of Mahabali

Mahabali defeated the deities and drove Indra and other gods from Devaloka. Very soon, all the three worlds came under his control. During his rule, every corner of his kingdom would be full of religious activities. As a result, the whole world became righteous and Baliā€™s subjects engaged themselves in pious activities like tapas and yagnas and people followed non-violence and truth in their daily course of life.

Even Goddess Lakshmi had come to Bali to bless him as he was an admirable king.

Vamana Jayanti - Significance of Vamana Avatar

Nobody experienced the pangs of hunger and everybodyā€™s desire was fulfilled. The king Baliā€™s rule was incomparable and prosperity prevailed throughout his kingdom. It is said that the bond between Bali and Goddess Lakshmi is said to be one of the reasons for celebrating Raksha Bandhan, where sisters pray for the welfare of their brothers and brothers protect the sisters by all means.

The festivals like Onam and Diwali are related to the return of kings Bali from the nether world.

Birth of Vamana

According to Bhagavata Purana, Vamana was born to Aditi wife of Kashyapa at their request. Incidentally, Aditi and Kashyapa were the parents of Indra. Vamana was named Upendra and was a dwarf by nature. Surprisingly, the demons became devoid of their radiance and power.

King Bali asked Prahlad for the sudden development and Prahlad told Bali that demons lost their radiance due to Lord Vishnu who was about to take incarnation at the request of deities. The arrogant and foolish Bali made fun of Vishnu egoistically. Then, Prahlad became furious at Baliā€™s arrogant utterances and cursed him that very soon he would meet his downfall and lose his kingdom.

After being cursed, King Bali realized his mistake and begged for forgiveness.Ā Then, Prahlad suggested him to take refuge in Lord Vishnu, the supreme protector. He said that Lord Vishnu would be pleased if Bilva patra and Champa flowers were offered to Him. A person who constructs the temple of Lord Vishnu would be liberated from his sins.

Prahlad asked Bali to construct the temple of Lord Vishnu and worship Him with utmost devotion. Then, King Bali followed his instructions meticulously and faithfully and engaged himself in the worship of Lord Vishnu. He instructed Viswakarma to construct a magnificent temple of Lord Vishnu.

Vindhyavali, the wife of Bali fully supported his pursuit in the worship of the Lord. He used to clean the premises of the temple and worship the Lord with utmost devotion.

King Mahabali and Vamana (Fifth Avatar of Maha Vishnu)

The Arrival of Vamana

King Bali was surprised by the sudden shaking and trembling of the earth and he asked his guru Shukracharya on the sudden development and even the Agni deity was not accepting the offerings in the Yagna Gundam. Shukracharya after contemplating for a while, came to know about Vamanaā€™s incarnation and informed Bali that Vamana was on his way to Yagasala and His each step was causing turbulence on the earth.

Bali was pleased that he would get an opportunity to see Lord Vishnu. The king felt proud of his good fortune that the Lord was visiting him. Knowing fully the reason for the arrival of the Lord, Shukracharya warned King Bali against making any promise to Him.

King Bali said that he could not refuse if the Lord demanded anything from him and he was willing to face any hardship to protect his charitable image. He did not mind though, the deities would get benefit by his actions and also said that even if the Lord came intending to kill him, he was not to be scared.


The Maharshis organized the process of ā€˜Upanayanamā€™ of Lord Vamana and all gods and deities presented several things to Vamana. The boy was shining like the radiance of Lord Brahma. Lord Vamana appeared in the guise of a short Brahmin boy carrying an umbrella made of wood and Palmyra leaves. Though he was diminutive in size, each of his step was enough to shake the earth and Vamana arrived at Baliā€™s Yagnasala.

Vamanaā€™s radiance subdued the power of all demons who were present there. Impressed by the grandeur of King Baliā€™s yagna, Lord Vamana complimented him for organizing such a magnificent yagna on a large scale. King Bali welcomed and worshipped Lord Vamana and requested the Lord what He would like to receive as a gift from Bali and promised that His desire would be fulfilled.

Lord Vamana smiled and told him that he needed a small piece of land measured by three steps for the performance of a yagna. Bali laughed at the small request and agreed readily. To stop Baliā€™s charity, Shukracharya took the form of a bee and stuck between the holes so that water does not come out to complete the donation.

Then, Lord Vamana pricked the hole with Dharba grass which made Shukracharyaā€™s blind by one eye. The flow of water was uninterrupted and the donation process was complete.

The young Brahmin boy revealed His identity and started growing in size and enlarged to gigantic and cosmic proportions to stride over the three worlds. He took his first step in which He captured the entire earth and claimed the earth as His. His second step fell midway between earth and heaven which he claimed as His. Now, there was no place to claim for the third step.

Patala Loka
Patala Loka – Image is only for reference

Granting Kingdom of Patala Loka

So, Vamana asked Bali where to keep His third step. Since Bali promised three steps of land, he lowered his head and offered it for the third step of Lord Vamana. Then, the Lord pushed Bali with the pressure of His feet and granted the kingdom of Patala loka and gave Bali immortality for his absolute humility.

Bali was also allowed to return every year to see the citizens of his country. Thus, Mahabaliā€™s pride was suppressed and the Lord blessed Bali that he would enjoy a long life till the end of the present kalpa. Ultimately, Lord Indra regained the kingdom of heaven or Devaloka.

King Bali symbolizes prosperity associated with arrogance and pride. The three feet of Lord Vamana represent the three planes of existence i.e.; Jagruth, Swapna, and Sushupti and third step placed on the head of Bali elevated him from all three states and thereby Bali attained salvation and eternal bliss.

Final Word

A person who reads Vamana Purana helps him get free from all kinds of worldly attachments, miseries and also enhances his devotion and love towards Lord Vishnu for a blissful life.

Vamana Avatar – The Fifth Incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Vamana Avatar / Vamana Swaroopa

The Puranas offer splendid glimpses of Hindu tradition and culture. They protect ā€˜Sanatana dharmaā€™ and religious righteousness. The Vamana Purana is one of the eighteen Puranas written by Maharshi Veda Vyasa. It contains tales about Lord Vishnu in His ā€˜Vamana Swaroopaā€™ i.e., dwarf incarnation. While giving answers to sage Naradaā€™s queries, the sage Pulastya narrates the tale of the Vamana Purana.

According to legends, Lord Vamana is the twelfth of the Adityas and the fifth avatar of Lord Vishnu. The Bhagavatha Purana describes that Lord Vishnu descended as Vamana as an avatar to restore the authority of Indra over the heavens, as it had been taken by King Bali.

Vamana Avatharam - Incarnation of Lord Vishnu

Lord Krishna made it clear in the Gita:

Paritranaaya saadhoonaam vinaasaaya chadushkritaam /
dharma samsthapanaarthaayaya sambhavami yuge yuge//

To protect the virtuous, to destroy evil and to establish ā€œdharmaā€™, I recreate myself in every Yugaā€.

The Manifestation of Lord Vamana

The ā€˜maharshisā€™ organized the process of the ā€˜Upanayanamā€™of Lord Vamana. Bruhaspati offered him ā€˜Brahmasutraā€™. Kashyapa gave him ā€˜molanuluā€™. The Earth granted him ā€˜krishnajinamā€™. Lord Chandra offered him ā€˜dandaā€™. Lord Vamanaā€™s mother gave her son ā€˜koupeenamā€™. The Sky delivered him ā€˜chatramā€™. Lord Brahma offered him ā€˜kamandalamā€™.

Sapta Rishis presented him ā€˜dharbhaluā€™. Goddess Saraswathi offered him ā€˜aksharamala.ā€™ Lord Surya preached the boy ā€˜Gayatri Mantraā€™. Lord Kubera gave him a begging bowl. Goddess Parvati put ā€˜bhikshaā€™ into the begging bowl. It is said that ā€œSa brahma varchasenaivam sabham sambhavito vatuhu.ā€

Ashtadikpalakas - KuberaDeva
Lord Kubera

The boy was scintillating like the radiance of Lord Brahma. Lord Vamana, in the guise of a short Brahmin carrying an umbrella made of wood and palmyra leaves, proceeded towards the place where King Bali was performing his oblation to request three paces of land. He was in the appearance of a hermit.

Though he was diminutive in size, yet each of his steps was enough to shake the earth.

Lord Vishnu blesses Kashyap

As per the suggestion of Lord Brahma, the deities proceeded towards Kashyapā€™s hermitage. When they reached his hermitage, they inspired Aditi to commence penance to please Lord Vishnu. After Aditiā€™s severe penance, Lord Vishnu was extremely pleased.

Thoroughly gratified by Kashyapā€™s eulogies, He appeared before the deities. Kashyap requested Him to give Aditi, the privilege of becoming His mother. Lord Vishnu agreed to take birth as her son.

The Legend of King Bali

King Bali was the great-grandson of Hiranyakshipu, the grandson of Prahlada and the son of Virochana. After his fatherā€™s death, he defeated the deities and drove them out of their abodes. Very soon, all the three worlds were under his control. Despite these features, he was a virtuous king and so were his subjects.

During his reign, every corner of his kingdom would be abuzz with religious activities. As a result, the whole world became devoid of sin. The sage Pulastya said that the just rule of Bali had transformed Kaliyuga into Satayuga. Even his subjects engaged themselves in virtuous activities like penance and yagnas. They followed nonviolence and truth.

Prahlada prays to Narasimha
Prahlada prays to Narasimha as Narasimha disembowels and kills Hiranyakashipu.

One day, Goddess Lakshmi went to Bali and said that She had come to bless him because he was a victorious king. He had even defeated Indra and had control over all three worlds. During the reign of King Bali, his subjects were happy and prosperous. Nobody experienced the pangs of hunger and everybodyā€™s desire was fulfilled. The prominence of virtuosity and religious rituals during King Baliā€™s rule was incomparable and prosperity prevailed throughout his kingdom.

The bond between Bali and Lakshmi is said to be one of the reasons for celebrating Raksha Bandhan, where the sisters pray for the welfare of the brothers and the brothers protect the sisters from harm. The festivals like Onam and Diwali are related to the return of King Bali from the nether world. After Lord Vishnu had established himself inside Aditiā€™s womb, the demons became devoid of their radiance and power.

King Bali was surprised by the sudden development and asked Prahlad about it. Prahlad who was a staunch devotee of Lord Vishnu went into deep meditation and saw Lord Vishnu manifesting in Aditiā€™s womb as a dwarf. After coming out from his meditative trance, he told Bali that the demons had lost their radiance due to Lord Vishnu who was about to take incarnation at the request of the deities.

The arrogant and foolish king Bali made fun of Lord Vishnu egoistically. Prahlad became furious at Baliā€™s arrogant and foolish utterances and cursed him by saying that very soon he would meet his downfall and lose his kingdom. After being cursed, King Bali realized his mistake and begged for forgiveness.

Prahlad said to him to take refuge in Lord Vishnu, the Supreme Protector. He said that Lord Vishnu would be extremely pleased if Bilva patra, Malati and Champa flowers were offered to Him. A person who constructs the temple of Lord Vishnu liberates his ancestors from their sins. Prahlad asked King Bali to construct the temple of Lord Vishnu and worship Him with utmost devotion.

After the departure of Prahlad, King Bali followed his instructions faithfully and engaged himself in the worship of Lord Vishnu. He instructed Vishwakarma to construct a magnificent temple of Lord Vishnu and started worshipping Lord Vishnu accompanied by his wife Vindhyavali. He used to clean the premises of the temple and worship Lord Vishnu with utmost piety.

Vamana Avatar

The Demands of Lord Vamana

The shaking and trembling of the earth surprised King Bali and he asked his ā€˜guruā€™ Shukracharya about the strange event. He was also surprised by the fact that Agni was not accepting the offerings. Shukracharya, after contemplating for a while came to know about Vamanaā€™s incarnation. He informed King Bali that Vamana was on his way to the site of oblation and that each step was causing turbulence on the earth.

King Bali was pleased that he would get an opportunity to see Lord Vishnu whom the sages contemplate upon Him incessantly. He was proud of his good fortune that the Lord was visiting him. Knowing the reason for the arrival of Lord Vamana, Shukracharya warned King Bali against making any promise to Him. King Bali said that he could not refuse if the Lord demanded anything from him.

He was willing to face any hardship to safeguard his charitable image. He did not mind even though the deities would benefit from his actions. Even if the Lord came intending to kill him, he was not scared.

Lord Vamana arrived at the site. Vamanaā€™s radiance subdued the power of all demons who were present there. Impressed by the grandeur of King Baliā€™s ā€˜yagnaā€™, Lord Vamana complimented him for organizing such a magnificent ā€˜yagnaā€™. King Bali eulogized and worshipped his esteemed guest. He requested Vamana to reveal the reason for his arrival and promised that his wishes would be fulfilled.

Lord Vamana smiled and told him that he needed a small piece of land measured by three steps for the performance of yagna.

King Bali was surprised and requested him to ask for more land but Lord Vamana told him that he needed only that much land. King Bali consented. Lord Vamana revealed His identity and enlarged to gigantic and cosmic proportions to stride over the three worlds.

He stepped from heaven to earth with the first step, and from earth to the netherworld with the second. King Bali who was unable to fulfil his promise offered his head for the third. Vamana placed his foot and gave the king immortality for his humility. He was also allowed to return every year to see the citizens of his country.

King Mahabali and Vamana (Fifth Avatar of Maha Vishnu)
King Mahabali ā€“ One Of The Greatest Asura Kings

King Bali in the Underworld

Lord Vishnu blessed King Bali by saying that he would enjoy a long life till the end of the present Kalpa and sent him to the nether world. After reaching the nether world, King Bali constructed a beautiful city made of diamonds and other precious stones. Vishwakarma constructed an enormous altar in the central part of the city. King Bali lived there in luxury.

One day, while the demons were engaged in their sensual pleasures, suddenly the awesome Sudarshan chakra entered King Baliā€™s palace and after making the demons bereft of their radiance went back to Lord Vishnu. King Bali thought that only his grandfather Prahlad could help him out of the situation.

On being remembered by King Bali, Prahlad appeared before him. King Bali requested him to describe the means which would be benedictory to him. Prahlad was pleasantly surprised by his change of heart and said that a man who takes refuge in Lord Vishnu and surrenders himself to His will becomes liberated from all the miseries of life.

All things which are visible in the universe are the manifold manifestations of Lord Vishnu himself. The bond between Bali and Lakshmi is said to be one of the reasons for celebrating Raksha Bandhan, where the sisters pray for the welfare of the brothers and the brothers protect the sisters from any harm. The festival of Onam for some and the first day of Diwali for some are related to the return of Bali. King Bali symbolizes prosperity associated with arrogance.

The three feet of Lord Vamana symbolize the three planes of existence i.e., ā€œJagruthā€™, ā€˜swapnaā€™, and ā€˜sushuptiā€™ and the final step placed on the head elevated King Bali from all three states. Thereby, he attained salvation and eternal bliss. The reading of the Vamana Purana helps man enhance his knowledge and makes him free from all kinds of worldly attachments. It also increases his love and devotion towards the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu.

A devotee who chants any one of the names of Lord Vishnu mentioned in the Vamana Purana namely Karan Vaman, Narayan, Amitvikram, Shargang Chakra and Purushottam and makes salutation either by thought, speech or action attains ā€˜Vaikuntaā€™, the abode of Lord Vishnu.