Significance of Shayana Ekadasi

Shayana Ekadasi / Toli Ekadasi / Tholi Ekadasi

Ekadasi known as the ‘Day of Lord Vishnu, in Sanskrit means, ‘the Eleventh Day,’ occurs twice in a lunar month’, and is a very auspicious day to follow in the Hindu calendar.

The story of Ekadasi is very interesting.

In Satya Yuga, there was an awful Demon named Mura. With his extraordinary powers Mura defeated God Indra and started ruling Indra Loka. He then did all destructive activities to threaten the entire Universe. To end the tyranny of Mura, all Devas and sages went to Lord Shiva.

Lord Shiva advised them to pray to Lord Vishnu, by whom only they could have been protected. Lord Vishnu decided to kill Demon Mura. But Neither His Sudarshan Chakra nor His divine Gada was able to cut the head and break the neck of Demon Mura.

It is believed that the fight between Lord Vishnu and Mura continued for 10,000 years.

On seeing no end to this endless battle Lord Vishnu stopped fighting and went to Badrikashram to take a nap at Hemvati Caves. Demon Mura found Lord Vishnu sleeping and thought it to be a great opportunity to kill Lord Vishnu.

Murasura by Ekadasi Devi / Shayana Ekadasi

At that time from the body of Vishnu, an energy sparked out in the form of a girl, who instantly killed the demon. She was named Ekadasi as her presence from the Lord taken place on Ekadasi Tithi by the Lord. She prayed to Lord Vishnu “Please bestow me the power so that anyone who observes the fasting for me would get rid of all sorts of sins and get salvation” She was blessed so by the Lord Vishnu.

It is believed that a person who observes the Ekadasi fast can get rid of all his sins and finally reach the holy abode of Lord Vishnu (moksha).

The special feature of Ekadasi, as most people know it, is a fast, abstinence from diet. Usually, there are 24 Ekadasis in a calendar year. Occasionally, there are two extra Ekadasis that happen in a leap year. Each Ekadasi day is purported to have particular benefits and blessings.

What is Shayana Ekadasi

Shayana Ekadasi means “sleeping eleventh is the eleventh lunar day (Ekadasi) of the bright fortnight (Shukla paksha) of the Hindu month of Ashadha (June – July). Thus it is also known as Ashadhi Ekadasi or Ashadhi. It is also known as Toli Ekadasi in Telugu. This holy day is of special significance to all.

Legend says that Lord Vishnu falls asleep in a cosmic ocean of milk – on the cosmic serpent. (adhishesha). Thus the day is called Hari-Shayana Ekadasi means “Vishnu-sleeping eleventh” or Shayana Ekadasi.

Lord Vishnu finally awakens from his slumber four months later on Prabodhini Ekadasi – the eleventh day of the bright fortnight in the Hindu month Kartik (October–November). This period is known as Chaturmas (four months) and coincides with the rainy season. Thus, Shayana Ekadasi is the beginning of Chaturmas. Devotees start observing the Chaturmas vrata (vow) to please Lord Vishnu on this day.

It is said that the significance of Ekadasi was narrated by Lord Krishna to Yudhisthira, the eldest of the Pandava brothers. Devotees observe the fast to seek prosperity and attain moksha later in life. We observe Ekadasi vrata from sunrise to the next day of sunrise. The fast is observed on Shayana Ekadasi.

Generally, rice is not consumed on Ekadasi. According to a mythological story, sweat fell from Lord Brahma’s head and took the shape of a demon. When the demon asked the lord to give a place to reside, Brahma asked him to dwell in full rice eaten by men on Ekadasi and get converted into worms in their stomachs.

On this day Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi Devi are worshipped, The entire night is spent singing devotional songs and chanting mantras, and slogans on Lord Vishnu. The fast demands abstinence from all grains, beans, cereals, certain vegetables like onions and certain spices.

Bhavishyottara Purana

In the scripture Bhavishyottara Purana, god Krishna narrates the significance of Shayana Ekadasi to Yudhishthira, as the creator Brahma narrated the significance to his son Narada once. The story of King Mandata is narrated in this context.

The pious king’s country had faced drought for three years, but the king was unable to find a solution to please the rain gods. Finally, sage Angiras advised the king to observe the vrata (vow) of Dev-Shayana Ekadasi.

On doing so by the grace of Lord Vishnu, there was rain in the kingdom. Ekadasi should be observed by all classes of people including women. According to scriptures, from the age of eight to the age of eighty, a person should fast on Ekadasi days.