Holy Waterfalls (Theertham) to be visited in Tirumala

Theerthams (Holy Waterfalls) in Tirumala

Tirumala shrine is a source of many holy waterfalls (Theertham/ Teertham). These are the sacred places where many sages undertook penance and had a glimpse of the Lord directly. They remove all sorts of sins. Let us try to know about them in brief.

Let us visit them, absolve ourselves of all our sins and accrue merits.

Akasha Ganga / Akasa Ganga

It is two miles away from the Holy Lake of the Lord towards the north. In the past, Anjana Devi undertook penance here and obtained Anjaneya as the son. Hence, it is called Anjanadri. A Brahmin named Ramanuja did penance here and realised the presence of Lord Venkateswara Swami.

Akasha Ganga or Akasa Ganga - Theerthams (Holy Waterfalls) in Tirumala 

A holy dip in these waters on the Full Moon day of Mesha month with Chitta as the ruling star, results in liberation. A Brahmin who developed a donkey’s complexion got rid of it in the past due to a holy dip in these waters. There is a bus facility to this place. We can visit it on any day of the week. Vaishnava priests draw two vessels of this holy water every day for the Lord’s anointing ceremony (Friday Abhisekam).

Gogarbha Theertham (Pandava Theertham)

There is Gogarbha Teertham three kilometres away from Tirumala temple towards the North. It resembles a cow’s womb where several sages undertook penance. The Pandavas during their exile in the forest spent some of their time here and served Lord Srinivasa. Hence, it is known as Pandava Teertham.

Gogarbha Theertham (Pandava Theertham)

There are statues of Pandavas in this cave. Tirumala’s guardian angel Rudra is here in the form of a big boulder. There will be an anointing ceremony for this Rudra on the day of Sivaratri every year with namaka, chamaka hymns. In the recent past, Malayala Swami undertook penance here for some time.

Papa Vinashanam

There is Papa Vinashanam water-fall 3 miles away towards the north of the temple. Holy dip in this water and sipping a little bit of it will absolve us of all our sins. Dridhamati who turned an eagle due to his sins attained liberation after bathing in these waters. A Brahmin was freed of a priest’s ghost (Brahma rakshasi). Bhadramati became rich by drinking this water.

Papa Vinashanam - Theerthams (Holy Waterfalls) in Tirumala 

The best way is to take a holy dip in it on the seventh day of Ashwayuja month during a Sunday joined by the Uttarashadha ruling star or on the twelfth day with the Uttarabhadra ruling star. Pilgrims can visit this on any day. There is a bus facility to this waterfall.

click here for the Google Maps location.

Jabali Theertham

There is Jabali theertham in the beautiful valley two miles away from the Holy Lake towards its north. Since Sage Jabali undertook penance here, it has become popular as Jabali Teertham. In the past, a Brahmin named Durachara was evicted of a priest’s ghost with a holy dip in it.

Jabali theertham / Jabali teeertham / Japali theertham

Agastya undertook penance here for some time and realised the presence of Lord Venkateswara Swami. There is an ancient Anjaneya Swami temple here run under the auspices of the Mahant Monastery. There are Sithamma Teertham and Dhriva Teertham nearby.

One can go by bus on the way from Tirumala to Papa Vinashanam to this place by walking for a mile.

click here for the Google Maps location.

Vaikuntha Teertham / Vaikuntha Theertham

There is a cave two miles away from the Holy Lake of the Lord towards the north-east. It is called Vaikuntha Cave and the water getting forth from here is called Vaikuntha Teertham. When Lord Srirama visited this place along with the monkey legion, the monkeys saw a big city and Lord Sri Maha Vishnu in this cave.

When they came out frightened, the cave was closed. Coming to know of it, Srirama told them that it was a heaven on the earth where Lord Vishnu moved about and they were lucky to get his divine darshan. There is no proper road to this place.

Chakra Teertham (Natural Rock Arch)

There is Chakra Teertham two miles towards the north-west of the main temple. There is a natural rock arch of 250 crore years old here and Chakra teertha a hundred feet away by its side. It appears the Lord ordered God Sudarshana to protect his devotee undertaking penance there.

Chakra Teertha Mukkoti or Chakra Theertham

A Brahmin named Sundara from Srirangam was relieved of his demonhood after bathing in these waters. Chakra Teertha Mukkoti is celebrated on the twelfth day of dark fortnight of Karthika. On that day, the priests from Tirumala go to this place to perform anointing ceremony, worship and offering of food to Sudarshana and Narasimha Swami.

Those who visit the Chakra teertham can also visit the nearby natural rock arch.

Sri Ramakrishna Theertham

Ramakrishna Teertham is 6 miles away towards the north of the main temple. In the past, sages Krishna and Ramakrishna performed penance here one after the other and realised the presence of the Lord and hence, it is called Ramakrishna Teertham.

Ramakrishna Theertham

On the Full Moon day of Makara masa with Pushya ruling star, Tirumala temple priests go over there to perform an anointing ceremony and worship Srirama and Krishna. Pilgrims can go by bus up to Papa Vinashanam and walk to the teertham.

Kumaradhara Teertham

This is six miles away from the Lord’s temple towards the north. We can go by bus up to Papa Vinashanam and walk to the place. A disease-ridden old man, it appears, turned a young man after bathing in these holy waters. Hence, it got the appellation of Kumaradhara.


After killing Tarakasura, Kumara Swami was afflicted by the sin of killing a Brahmin. He was relieved of it by undertaking penance in Kumaradhara theertham. A holy dip in this teertham on the Full Moon day of Magha month is quite rewarding.

Tumburu Teertham (Ghona Teertham)

It is situated around ten miles away from the Lord’s temple towards its north. It is also called Ghona theertham or Tumba theertham. Sage Tumburu and an atheist Sarvabaddha bathed in this theertham and attained ascetic perfection and liberation. This theertha mukkoti is held on the Full Moon day of Phalguna month. Thousands of devotees visit it on this day.

Tumburu Theertham (Ghona Theertham) or Tumburu Teertham (Ghona Teertham)

One can go by bus up to Papa Vinashanam and then walk to this place for seven miles. People are allowed to this theertham only on this day. In the cave nearby, 300 years ago Tarigonda Vengamamba and later Malayala Swami undertook penance.

Final Word – Pushkaradri

Besides the above, there are a number of teerthas and lakes on the slopes of Tirumala Hills like Jarahara teertham, Phalguni teertham, Sanakasanandana teertham, Kayarasayana teertham, Deva teertham, Asthi Sarovara teertham, Kataha teertham, Sesha teertham, Sankha teertham, etc. That is why, the Venkatachalam is also called “Pushkaradri”.