Women in Ramayana

Women in Ramayana

The Ramayana is an epic which always gives greatest learning for all. The epic has all types of characters, emotions, lessons etc. “Ramo Vigrahavan Dharmah” means Rama is considered as Dharma personified. In Ramavatara, Lord Vishnu takes human form to uplift Dharma. Throughout the epic, Lord Rama leads a Dharmic life and protect all beings, let it be an animal or a bird or a woman or human being.

Apart from Lord Rama, there were women characters in Ramayana who were known to be “Pativratas” or “Yoginis” and who were highly respectable, knowledgeable and applaudable always. Sita is not a timid character in Ramayana, she is brave, bold, beautiful, and highly intellectual and knows how to protect herself.

That is why, one of the Tamil Acharyas hail the Ramayana in one word “Sirai Irundhavalin Eatram”, which means “Praise the one who had been in prison”. Because Sita wants to get rid of the Rakshasas and uplift the Dharma.

There are other noble women characters in Ramayana mentioned in each Kanda where one can know their sacrifice, passion, courage, service and patience.


Ahalya, wife of Rishi Gautama was cursed due to extramarital act. So, she lived “Adhrishya” invisible or in some versions like a stone. When Lord Rama’s dust from his feet touched Ahalya which cured the curse. This teaches us that the Lord forgives, if one feels guilty of the fault committed and surrenders at his feet.


Sumitra, wife of Dasaratha is the wisest Queen. She realizes that Lord Rama is “Avatar of Lord Vishnu”. She tells Lakshmana to serve Lord Rama and Sita in the forest and treat them as his parents. It was also mentioned that Dasaratha gave the “Divine Payasam” twice to Sumitra because she was highly knowledgeable.

She prayed that one child should serve the Lord and other should serve the Bhagavata (Devotee of Lord). Thus, Lakshmana served Lord Rama and Shatrugna served Bharata (Bhagavata) who was an ardent devotee. She was a true mother who enlightens the son by making right choice.

Women IN Ramayana


Urmila, the wife of Lakshmana, sacrifices her comfort when Lakshmana goes to the forest. Though she is not spoken about in the Ramayana in many places, she is a silent performer. Whatever credits are given to Lakshmana are indirectly to Urmila. This character shows that one’s sacrifice leads to the highest service to the Lord.

Lord Rama praises Lakshmana many times for his wonderful service. This credit goes only to Urmila.


The wife of Athri Maharishi is a pious woman. When Sita meets her during the exile, she is given a variety of gifts that later protect Mother Sita. Sita narrates the entire wedding to Anusaya beautifully. This episode is one of the most important for every woman because she describes the duties of women (Stri Dharma). Lord Rama and Sita have a pleasant stay in her Ashram.


She is a hermit woman who serves Rishi Matanga. She is advised by her Guru to wait for Lord Rama’s visit to Ashram before attaining Moksha. She becomes very old, but she does not give up her hope. The hope blooms one day when Lord Rama and Lakshmana come to her Ashram.

She serves them with sweet fruits with utmost devotion. Lord, who is tired in search of Sita, gets refreshed by the service of Sabari. This shows that Lord treats all as equals and accepts the service which must be only devotion.

Women IN Ramayana - Sabari


The wife of Vaali is an extraordinarily talented woman. She warns Vaali not to fight with Sugriva as she suspects some other valiant person is helping him. She is highly knowledgeable and knows how to handle situation. After Vali’s death, when Lakshmana comes with rage towards Sugriva, she cleverly puts words which makes Lakshmana to cool down immediately.

Tara’s advice in the Ramayana is commendable.


The wife of Ravana is one of the greatest women. Ravana is so powerful, just because of her chastity. She always tries to preach good to Ravana. Unfortunately, Ravana though intellectual, has a weakness for women. Like Tara, Mandodari addresses Lord Rama as “Mahayogi” great ascetic and recites sloka which clearly shows that Lord Rama is Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

This shows that only a scholastic person will be able to identify Lord Rama as Supreme, though the Lord is in the guise of a man.


She is the only hope of Sita during her distress. She is with Sita in Ashoka Vatika. She is a very positive attitude lady. She has the ability to dream the future. Whenever Sita gets dejected, she gives her confidence. She also predicts that Lord Rama will win over Ravana and get back Sita. She is a saviour of Sita.

Though she is not directly related to Rama’s character, she knows that “Dharma always wins”. This character shows that not all demons are cruel. There are demons who are highly knowledgeable and follow the path of Dharma.

Sita with children

Women Addressed as Devi

In ancient times, women were addressed as “Devi” means Goddess because, they have high intellectual powers, knowledge, wisdom, sacrifice, care and many other noble qualities. Even Lord Rama is praised along with Sita mostly as “Sita Rama”, “Siya Rama”, “Sitapathi”, “Janaki Prananatha”, and “Naathaaya”.

They are “Divya Dampathi – Divine Couple”. The power of Lord Rama glitters when he is with Sita. It is seen that Lord Rama and Sita got united because of these noble women who had played a key role in their lives.