Muthyapu Pandiri Vahana Seva 2018

Muthyapu Pandiri Vahana Seva

There is one ceremony or the other almost daily for Lord Venkateswara manifest on Tirumala.

Different ceremonies are conducted on a grand scale for the Lord with different time frames— daily, fortnightly, monthly and yearly. Of them, special mention may be made of annual Brahmotsavas.

Devotees go on raptures witnessing the Lord on different carriages and earnestly wait for the earliest opportunity to visit them. Brahmotsavas are conducted twice this year much to their jubilation.

Because of the addition of one month as per the Telugu Calendar, two categories of Brahmotsavas are conducted this year, namely—Salakatla and Navaratri (nine-day).

Unjal Seva - Muthyapu Pandiri
Unjal Seva – Before procession of Vahanam on Mada Streets – Muthyapu Pandiri

Lord Srinivasa on the Pearl Canopy

On the night of the third day, the processional deity Malayappa Swami is taken in procession in the Pearl Canopy (Muthyapu Pandiri Vahana Seva) along with His consorts Sridevi and Bhudevi.

Going on a pleasure ride in a cool Pearl Canopy, the Lord seems to cool down the heat and tensions of the devotees.

Pearl is one of the nine jewels a symbol of the Moon which gives coolness and health.

Hence, wearing pearls not only adds to beauty but the coolness of the body. It also gives all the good fortune to us. This is the purpose behind the pearl canopy ceremony.