Ganapati Mantra || Lord of the Vedas – The role of Parameshwara

Ganapati Mantra

Om Ganaanam tva Ganapatigm Havamahe
Kavim Kavinam upamasrava stamam
Jyeshtarajam Brahmanam brahmanaspatha
Aanassrnvannutibhi seeda saadanam
Maha Ganapathiye Namah Om

Meaning of Ganapati Mantra

  • Ganaanaam – Of all groups of Devas
  • tva – you
  • ganapatim – their leader
  • havaamahe – we worship
  • kavim – the visionary
  • kavinaam – of all visionaries
  • upama shravah – tamam who has attained great fame through various similes
  • jyeshtarajam – who is the most exalted who shines in the hearts of devotees
  • brahmanaam – of the knowers of Brahman
  • brahmanaspatah – O Lord of Vedas
  • nah – our
  • srnvan – listening
  • utibhih – with all protective means
  • aseeda – please sit
  • saadanam – at the altar of fire ritual, in our heart
  • Maha Ganapatiye – to the Maha Ganapati
  • Namah our Namaskaram – salutations

Through praises, we worship you, the Lord of Vedas, the leader of all groups of Devas, the visionary of all visionaries, the one who has great fame through various similes, the most exalted of the knowers of Brahman and the one who shines in the hearts of devotees. Listening to our prayers of praise, please sit at the altar of fire ritual in our hearts, with all protective means.

It is customary to worship Lord Ganapati before starting any auspicious venture. It is believed that Lord Ganapati will remove any obstacles that may come in the way. For this reason, He is referred to as Lord Vigneshwara.

Swayambhu Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy, Kanipakam

However, in this mantra, He is being looked upon, not just as a Devata, but as Parameshwara Himself. This is so because He is being addressed by the word Brahmanaspate – meaning “O Lord Brahma, the Veda Shastra”. The word Brahma here refers to the body of knowledge known as Vedas. And He is the Pati or Lord for it.

Hence while addressing Him as Brahmanaspate, He is being referred to as the Lord of the Vedas – the role of Parameshwara.

We worship you, Parameshwara, the Lord of Ganas, all living beings and even of the Devas – being their creator and protector