Bangaru Baavi (Golden Well) – Inside Tirupati Balaji Temple

Bangaru Baavi (Golden Well)

There is a well by the side of Lord’s chief kitchen. This well is known as Bangaru Baavi (Bangaru means gold in Telugu. Baavi means well).

When devotees come out through the Golden door after having the darshan, a path leads to the chief kitchen opposite the Golden door. Adjacent to the steps leading to the kitchen you will find a well. This well has a circular ring of stones from the ground level. This stone construction has Gold plating.

Because of this gold plating people call it Bangaru Baavi i.e., Golden well.

Bangaru Baavi
46 – Bangaru Baavi (Golden Well)

Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple Location (Google Maps location)

Sundara Swamy Baavi

It has two other names: ‘Sri Theertham’and ‘Sundara Swamy Baavi’ (well).

History of Bangaru Baavi

This well has its history.

Sri Theertham / Lakshmi Theertham / Bhootheertham

Along with His two Consorts, Lord Vishnu assuming the human form descended to the earth from Sri Vaikuntam. He preferred to stay in Venkatachala Kshethra, known as Vykunttam (vaikuntam) on earth. When they were wandering in Venkatachala Kshethra for cooking food Sri Maha Lakshmi created a well. This well got the name of Sri Theertham. Some even call it as ‘Lakshmi Theertham’.

Similarly, even Bhoo Devi created a well that got the name of Bhootheertham. Over a while these two wells disappeared. After a long period to assist Gopinath who used to perform poojas according to Vykhanasa Agama Shastras, Ranga Dasu came down to Tirumala. To meet the flower needs of Lord Venkateswara he thought of having a flower garden.

Ranga Dasu – Finding the Wells

To water the plants he dug two wells. In the spot where digging was going on, the two wells that had disappeared appeared again. After the demise of Ranga Dasu these two wells once again got decayed.

Ranga Dasu –> Thondaman Chakravarthy

The legend has it that Ranga Dasu who served God with beautiful flower garlands was reborn as Thondaman Chakravarthy. He once again started offering his services to the Lord. Lord Venkateswara was immensely pleased with the selfless services offered by Thondaman Chakravarthy. Lord briefed Thondaman Chakravarthy about his previous birth as Ranga Dasu.

Sri Sridevi Bhudevi Sametha Prasanna Venkateswara Swamy, Thondamanadu
Sri Sridevi Bhudevi Sametha Prasanna Venkateswara Swamy, Thondamanadu

Lord ordered Thondaman Chakravarthy to get Him a place of dwelling i.e., a temple with gold-plated vimana. He further ordered him to reactivate decayed wells Sri Theertham and Bhootheertham. Thondaman Chakravarthy was pleasantly surprised when Lord Venkateswara told him about his previous birth and the services rendered to the Lord in that birth. He got Sri Theertham well reactivated.

He constructed a ring-like stone structure from ground level to stop the caving of the earth and covered the stone walls with gold plates. From that day onwards, the well got the name Bangaru Baavi. Similarly, for Bhootheertham which was much below the ground level, he constructed steps to step down. This well is known as ‘Poola Baavi’ i.e., Flower well.

Over the years Sri Theertham acquired greater importance as its water is religiously used for Prasadam preparation and other Archanas of Lord Venkateswara.

Tirumala Nambi / Tirumala Thathacharya – Maternal Uncle of Sri Ramanujacharya

To the Chief Idol of Lord Venkateswara every Friday Abhishekam i.e., Holy Bath is performed. For this Abhishekam Tirumala Nambi of the 11th century used to bring water from Papavinasanam. This Tirumala Nambi happened to be the ‘Guru’ of Bhagavad Ramanujacharya.

Sri Ramanuja's Service

In addition to being a Guru, he was also a maternal uncle of Sri Ramanujacharya. This Tirumala Nambi has another name. He was also known as Tirumala Thathacharya. Once during the days Tirumala Nambi was serving Lord Venkateswara, his Guru Yamunacharya visited Tirumala to have the darshan of Lord Venkateswara. As it was continuously raining heavily Tirumala Nambi could not fetch water for Lord’s Abhishekam.

Sundara Swamy Koopam

Then Yamunacharya who wanted an uninterrupted water supply throughout the year whether it rains or shines appealed to Sri Maha Lakshmi. He told her: “Oh! Mother! The water from Sri Theertham, the well which you created is more sacred than any other water. Therefore please bless this water so that it can be used for Lords Abhishekam”.

Further, he named that well “Sundara Swamy Koopam” (well) as it happens to be one of the forms of Lord Venkateswara. Tamilians call this well as Alagappinaar Kinar (Sri Sundara’s Kinaru i.e., well).

Ramanujacharya visited Tirumala. He came to know about the Sri Yamunacharyas incident. He was immensely happy to know about Yamunacharya’s appeal to Sri Mahal Lakshmi. On the spot, he took a decision. He directed his disciples to use water, for Fridays Abhishekam as well as daily Abhishekam of Bhoga Srinivasa, from one of the three sources i.e., water from Papanasanam Theertham or water from Akasa Ganga Theertham or Sri Theertham only.

Akasa Ganga Theertham
Akasa Ganga Theertham

From that day onwards water drawn from “Bangaru Baavi” is being used for the preparations of prasadams and to the Abhishekams. In the olden days, water drawn from Bangaru Baavi used to directly reach the chief kitchen through a canal which was there on a 15-foot high wall from ground level.

This system researchers say was in vogue in Hampi during Vijayanagara rulers. Till recently the kitchen staff used to draw water through pots and empty those pots in the canal. Considering the ever-growing demand for various types of preparation they have some 20 years back installed electrical pump to draw water from the well.

Chatrasthapanotsavam in Tirumala

On this occasion, the Archakas will offer Tirumanjanam to Srivari Padalu located in Narayanagiri Mountain, considered the highest range in Seshachala Hills. As part of this customary festival, a new umbrella will be installed in that sacred place and special pujas will be offered.

Puranic Importance

Narayanagiri Ranges are believed and worshipped as the peak where Srivaru first stepped His divine feet before making Tirumala His permanent residence. Commemorating the occasion, Chatrasthapanotsavam will be observed in Tirumala as an annual festival on the auspicious day of Shravana Suddha Dwadasi.

On this day, the Archakas collect water from Bangaru Baavi located inside Tirumala temple reach this place amidst Melam and Veda Mantras and perform Tirumanjanam to the Sacred Feet of Srivaru located here with these holy waters, perform puja and recite Prabandha Sattumora and return to the temple.

Final Word

This Bangaru Baavi has a sacred history. It is associated with great people like Thondaman Chakravarthy who was Ranga Dasu in his previous birth, and Tirumala Nambi who was addressed as ‘Thatha’ (Grandfather) by Lord Venkateswara Himself.

Yamunacharya requested Sri Maha Lakshmi to sanctify the water of Sri Theertham, Sri Ramunajacharya who gave orders for the use of water drawn only from three sources. Let us bow before Bangaru Baavi i.e., Sri Theertham or Sundaraswamy Baavi.

Poola Baavi (Flower Well) – Inside Tirumala Balaji Temple

Poola Baavi (Flower Well)

Just opposite to Yamunottara flower room and adjacent to Mirror Mandapam, towards the North, there is a well. This well is known as Poola Baavi i.e., flower well. Tulasi, flowers and garlands that are offered to Sri Venkateswara and other Gods cannot and should not be used by the devotees. So these things are thrown into this well. Hence this well is known as Poola Baavi. This well has another name. People have named it as Bhootheertham.

As the days passed by the well became dry. After some time at the behest of Lord Srinivasa, a devotee by the name Ranga Das (Thondaman in his previous birth) dug the dry well. It is said the well’s spring became active once again.

Emperor Thondaman

Ranga Das with the water drawn from this well Bhootheertham planted flower seeds. After some time this Ranga Das came to this world as the emperor Thondaman. Lord Venkateswara directed Emperor Thondaman to renovate and reconstruct this well. The emperor carried out the orders of Lord Venkateswara. He became a dear devotee of Swamy Varu.

It is said Emperor Thondaman used to visit Tirumala by taking a secret tunnel under the Poola Baavi.

Poola Baavi (Flower Well) - Inside Tirumala Balaji Temple
20 – Poola Baavi (Flower Well)

Emperor Thondaman was once defeated by his enemies. Through the secret tunnel, it is said he came to Tirumala. At that time Lord Venkateswara was alone with His two spouses Sri Devi and Bhoo Devi. Seeing an intruder disturbing them while They were in the company of Their spouse Lord Venkateswara, both were put to blush.

Sri Devi hid Herself in the chest of the Lord and Bhoo Devi went into a flower well to hide. Varaha Puraanam mentions this.

Sri Ramanuja's Service

Sri Ramanujacharya Visiting Tirumala Temple

During his visit to Tirumala Sri Ramanujacharya saw this well which was known as Bhootheertham. He came to know about the prevalent story about the well. He took steps immediately to install an idol of Bhoo Devi in the well. As Lord Srinivasa happens to be ‘Theerthadhipati’ Sri Ramanujacharya made all arrangements for the daily pooja.

He oversaw the arrangements for depositing the used garlands and other flower decorations into this well as the well happens to be the dwelling place of Bhoo Devi. ‘Sri Venkatachala Itihasamala’ book mentions this. It is Sri Ramanujacharya who initiated this tradition. Normally, as it has almost become a convention, the used garlands and flowers are not distributed to the devotees.

They break this tradition during Kartheeka (the eighth Hindu lunar month) Brahmothsavam of Tiruchanur on the Panchami theertham (Chakrasnanam) day. All the used garlands and flowers, along with other offerings like Saree, blouse pieces, spices, laddus, vadas and other things will be traditionally brought from Tirumala and given to Golden Padmavathi.

Panchami Theertham
Tiruchanur on the Panchami theertham (Chakrasnanam) day

People with all paraphernalia cover the distance from Tirumala to Tiruchanur by foot. The deity is decorated with the offerings received from Tirumala and after the poojas the goddess Padmavathi is given Chakrasnanam i.e., a sacred bath. Of late as the quantity of used flowers and garlands has grown enormously these things are being disposed at a tableland i.e., on the even ground of a mountaintop where people do not tread.

Once upon a time, the well had steps to climb down. Later round-shaped well was built. Now it is covered with sieve like steel frame. Flower pots are now arranged on the steel frame.

Govinda! Govinda!! Govinda!!!