Queen Kunti Devi – Pure Devotee of the Lord Krishna

Queen Kunti Devi

who was celebrated as the wonderful mother of Pandavas, was glorified as a pure devotee of the Lord Krishna in Srimad Bhagavatam. Generally, people know Kunti Devi as the mother of Pandavas, not as a devotee. However, the topmost devotion shown by Queen Kunti is not possible for anyone else except herself. For this reason, her name was specifically mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam.

Prayers by Kunti, which were recorded in Bhagavata Purana, were filled with nectar of devotion, flooded with knowledge and renunciation. ā€œVipadah santutaashashvattatratatra jagadguro – O Supreme master of universe, O Lord Krishna, Let all these calamities fall on us again and againā€ was an unparalleled prayer by Kunti Devi. Such a type of prayer was not recorded in any scripture. That was the uniqueness of her prayer.

Pandavas used to take shelter from Lord Krishna during all difficult periods and the Lord used to appear instantly to resolve their issues. Kunti Devi witnessed that phenomenon many times and thus she boldly declared that the calamities that make the Lord Krishna appear were certainly beneficial for her.

The audience of Lord Krishna means the disappearance of repeated birth and death. Thus, by requesting Lord Krishna for repeated calamities, she occupied a unique position in Srimad Bhagavatam.

Birth of Queen Kunti Devi

Queen Kunti Devi’s birth details are as follows. Her father was King Surasena. Surasena had ten sons and five daughters. Vasudeva was one of the ten sons, whereas Kunti was one of the five daughters. Vasudevaā€™s son was Lord Krishna, thus Queen Kunti became the aunt of Lord Krishna and Arjuna became Krishnaā€™s cousin.

Lord gave her sister Subhadra to Arjuna in marriage and strengthened the already existing relationship. At the time of Vasudevaā€™s birth, demigods on the higher planets joyfully beat the kettledrums.

They were aware of the fact that Vasudeva, being situated in pure goodness, would become the father of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Daughters of Surasena

  1. Prutha,
  2. srutadeva,
  3. srutakirti,
  4. srutasrava, and
  5. Rajadhidevi

were the names of the five daughters of Surasena.

Surasena gave his daughter Prutha to one of his friends, namely KuntiBhoja who did not have offspring, for adoption. Thus, Prutha became the adopted daughter of Kuntibhoja and thus became celebrated as Kunti. Later on, she married King Pandu and became the mother of powerful Pandavas.


Pandavas always considered Lord Krishna as their life, soul, and eternal protector. In this way, both Vasudeva and Kunti Devi played very important roles in the pastimes of Lord Krishna.

Durvasa muni

Queen Kunti is considered to be the incarnation of victory potency of the Lord. Denizens of the upper planetary system used to visit her fatherā€™s palace regularly. Once Durvasa muni came as a guest to Kuntibhojaā€™s palace and the king arranged everything for his comfort. He engaged his daughter Kunti in his service with all reverence.

Durvasa muni was very much pleased with the service attitude of Kunti and gave a special benediction of inviting any demigod at command. Young princess Kunti wanted to test the efficacy of the boon and invited the Sun god. By the power of the mantra, the Sun God came down. Later a baby boy was born, to the Sun God and Kunti Devi who was celebrated as Karna.

However, out of public fear, she left the born child in a flowing river by keeping him in a golden box. That child was picked up by a person who maintains horses, thus the boy became known as the son of suta (maintainer of horses).

Kunti Devi leaving a born child in a flowing river by keeping him in a golden box
Kunti Devi leaving a born child in a flowing river by keeping him in a golden box

Later on, Kunti was married to King Pandu. Pandu was one of the sons of Vichitravirya. Dhrutarashtra and Vidura were the brothers of Pandu. Vichitravirya married two daughters of Kasiraja namely Ambika and Ambalika. But, because of an excessive sense of gratification he was affected by tuberculosis and died at a very early age.

Later, by the order of the mother, SrilaVyasadeva gave birth to Dhrutarashtra, Pandu, and Vidura from the wives of Vichitravirya and their maidservant. Bhishma was elder to Vichitravirya and thus became the elder father to Pandu and grandfather of Pandavas.

King Pandu

King Pandu married not only Kunti but also Madri. However, due to a curse, he became childless. He convinced Kunti to beget children from qualified personalities. Accordingly, Kunti invited Yama Dharmaraja and begot Yudhistir. From Vayu deva she begot Bhima and from Indra she begot Arjuna. She gave the same mantra to Madri, who invited Ashwini Kumaras and begot Nakula and Sahadeva. In this way, Pandu became the father of five sons, who were celebrated as Pandavas.

Later, Pandu died due to the previous curse leaving both wives and five sons. Madri decided to die on the pyre of her husband, but Kunti refrained from such action due to the five children. Kuntidevi along with her five sons faced so many troubles, even to the extent of death threat, due to the cunning behavior of Duryodhan and his team.

However, Lord Krishna gave all protection to her and her sons from time to time. Pandavas faced many trials from childhood till the last stage at Kurukshetra, but the series of troubles didnā€™t end there. Even much greater danger of possible destruction of Pandavasā€™ lone heir became imminent due to crazy Ashwathama.

However, Lord Krishna controlled the situation and brought complete normalcy. This incident can be considered as the climax of the trials of Pandavas and it happened under.

Battle of the Kurukshetra

At the end of the battle of the Kurukshetra war Ashwathama, the son of Dronacharya, thought of giving some notional pleasure to Duryodhan by presenting the heads of sons of Pandavas. Those boys were sleeping in the night and Ashwathama killed all of them and severed their heads to present to his master. Such a heinous act was not even appreciated by Duryodhan, but Arjuna promised to punish him with all force. He and Lord Krishna chased the miscreant on a fast-moving chariot.

Finally, they captured Ashwathama and tied him like an animal, and brought him to Draupadi. Though the killer of her sons, namely Ashwathama, was in front of her and she had all the advantage to take full revenge, she refused to punish him. She did not want to give a similar agony like her agony to the wife of Dronacharya. Then Arjuna tonsured the head of Ashwathama, took away the gem from his hair, and drove him out.

Kurukshetra war

For any Brahmana, an insult is more than death. Ashwathama was thoroughly insulted and that was sufficient for him. However, that insult made Ashwathama crazier and he released a powerful weapon to kill the lone hope of Pandavas who was just in her motherā€™s womb. Lord Krishna was preparing to leave for Dwaraka and everyone was in the mood of separation. Abhimanyuā€™s wife Uttara noticed that some dreadful weapon was coming at full speed towards her just to destroy her and her womb.

She came running to Lord Krishna. ā€œO Krishna, O Krishna, please protect me. Some fearful weapon is speeding towards me. Let it kill me, but my child in the womb should be protectedā€ she prayed with all pitifulness. Lord Krishna immediately understood the situation and entered the womb of Uttara and started circling his club to give complete protection to the child in the womb from the dreadful weapon.

He was seen as standing outside just like all others, but he miraculously entered the womb and carried out his mission of protecting the devotee. By the mystic power of Lord Krishna, the power of weapon became nullified. The child in the womb also understood that some great personality came to protect him. He simply watched the miraculous feats of the great personality of godhead.

When the calamity disappeared like fog in the presence of the Sun, Kunti Devi approached lord Krishna along with all her sons and offered prayers to her heartā€™s content. She expressed her gratitude profusely and also conveyed her loving relations as well. Her prayers to Lord Krishna occupy a very important place in Srimad Bhagavatam.

She expressed many philosophical points in her prayers that can give guidance in devotional service. She very boldly requested to bestow more and more calamities so that she could receive the audience of Lord Krishna itself remove the miseries permanently. We cannot find a single instance in any scripture where a devotee was praying for miseries. Such a unique position of asking for trouble was achieved by Kuntidevi.

Finally, she asked Lord Krishna to sever the relations with his sons and other relatives, so that her consciousness could flow like a river towards the ocean called Lord Krishna. Certainly, she had perfected her life.

Kunti Devi – Playing an Important Role

At every step, Kuntidevi played a very important role. When Pandavas were in the forest, one demonic lady Hidimba wanted to marry Bhima. Kunti persuaded Bhima to accept her as wife. Similarly, when a Brahmin family, where Pandavas were taking shelter, faced trouble with Bakasura, Kunti ordered Bhima to kill that demon. When Arjuna won Draupadi with his archery, Kunti asked all Pandavas to share her. In that way, Draupadi got five husbands.

Thus,Kunti lead a very important and responsible role in the life of Pandavas and also thoroughly enjoyed the spiritual bliss. Even her last moment of life was very glorious and divine. After Yudhistir was enthroned, Arjuna stayed for a very long time at Dwaraka. When he returned to Hastinapur, he conveyed the return of Lord Krishna to His abode. Krishnaā€™s departure came like a biggest blow to Pandavas.

Kunti overheard the news of Lord Krishnaā€™s return to his abode when Yudhistir and Arjuna were discussing the matter. She could not bear the news of separation from Krishna and immediately left her body to reach the spiritual world. Such was the pinnacle of her devotion and love for Krishna. She prayed for unbroken love for the lord and she was blessed with the same love.

She could not think of living on the earth which was left by Lord Krishna, and thus, immediately left her body to demonstrate her love for Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna is eternal; His devotees are eternal and the glory of devotees of Lord Krishna is eternal. This is eternal truth.

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