Annam Parabrahma Swarupam: Offering Food as Worship | Hindu Traditions

Understanding Annam Parabrahma Swarupam: Food & The Divine Connection ‘Dana’ is a Sanskrit word that means offering a gift or granting alms in any form. The word ‘dana’, mentioned in various Hindu texts, refers to giving without expecting anything in return. Various forms of ‘dana’ include ‘anna’ (donation of food), ‘praana’ (donation of organs), ‘bhoodana’ Read More

Annadanam Meaning: Spiritual Food Offering

Annadanam: Sacred Food Offering ‘Dana’ is a Sanskrit word that means offering a gift or granting alms in any form. The word ‘dana’, mentioned in various Hindu texts, refers to giving without expecting anything in return. Various forms of ‘dana’ include ‘anna’ (donation of food), ‘praana’ (donation of organs), ‘bhoodana’ (donation of land) and ‘godana’ Read More