The Grandeur of Tirumala Hills

Tirumala Hills

Tirumala Hills are popularly known as the abode of Lord Sri Venkateswara. These hills are known as Kaliyuga Vaikuntha bestowing and showering the divine grace of Lord Srinivasa upon the devotees uninterruptedly.

The Geographical, Pauranic and Divine significance of these hills earn a perpetually grand place among all the mountains and mountain ranges of Great Bharat. Geographically these Tirumala hills are situated at Tirupati in the Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh and are a part Seshachalam hills range of Eastern Ghats.

Eastern Ghats

The extent of Eastern Ghats covers the states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and some of the parts of Karnataka along the eastern coast of Bharat. As described in the Grand Epic Srimad Ramayana of Valmiki these were known by the name Mahendra Giri, a grand and continuous range of mountains with one thousand peaks.

At the time of the marvellous leap of Hanuman across the ocean from Rameswaram to Lanka, these hills were broken into discrete sections of hills scattered in the said regions of Bharat having been pressed under the strong feet of the gigantic form of him. In these partitioned parts the great rivers Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri, adding picturesque beauty to nature, have been perennially flowing through these regions.

Inside Annadanam canteen - The Grandeur of Tirumala Hills

These Hills of Tirumala, being a part of Eastern ghats, have the inherited richness of flora and fauna, rare minerals and stones like limestone, bauxite and iron of these ghats.

Though the Tirumala Hills are presently said to have been covering 10.33 miles (26.75 km) in area the original extent of these hills as found in the Brahma Purana is 30 yojanas in length and 3 yojanas in width. A yojana is equal to 9 miles. So the length of the Seshachalam Hills range is 270 miles and the width is 27 miles.

Seven Hills

It is popularly known as the area of seven peaks namely

  1. Seshadri,
  2. Neeladri,
  3. Garudadri,
  4. Anjanadri,
  5. Vrushabhadri,
  6. Narayanadri and
  7. Venkatadri.

Hence the temple of Lord Srinivasa on the top of these hills is known as the Temple of Seven Hills.

The Seven Hills collection is just the visible part of this holy place. But as has been mentioned earlier this is a very long range of hills of 270 miles in length.

These hills have several other names like

  • Anjanadri,
  • Vrishadri,
  • Seshadri,
  • Garudachala,
  • Tirthadri,
  • Srinivasadri,
  • Chintamani Giri,
  • Vrushabhadri,
  • Varahadri,
  • Jnanadri,
  • Kanakachala,
  • Anandadri,
  • Niladri,
  • Sumeru Sikharachala,
  • Simhachala,
  • Vaikunthadri and
  • Pushkaradri,

Each of these names has its pauranic importance in the history of Tirumala Hills.

Tirupati Balaji - Lord Venkateswara Swamy Harathi

Vrushadri or Dharmagiri

As Anjana Devi, the mother of Anjaneya, did penance on these hills to obtain him as her son this mountain is called Anjanadri. The word Vrusha means Dharma. As this is the abode of Dharma this region is known as Vrushadri or Dharmagiri.

Seshadri / Seshachalam

Seshadri is a very significant name for several reasons. Sesha the great serpent has been serving Sri Mahavishnu in many ways. He became the bed of Vishnu in the Milky Ocean. With one hood he is fanning the God. With one hood, he held all the weapons of Vishnu. One of the hoods became the head pillow of the Great God. One hood became the pillow below the feet of Srinatha.

With several hoods, he is providing shadow to Sri Jagatpati. Still, he is not satisfied. Hence he told Vishnu that he wanted to become a Hill and requested Him to dwell upon him. Sripathi nodded his head acquired the form of Sri Venkateswara and settled on the top of it which is known as Anadanilaya.

Hence the main mountain peak of this range is known as Seshadri and the entire range of the mountains is also called Seshachalam.

Garudadri / Garudachalam

One of the peaks is called Garudadri for the reason that it, the sports mountain (Krida Parvataa) of Srinatha from the Vaikuntha, has been brought by Garuda to this hill range placed it here. The other name of Garudadri is Garudachala. Sixty-five thousand Tirthas (holy streams of water) flow on the peaks of these hills along the 270-mile length of this Seshachalam. Hence this is called Tirthadri.

As this is the abode of Srinivasa, the incarnation of Vishnu, this is called Srinivasadri.

Chintamani Giri / Vrishabhadri

Chintamani Giri is one of the divine names of this mountain just for the reason this fulfils all the desires of the devotees who ever visit Lord Srinivasa on this mountain. Chintamani is the divine Gem in the control of Indra which yields all kinds of fulfilment just by praying to it.

Hence this mountain is known by Chintamani Giri for its resemblance with the gem Chintamani in fulfilling the desires of the devotees. This is also called Vrishabhadri.


Dharma in the form of Vrushabha (A Divine Bull) moves in this region. Hence this is called Vrushabhadri. Before the advent of Lord Srinivasa, this hill range was under the rule of The Svetha Varaha incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Srinivasa requested Varaha Swami to permit him to stay there. Varaha Swami permitted Him to stay forever. Hence this is called Varahadri.

Ananda Nilayam Tirumala
Ananda Nilayam – Tirumala


Jnanadri is the name attained by the Ananda nilaya part of these hills for the reason that the devotees who visit these hills with great devotion attain the essential knowledge for ultimate Moksha. Once this mountain was full of gold. Hence this is called Kanakachala.

This is the place of inexplicable bliss and eternal source of salvation. Hence this is called Anandadri. As Srinivasa Swami was served by Niladevi on this mountain back this is called Niladri. Once a Brahmin named Narayana did a great penance on this mountain. So this is called Narayanadri.

Sumeru Sikharachala – Venkata Giri

Sumeru Sikharachala is a very significant one of all names of this mountain range. According to the scriptures and Brahma Purana, Venkata, the son of Sumeru was brought here by Garuda. The word Venkata, being the dwelling place of Lord Sri Venkateswara, became meaningful in two ways.

  1. Vem- Sins Kata – annihilates. As this annihilates all the sins of the devotees this is called Venkata Giri.
  2. Vem is the syllable of Nectar (Eternality). Kata is the suffix representing Wealth.

This mountain is the source of Nectar (Eternality) and Wealth this is called Venkata Giri. As this mountain is the offspring of Sumeru this is called Sumeru Sikharachala. Having been brought by Garuda this is placed on the banks of the river Suvarnamukhi.

Simhachala or Simhasaila

Simhachala or Simhasaila is another name for this mountain for the reason that Lord Nrusimha swami made this his abode for some time while gracing Prahlada after the slaughter of Hiranyakasipu.

Kaliyuga Vaikunta / Vaikuntadri

Vaikunthadri is one of the finest names of this mountain. According to this, Lord Srinivasa or Sri Venkateswara Swami or Balaji the incarnation of Sri Mahavishnu took a vow to permanently stay here till the end of Kaliyuga having left his original home Vaikuntha.

Hence this Tirumala is known as Kaliyuga Vaikunta or Vaikuntadri. One who gets the Darshan of Lord Sri Venkateswara and who takes a holy dip in the Swamipushkarini is assured to have a permanent place in Vaikuntha.

Final Word

In this manner, this great range of mountains which is not a small one has been worshipped with great devotion by all devotees as the very form of lord Sri Venkateswara. Every devotee needs to visit the Large range of mountains as depicted in the Brahma Purana.

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Holy Waterfalls (Theertham) to be visited in Tirumala

Theerthams (Holy Waterfalls) in Tirumala

Tirumala shrine is a source of many holy waterfalls (Theertham/ Teertham). These are the sacred places where many sages undertook penance and had a glimpse of the Lord directly. They remove all sorts of sins. Let us try to know about them in brief.

Let us visit them, absolve ourselves of all our sins and accrue merits.

Akasha Ganga / Akasa Ganga

It is two miles away from the Holy Lake of the Lord towards the north. In the past, Anjana Devi undertook penance here and obtained Anjaneya as the son. Hence, it is called Anjanadri. A Brahmin named Ramanuja did penance here and realised the presence of Lord Venkateswara Swami.

Akasha Ganga or Akasa Ganga - Theerthams (Holy Waterfalls) in Tirumala 

A holy dip in these waters on the Full Moon day of Mesha month with Chitta as the ruling star, results in liberation. A Brahmin who developed a donkey’s complexion got rid of it in the past due to a holy dip in these waters. There is a bus facility to this place. We can visit it on any day of the week. Vaishnava priests draw two vessels of this holy water every day for the Lord’s anointing ceremony (Friday Abhisekam).

Gogarbha Theertham (Pandava Theertham)

There is Gogarbha Teertham three kilometres away from Tirumala temple towards the North. It resembles a cow’s womb where several sages undertook penance. The Pandavas during their exile in the forest spent some of their time here and served Lord Srinivasa. Hence, it is known as Pandava Teertham.

Gogarbha Theertham (Pandava Theertham)

There are statues of Pandavas in this cave. Tirumala’s guardian angel Rudra is here in the form of a big boulder. There will be an anointing ceremony for this Rudra on the day of Sivaratri every year with namaka, chamaka hymns. In the recent past, Malayala Swami undertook penance here for some time.

Papa Vinashanam

There is Papa Vinashanam water-fall 3 miles away towards the north of the temple. Holy dip in this water and sipping a little bit of it will absolve us of all our sins. Dridhamati who turned an eagle due to his sins attained liberation after bathing in these waters. A Brahmin was freed of a priest’s ghost (Brahma rakshasi). Bhadramati became rich by drinking this water.

Papa Vinashanam - Theerthams (Holy Waterfalls) in Tirumala 

The best way is to take a holy dip in it on the seventh day of Ashwayuja month during a Sunday joined by the Uttarashadha ruling star or on the twelfth day with the Uttarabhadra ruling star. Pilgrims can visit this on any day. There is a bus facility to this waterfall.

click here for the Google Maps location.

Jabali Theertham

There is Jabali teertham in the beautiful valley two miles away from the Holy Lake towards its north. Since Sage Jabali undertook penance here, it has become popular as Jabali Teertham. In the past, a Brahmin named Durachara was evicted of a priest’s ghost with a holy dip in it.

Jabali theertham / Jabali teeertham / Japali theertham

Agastya undertook penance here for some time and realised the presence of Lord Venkateswara Swami. There is an ancient Anjaneya Swami temple here run under the auspices of the Mahant Monastery. There are Sithamma Teertham and Dhriva Teertham nearby.

One can go by bus on the way from Tirumala to Papa Vinashanam to this place by walking for a mile.

click here for the Google Maps location.

Vaikuntha Teertham / Vaikuntha Theertham

There is a cave two miles away from the Holy Lake of the Lord towards the north-east. It is called Vaikuntha Cave and the water getting forth from here is called Vaikuntha Teertham. When Lord Srirama visited this place along with the monkey legion, the monkeys saw a big city and Lord Sri Maha Vishnu in this cave.

When they came out frightened, the cave was closed. Coming to know of it, Srirama told them that it was a heaven on the earth where Lord Vishnu moved about and they were lucky to get his divine darshan. There is no proper road to this place.

Chakra Teertham (Natural Rock Arch)

There is Chakra Teertham two miles towards the north-west of the main temple. There is a natural rock arch of 250 crore years old here and Chakra teertha a hundred feet away by its side. It appears the Lord ordered God Sudarshana to protect his devotee undertaking penance there.

Chakra Teertha Mukkoti or Chakra Theertham

A Brahmin named Sundara from Srirangam was relieved of his demonhood after bathing in these waters. Chakra Teertha Mukkoti is celebrated on the twelfth day of dark fortnight of Karthika. On that day, the priests from Tirumala go to this place to perform anointing ceremony, worship and offering of food to Sudarshana and Narasimha Swami.

Those who visit the Chakra teertham can also visit the nearby natural rock arch.

Sri Ramakrishna Theertham

Ramakrishna Teertham is 6 miles away towards the north of the main temple. In the past, sages Krishna and Ramakrishna performed penance here one after the other and realised the presence of the Lord and hence, it is called Ramakrishna Teertham.

Ramakrishna Theertham

On the Full Moon day of Makara masa with Pushya ruling star, Tirumala temple priests go over there to perform an anointing ceremony and worship Srirama and Krishna. Pilgrims can go by bus up to Papa Vinashanam and walk to the teertham.

Kumaradhara Teertham

This is six miles away from the Lord’s temple towards the north. We can go by bus up to Papa Vinashanam and walk to the place. A disease-ridden old man, it appears, turned a young man after bathing in these holy waters. Hence, it got the appellation of Kumaradhara.


After killing Tarakasura, Kumara Swami was afflicted by the sin of killing a Brahmin. He was relieved of it by undertaking penance in Kumaradhara teertham. A holy dip in this teertham on the Full Moon day of Magha month is quite rewarding.

Tumburu Teertham (Ghona Teertham)

It is situated around ten miles away from the Lord’s temple towards its north. It is also called Ghona teertham or Tumba teertham. Sage Tumburu and an atheist Sarvabaddha bathed in this teertham and attained ascetic perfection and liberation. This teertha mukkoti is held on the Full Moon day of Phalguna month. Thousands of devotees visit it on this day.

Tumburu Theertham (Ghona Theertham) or Tumburu Teertham (Ghona Teertham)

One can go by bus up to Papa Vinashanam and then walk to this place for seven miles. People are allowed to this teertham only on this day. In the cave nearby, 300 years ago Tarigonda Vengamamba and later Malayala Swami undertook penance.

Final Word – Pushkaradri

Besides the above, there are a number of teerthas and lakes on the slopes of Tirumala Hills like Jarahara teertham, Phalguni teertham, Sanakasanandana teertham, Kayarasayana teertham, Deva teertham, Asthi Sarovara teertham, Kataha teertham, Sesha teertham, Sankha teertham, etc. That is why, the Venkatachalam is also called “Pushkaradri”.

Glory of Seven Hills

Let us know the importance and glory of Seven Hills. 

Five Forms

As per our scriptures, Lord Sriman Narayana is worshipped in five forms.


The form of the Lord with His Divine Consorts in Sri Vaikuntam, being worshipped by the residents there, namely Nityas (Permanent residents) and Muktas (The Liberated Souls);


The form put on by the Lord in Ksheerabdhi- the ocean of Milk, where the demigods like Brahma and other devas can approach Him and get their wishes granted;


The form of the Lord while He takes incarnations such as Rama, Krishna etc. He incarnates in the world, to protect the good ones, remove the evil-doers and establish the Sanatana Dharma. This form could be witnessed by those who have the opportunity to live at that time of incarnation.


The form with which the Lord dwells in everyone’s heart. Only those practising Yoga can realize Him when blessed.


The form of the Lord is enshrined in temples consecrated by rituals prescribed by our scriptures. Here the Lord dwells with all His powers, which He enjoys in all other forms. Here the Lord is seen with all human eyes and worshipped. This form of Archa is easy to comprehend by anybody and everybody, as it is easily approachable and kept in mind for devotional purposes.

Tirupati Balaji - Lord Venkateswara Swamy Harathi

Among the Archa forms, 108 such forms have a special status being graded as Divyadesams, glorified by Alwars, twelve in number, sacred saints who extolled Him and the kshetras, presided by Him.

4 Special DivyaDesams

Among the 108 Divyadesams, four occupy special places, as a part of pilgrimage. They are

  1. Srirangam,
  2. Tirumala,
  3. Kanchipuram and
  4. Tirunarayanapuram (Melkote- in Karnataka).

As it is glorified “Kalou Venkatanaayaka”, Lord Sri Venkateswara of Tirumala is the much sought-after deity in Kaliyuga.

Every day thousands and thousands of devotees throng Tirumala for His Govinda Darshan and get His blessings. The chanting of “Yedu Kondalavada Venkataramana Govindaa Govinda” reverberates in all places in Tirumala. It even rings in our ears even after we reach our homes at far-off places.

The presiding deity of Tirumala, Lord Sri Venkateswara poses in the standing form, among Seven Hills and gives darshan to devotees night and day without any rest whatsoever. Not only the Lord, but even the Hills situated around can give us Moksha- Salvation to devotees in due course, as per our scriptures.

Tirumala Hills - Seven Hills

Seven Hills

The seven hills situated around Tirumala are Vrushabhadri, Anjanadri, Vrushadri, Garudadri, Seshadri, Narayanadri and Venkatadri.


Once, there lived an Asura called Vrushabasura who lived near Thumburutheertham in Tirumala. He used to do great penance with full austerity. Lord Siva, in due course, appeared before him and directed him to ask any boon. Asura, with his demonic thoughts, wanted that he would like to fight with Lord Siva Himself. Siva obliged him.

There was a fierce battle and the Asura was defeated. However, he requested Lord Siva to name that place after him. Lord Siva blessed him accordingly and that is why, that hill has come to be known as ‘Vrushabhadri‘.


Kesari, chieftain of Vanaras and his wife is Anjana Devi. For a long time, they were not blessed with any child. Anjana Devi then went to a sacred place near Akasa Ganga in Tirumala and performed penance. Vayu Bhagavan, the Wind God, appeared before her and presented her with a fruit. Consuming that, Kesari and Anjana Devi were blessed with a son.

Anjana Devi - Anjanadri - Glory of Seven Hills

That son is the famous Hanuman. He is also known as Anjaneya, the son of Anjana Devi. The place where Anjana Devi did penance came to be known as ‘Anjanadri’.


VRUSHA means Dharma (Righteousness). It is said that Dharma Devata did penance here in Tirumala to attain eternal prosperity. Lord Venkateswara was pleased with his penance and granted wish. The place where Dharma Devata did penance, has come to be known as ‘Vrushadri’. It is also referred ad Dharmadri in some places.


GARUDA is the son of Vinata Devi and Sage Kasyapa. He is the Vahana- the divine vehicle of the Lord Vishnu. Kadru is another wife of Kasyapa. She had serpents (snakes) as her children. There was a great enmity between Garuda and Serpents. Garuda used to kill serpents at his will. Because of this, he incurred a lot of sin.

Natural Stone Garuda Formation
Natural Stone Garuda Formation

To wash off the sins, Garuda did penance. When the Lord appeared before him, Garuda entreated him to take him back to Sri Vaikuntam. However, the Lord told him that He would be residing in Tirumala- surrounded by Seven Hills and that he could come there for any service. The Lord named the place where Garuda did penance as ‘Garudadri’. It is also known as Garudachalam.


There are a few different stories for the place to be known as Seshadri. Sesha means Adisesha, the first and foremost faithful servant of the Lord. He acts as the umbrella to protect from Rain and sun beams, the seat where the Lord sits, the Bed when He reclines, the Sacred Sandal (Paduka) when he walks and so on.

Seshadri - Golory of Seven Hills

It is told that there was a bitter contest between Adisesha and Vayu, the first one protecting the peak of Meru with His hood, while the latter trying to blow off the peak. The contest was going on for a long time. As other gods requested Adisesha to relent and accordingly Adisesha stopped the fight. But the Wind god blew away the peak which fell near the banks of the Swarnamuki River.

When Adisesha was dejected by the act of Vayu, the Gods consoled him and named the hill formed out of Meru peak as ‘Seshadri’, after him. It is also called Seshachalam.


Narayana maharishi wanted to perform penance in praise of Lord Vishnu. So he approached Brahma to show him a place where he could do penance without any outside disturbance. Brahma accordingly showed a place near Tirumala. The Maharishi performed the penance and the Lord appeared before him and blessed him.

NARAYANADRI - Glory of Seven Hills

The Lord also informed that the place will be called as ‘Narayanadri’ henceforth.


This is the central place where the temple of Lord Sri Venkateswara is situated. The Lord chose this place as his permanent residence to bless all the devotees who come to him for any wishes.

VENKATADRI - Glory of Seven Hills

Venkatam means that one wipes out all sins and blesses with riches. When the sins are wiped out, you duly get Moksha or Salvation in due course. This is depicted in Nammalwar’s Hymn.

“kundram yendi kulir mazhai kaattavan
andru gnalam alanda piraan
sendru ser thiruvenkatamamalai
ondrume thozha nam vinai oyume”

The Lord protected Gokulam from the torrential rain, ordered by Indra, by holding Govardana Hill for Seven days. Lord measured the universe by His foot during Tiruvikramavataram, and Himself opted to stay in Tiruvenkata Hill. If one prays to the Venkatadri, all his sins will be wiped out and will be blessed with wealth and prosperity.

It is here in Venkatam, Sri Nammalwar surrendered Himself to the presiding Divine Couple, which is depicted in his Tiruvaimoli (6-10-10). Tiruvenkatamudayan, who dwells amongst the holy seven hills, will shower his choicest blessings on us if only we surrender unto him.

Anjaneya- Hanuman – Tirumala

Anjaneya / Hanuman

A simple recollection of the name itself brings about a great joy propelled by Bhakti. A mere reflection of the imposing mountain range adds fervor to Prapatti. This one word is enough to create a ripple effect of utmost dedication. What makes the word so powerful and impactful?

One reason is the presence of the Supreme Godhead in the Sanctum Sanctorum of the temple located on the hill. There should not be an iota of doubt to believe in this reason. But there is yet another factor that drives boundless Bhakti on hearing the word ‘Tirumala.’ And that reason is – Anjaneya or Hanuman.

All Puranas and Itihasas of Vedic lore stress an important aspect of ‘Bhakta Vatsalya’ shown by the Almighty. The Supreme Soul always shows a tender affection towards the other souls in this creation.

Through the episodes of Prahlada, Gajendra & Ajamila, God Narayana has exemplified His infinite kindness towards his Bhaktas. He preferred to be called “Prahlada Varada” “Gaja Rakshaka” or “Ajamila Varada” instead of being called Vishnu or Hari or Sarvottama.


Likewise, the limitless power of the word Tirumala can also be ascribed to ‘Anjanadri’ an alternative name for the same hill. Bhavishyottara Purana vividly describes how the Tirumala hill got to be known as ‘Anjanadri’ during Treta Yuga.


Kesari and Anjana belong to the Vanara (monkey) race and were living in precincts of Pampa Kshetra (today’s Hampi). They were frequenting the hermitage of Sage Matanga to attain spiritual knowledge. Though they were married for a long, unfortunately, they were left childless and this has caused great agony for the benevolent couple.

They sought a bit of advice from their Guru and a response to the request Sage Matanga told them to relocate to Tirumala Hill. He told Anjana Devi to undertake a severe penance on the banks of Akasaganga, a sacred water body located on the Tirumala hill.

Accordingly, Kesari and Anjana reached Akasaganga where the latter took to penance for 12 years. As a result of her austerity, Vayudeva (God of Wind) bestowed Anjani with a mango fruit in which his reflection was embedded.

Subsequently, Kesari and Anjana were blessed with a boy who had been named ‘Hanuman’ by the sages.

Meaning of Hanuman

In Sanskrit, ‘Hanu’ means ‘knowledge’, and ‘Man’ means the one possessing (a quality). Thus Hanuman means the one with ‘great knowledge’. As he was born to Anjana Devi, the boy has also been called as ‘Anjaneya’.

God Vishnu was pleased with the severe penance of Anjana and bestowed a boon that the sacred will be known after her name. Thus, ‘Anjanadri’ became a synonym for Tirumala.

Anjanadri – Birthplace of Anjaneya

The name ‘Anjanadri’ also indicates the birth of Anjaneya which took place on this hill. It also must be remembered here that the water needed for the daily Puja of Sri Venkateswara is being brought from Akasaganga only on the banks of which Anjanadevi gave birth to Anjaneya.

Thus, the Supreme Godhead presented his sacred abode as a symbol of virtuous austerity, sincere devotion, and unparalleled dedication. This is the reason why the word ‘Tirumala’ generates such fervor among devotees to this day.

Anjaneya Swam temple back Tirumala
Drawing of Hanuman on the back side of the temple in Tirumala


We are quite familiar with the relationship between Lord Rama and Hanuman. Like how Sita can’t be separated from Rama so is the case with Rama and Hanuma. Ancient scriptures such as Ananda Ramayana describe the pilgrimage of Lord Rama to Anjanadri after He was coroneted as the king of Ayodhya.

This legend clearly shows how Rama who is none other than Lord Venkateswara has highlighted the importance and sanctity of Anjanadri (Tirumala).

*Data Source: Saptagiri Magazine