Sri Vaishnava Mantras – Explore Sacred Chants
In general, the human body must undergo several Samskaras before being ready for God’s realization. The Vaishnavaits regard that among all the Samskaras, the Pancha-Samskara is superior to all. According to them true life as a Vaishnavaite starts with Pancha-Samskara – the five Samskaras.
During Smaashrayanam the Pancha- Samskara is performed. Smaashrayanam means to approach (Acharya) with all sincerity. The Acharya initiates the person as his Sishya. On the part of the Sishya, this means, that he or she will live as per the wishes of the Acharya. Vaishnava Brahmins in the south of India have the title “Iyengar”.
They are called so since they follow the five Samskaras – “Iyendu angam Udayavar”. The Pancha Samskaram gives
Pancha Samskara
The Pancha-Samskara refers to the five angas of Prapatti. They are –
Thaapa Samskaram
Here, the Acharya embosses the impressions of Conch and Discuss on the left and right arms of the disciple. Sudarshana Azhvar’s protection is always given to the devotee. Panchajanya, the Conch shatters all evils.
Pundra Samskaram
The Acharya makes the disciple aware of the places on the body where the Upavyuha forms of the Lord are to be saluted – they are twelve in all. During this initiation the disciple is made aware of the names of the Lord and His consort associated with each Upavyuha form of Lord Narayana and of the way he has to offer his salutations.
Each Upavyuha form of Sriman Narayana is externally represented by the “Oordhva Pundram” (Tiruman Kaapu or tilak). The Tiruman represents the Lord and the “Sri Choornam” represents the consort. The twelve “Oordhva Pundrams” are known “Dwaadasha Oordhva Pundram”.
Nama Samskaram
The Acharya adds the name “Daasa” at the end of the disciple’s name. It signifies that the disciple will be a servant of Lord Sriman Narayana and Sri Ramanuja forever.
Mantra Samskaras
Among the Pancha-Samskaras, Mantra Samskara is rated high. This samskara involves learning from the Acharya of three esoteric Srivaishnava mantras along with their invocatory verses.
The mantras are
- (a) Ashtaaksharam (also referred to as the Moola mantram or Thiru Mantram)
- (b) Dwaya mantram (also referred to as Mantra Ratna)
- (c) Charama Shloka.
Yajna (Yaaga) Samskaram
In this Samskara, the Acharya teaches the disciple Bhagavad Aaradhana. Aaradhana is the way of worshipping Lord Narayana. Two forms of Aaradhana are recognized – (a) Baahya (external) (b) Manasika (internal).
More on Mantra Samskaras
In this section, we will be discussing Mantra Samskara. As indicated earlier, the initiation of the Mantras must be through a competent Acharya (Sadaacharya – who is eligible to perform Smaashrayanam to others) and only to disciples considered deserving by him. This is to enable the devotee to get linked to the Parampara.
The mantras are highly potent and contain deep philosophical meanings. It is only initiated to disciples who have undergone Smaashrayanam. The utterance of Pranava (AUM) in public is restricted. However, anyone without any restriction to cast or creed can chant aloud in public “Namo Narayana”.
The Ashtaaksharam (referred to as Moola mantra or Thiru mantram) is “Aum Namo Narayana”. It consists of eight syllables and three words.
This mantra has been initiated to Sri Pundareeka and the great Bhakta Prahlada by Sage Narada himself. Lord Narayana has initiated this to Tirumangai Azhwar.
(a) The first word is Pranavam (Aum) and it has three letters.
- The first letter “a” (akaaram) refers to Lord Vishnu.
- A is the beginning of all letters and Lord Vishnu is the origin of beings. The Lord, in turn, provides complete protection to all souls – at all places, at all times and in all states.
- The second Letter: u” (ukaaram) refers to Goddess Lakshmi.
- The third letter “m” (makaaram) is the 25th letter in the Sanskrit alphabet.
Similarly, the soul or Jivatma is the 25th tattva (First tattva is matter; the second is mahat; then the 5 gross elements starting from Ether; then the 5 subtle elements starting with sound; then the 5 Jnanendriyas; then the 5 karmendriyas. The total number of tattvas so far is 23; The 24th is Manas; The 25th tattva is the Jeevatma).
Summarizing the Jivatma is a servant of Lord Narayana and Mother Maha Lakshmi.
(b) The second word of the Tiru-mantram has two letters – “na” and “ma”. This leads to two meanings.
The first one is- Namah refers to salutations to Lord Narayana.The second meaning arises when you split it as two words – Na Maha. It means “not mine” Now Namah can be interpreted to mean –I am not mine. I am only a servant to the Lord, I belong to the Lord.Nothing is mine. Everything belongs to the Lord. Independence is not mine. I am depending on the Lord. Mastership is not mine. I am not the master of anybody, including myself. Lord Narayana is the master of everyone.
(c ) The third word of the Tiru-mantram is “Narayana”.
The word “ra” refers to that which perishes and hence to “achetana”. Thus “nara” refers to that which does not perish and that is – Chetana or Jivatma. That which does not perish includes the Lord also Now the word “ayana” has three interpretations –
- (1) A resting place or abode
- (2) “Upaya” or means
- (3) Fruit or objective
Meaning of the word Narayana
Against this background, what is the meaning of the word Narayana? We come with two interpretations –
(1) When “ayana” is interpreted as the resting place, the Narayana has two meanings
- a) One who is the resting place for all Naras – Chetanas and Achetanas. He contains all Naras. Hence, He is bigger than all of them put together. his quality of the Lord is referred to as “Bahir Vyaapti”
- b) One whose resting place is Naras – this refers to all Chetanas and Achetanas. He is contained in each one of them. Hence He is smaller than the smallest of them. This quality is referred to as “Antar Vyaapti”
So far we have talked about the various interpretations of the words in the Ashtakshara. Scholars have put them together, and ten different meanings are now available for the Ashtakshara. They are given below.
Ashtakshara is, just not a Mantra to be mechanically repeated. The surrender to the Lord has to be total and not conditional. Attitude of approach, mental and physical (Bhaava) has to be that of a servant.
- (a) Salutations to Lord Narayana
- (b) I surrender myself to the Lord. My existence is merely for the pleasure of the Lord. I surrender the protection of myself to the Lord.
- (c ) I am the servant to Lord Narayana and Mother Sri Maha Lakshmi. I am not subservient to anyone else. I am dependent on them
- (d) I surrender myself to the Lord. He is my only protector
- (e) I will do service to only Lord Narayana and Sri Maha Lakshmi. My service is purely for the pleasure of the Lord and Mother and not for myself.
- (f) I will do service to the Lord and Mother at all times. I will also do service to Bhagavathas.
- (g) I own nothing. I belong to the Lord. Anything and everything that I have belongs also to the Lord.
- (h) I do not have any Upaya (means) other than Prapatti – a total surrender at His feet. I want Him to bless and release me from the cycle of birth and death and do service to Him.
- (i) I cannot protect myself. The Lord has to protect me. I pray to Him to overlook all my sins and bless me with eternal service to Him.
- (j) I belong only to the Lord. I will do eternal service to Him.