Shree Suktam Vedic Hymn: Learn About Lakshmi’s Powerful Mantra
Sooktas come under the category of Stuti Slokas. The word Sookta is from Su + Ukta meaning very well told. Shree Suktam is in praise of Goddess Maha Lakshmi – the consort of Lord Narayana. This Sooktam is a compilation of many Sooktas available in Vedas and Puranas.
Sadhaks chant this Sookta having complete faith that the grace of Maha Lakshmi will be bestowed on them.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 1
Om Hiranyavarnam Harinim suvarna rajatasrajam Chandram
Hiranmayim Lakshmim Jaatavedo ma aavah || 1 ||
O, Agni Deva (Jaataveda)! Please invoke on my behalf the Goddess Maha Lakshmi; the Goddess who shines with the complexion of gold (Hiranyavarnam), destroyer of all sins (Harinim), who wears silver and gold ornaments (suvarna rajatasrajam), blooming like the moon (Chandram), who is the embodiment of all wealth – to come here and shower her grace on me
Shree Suktam – Stanza 2
Thaam ma aavaha jatavedo Lakshmi manapagaamineem
Yasyaam hiranyam vindeyam kaamaswam purushaanaham || 2 ||
O, Agni Deva invite Maha Lakshmi by whose grace I received gold, cows, horses, friends and relatives to come here and never leave me (anapagaamineem).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 3
Ashva poorvaam radha madhyaam hasti naada prabodhineem
Shriyam devimupahvaye sreermaa devirjushatam || 3 ||
I invoke (upahvaye) Sreedevi (Shriyam devi), who has a line of horses in front (Ashva poorvaam), a series of chariots in the middle (radha madhyaam), who is heralded with the trumpeting of elephants (hasti naada prabodhineem) to come and shower her grace and reside happily within me (maa jushatam).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 4
Kaam sosmitaam hiranyaprakaram aardhram jwalantheem truptaam
tharpayantheem Padme sthtitaam padma varnaam thaam upahvaye sriyam || 4 ||
I hereby invoke (upahvaye) that Shri (Lakshmi) who always has a pleasant smile on her face (smitaam); lives in a golden fort (hiranyaprakaram), is full of mercy (aardhram), is divinely resplendent (jvalantheem), is the embodiment of absolute bliss (truptaam), grants bliss (tharpayantheem), is seated on the lotus (Padme’ sthitaam) and is beautiful like the lotus (padma varnaam).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 5
Chandram prabhasam yashasa jvalanteem shriyam loke deva jushtam udaaraam
taam padminimim sharanam aham prapadye alakshmir me nashyatam tvaam vrne || 5 ||
I take refuge at the feet of Sri Lakshmi, who is beautiful like the moon (Chandram), luminous in a divine glow (prabhasam), who is blazing with renown (yashasa jvalanteem), is adored by the gods (deva jushtam), is full of mercy (udaaraam), wears a lotus in her hand (padminim). I surrender to that Sri Devi (sharanam aham prapadye) and pray (vrne ) that she remove poverty from me (alakshmir nashyatam).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 6
Adhityavarne tapaso adhijaatho vanaspathisthava vrukshodha bilwah,
Tasya phalaani tapasa nudanthu mayaantharayascha baahya alakshmi. || 6 ||
O Devi, radiant like the Sun (Adhityavarne) you have created (adhijaatho) with your penance (tapasa) the bael tree (bilwah vruksha), considered as the king of the forest (vanaspathi).
The fruits of this tree (tasya phalani) created by you destroy the inner ignorance (maya antharayah) and the inauspicious tendencies (alakshmi) rising due to the external senses (baahya).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 7
Upaithu maam deva sakhah keerthishcha maninaa saha,
Pradhur bhoothosmi rashtresmin keerthim vruddhim dadhathu me || 7 ||
O Lakshmi, may Kubera (deva sakhah), the god of wealth and the lord of fame (keerthishcha) follow me (upaithu) with all the wealth (maninaa saha). Through your grace, I am born (pradhur bhoothah asmi) in this country (asmin rashtre) that has a heritage of wealth. Bestow (dadhathu) on me fame (keertim) and prosperity (ridhim).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 8
Kshutpipaasa malaam jyeshtaamalakshmim nashayamyaham,
Abhoothim asamrudheem cha sarvam nirnudha me grahat. || 8 ||
I shall destroy (nashayamyaham), Jyeshta Devi (Alakshmi), the elder sister to Lakshmi, the embodiment of inauspiciousness and evil such as hunger and thirst (Kshutpipaasa malaam). O Lakshmi, drive out (nirnudha) from my abode (me grahat.) all misfortunes and poverty (sarvam abhoothim asamrudheem).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 9
Gandhadwaaram duradharsham nithyapushtaam kareeshineem,
Eshwaree sarva bhoothaanam thaamehopahvaye shriyam. || 9 ||
I invoke Maha Lakshmi (thaam shriyam) who is always sweet smelling (Gandhadwaara) , who can never be defeated (duradharsham), who gives health and prosperity (nithyapushtam), who has everything (kareeshineem) and who is the goddess (eshwareem) of all beings (sarva bhoothaanam) to come and grace (upahvaye) me here.
Shree Suktam- Stanza 10
Maanasah kamamaakuthim vachah sathya masheemahi,
Pashunaam roopamannasya mayi sreeh shrayathaam yashah. || 10 ||
O Sri Devi (Sreeh)! I would like to enjoy the noble desires (Kaamam), the happiness (aakutim) that arises from within me (manasah), the truth (satyam) in my speech (vachah) and the happiness derived due to an abundance of cattle (pashunaam) and food (annasya) at my disposal. May I gain (shrayatam) fame (yashah).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 11
Maanasah kamamaakuthim vachah sathya masheemahi,
Pashunaam roopamannasya mayi sreeh shrayathaam yashah. || 11 ||
O, Maharshi Kardama (Kardama), may Maha Lakshmi, who was born as a daughter in your house (praja-bhuta), grace me with her presence (mayi sambhava). Make mother (mataram) Sri Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth (sriyam) who always adorns a garland of lotus flowers (padma-malinim), to have her abode (vasaya) forever in my family (me kule).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 12
Apah srujantu snigdháni Chiklíta vasa me grihe
Ni cha devím mátaram shriyam vásaya me kule || 12 ||
Sage Chiklita, you are the son of Sri Maha Lakshmi. Request Her to provide (srujantu) us with holy water (apah) and good food (snigdhani). Please come live (vasa) in my (me) house (grihe). Please request mother (mataram) devi (devim) Sri Devi (shriyam) to live (vasaya) in our (me’) family (kule’) forever.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 13
Aardhraam pushkarineem pushteem pingalaam padma malineem
Chandraam hiranmayeem Lakshmim jatavedo ma avah || 13 ||
O Agni deva (jatavedah), please invoke (avah) for me (ma’) Maha Lakshmi (Lakshmim), who is full of mercy (aardhraam), who is seated on a lotus (pushkarineem), who is the presiding deity for nourishment (pushteem) for all, who has a complexion of Kum Kum (pingalaam), who wears a garland of lotuses (padma malineem), pleasant like a moon (Chandram) and wears gold ornaments (hiranmayeem)
Shree Suktam – Stanza 14
Aardhraam pushkarineem pushteem pingalaam padma malineem
Chandraam hiranmayeem Lakshmim jatavedo ma avah || 14 ||
O Agni Deva (jatavedah), invoke for me (ma’ avah) the goddess Maha Lakshmi (Lakshmim) who is full of mercy (aardhram), is very solemn (karineem), carries an ensign of authority (yashtim), has a beautiful complexion (suvarnaam), is resplendent like the Sun (Suryam) and who is radiant wearing golden ornaments (hema maalineem)
Shree Suktam – Stanza 15
Thaam ma avaha jathavedo Lakshmi manapagaamineem,
Yasyaam hiranyam prabhootham gaavo dasyoswaan
vindheyam purushaanaham || 15 ||
O Agni Deva (jathavedo), be pleased to bless me (avah) so that goddess Sri Devi (thaam Lakshmi), by whose grace (yasyaam) I will get countless (prabhootham) gold (hiranyam), cattle (gaavah), maidservants (dasyah), horses (aswaan) and servants (purushaan) will never leave me (me’ anapagaamineem).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 16
Yah suchih prayatho bhoothwa juhu yaadajya manvaham
Sriyah panchadasharcham cha srikaamah satatam japeth || 16 ||
He, who (yah) prays for the grace of Sri Maha Lakshmi (srikaamah), should be pure in body (suchih), control his senses (prayatah), perform homa (juhu yaath) everyday (anvaham) with ghee (aajyam), and (cha) always (satatam) chant (japeth) the fifteen mantras (panchadasharcham) of Sri Devi (sriyah) given above.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 17
Anandah, Kardamashaiva Chikleeta ithi vishruthah,
Rishayasthe thrayah proktha swayam sreereva devatha || 17 ||
The three (thrayah) famous (vishrutha) – Ananda, Kardama, and Chikleeta are the Rishis (proktha) and Sri Maha Lakshmi herself (swayam) is the Devata for this Sookta.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 18
Padmanane padma ooru, padamakshi padamasambhave,
Twam maam bhajaswa padamakshi yena sowkhyam labhamyaham || 18 ||
O Goddess who has a face beautiful like a lotus (padmanane), thighs like a lotus (padma ooru), eyes like a lotus (padmakshi) and who was born out a lotus (padmasambhave), please grant me (twam bhajaswa) all that will you think will give me a good life.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 19
Aswa-daayee go-dayee dhana-dayee maha dhane,
Dhanam me jushathaam devi sarva kaamamscha dehi me’ || 19 ||
O Maha Lakshmi (devi), goddess of wealth (maha dhane), who grants horses (asva-daayee), cows (go-daayee)and wealth (dhana daayee) please give me (me’) that wealth (dhanam) which will give me (dehi me’) the same happiness (jushathaam) as when all your wants (sarva kaamaan) are fulfilled.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 20
Puthra, pouthra, dhanam dhaanyam hasthyaswadigave’ radham,
Prajaanaam bhavasi maataa ayushmantham karothu maam. || 20 ||
You are the mother (maataa) of all people (prajaanaam). Please grant me sons (putra), grandsons (pouthra), wealth (dhanam) and grains (dhaanyam). Also grant me elephants (hasti), horses (asvah), cows (gave’), chariots (radham) and others. Grant me a long life (ayushmantham karothu).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 21
Dhanamagnirdhanam vaayurdhanam sooryo dhanam vasuh
Dhanamindro Brhaspati varunam dhanamashnute || 21 ||
All the Devatas like Agni, Vaayu, Surya, Vasus (eight Vasus), Indra, Brhaspati, Varuna enjoy their wealth only due to your grace.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 22
Chandraabhaam Lakshmeeshaanam Sooryaabhaam shriyameeshwarim
Chandra sooryaagni varnaabham Sri Maha Lakshmi upasmahe’ || 22 ||
I pray and meditate (upasmahe) on that Sri Maha Lakshmi, who shines like the pleasant Moon (Chandraabhaam), who is the inner strength for all the Devatas (eeshaanaanam) and who is resplendent like the Sun (sooryaabham) . She is Sri devi (shriyam). She is Eeshwari. The splendour of the three Devatas Sun, Moon and the Agni is due to Sri Devi.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 23
Vainatheya somam piba somam pibatu vrthraha
Somam dhanasya somino mahyam dadhatu sominah || 23 ||
O, Garuda deva (son of Vinata, hence Vainatheya) drink soma rasa. May Indra, who killed the Vrthrasura also drink the soma rasa. I intend performing Soma yaga (sominah). Hence, please grant (dadhatu) me (mahyam) plenty of wealth (dhanasya somam).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 24
Vainatheya somam piba somam pibatu vrthraha
Somam dhanasya somino mahyam dadhatu sominah || 24 ||
The devotees who do holy deeds (krutha punyanam), never get angry (krodhah na bhavantih), are never jealous (matsaryam), never stingy (lobhah) and they will never think of bad deeds (na ashubha mati). And for the devotion to grow, they should often (sada) chant (japeth) Shree Suktam.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 25
Varshanthu te vibhavari dhivo abhrasya vidyuthah,
Rohanthu sarva beejanyava brahma dvisho jahi. || 25 ||
O goddess Sri Devi, by your grace may dark clouds accompanied with lightning (abhrasya vidyuthah) provide us rain (varshantu) day (dhivo) and night (vibhavari). May all the seeds (sarva beejaani) germinate well (apa rohantu) and grow. May all the people who abuse god (brahma dvisha) be eliminated (jahi).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 26
Padmapriye, padmini, padmahasthe, padmalaye, padmadalaayathakshi.
Viswapriye Vishnu manonukoole tat paada padmam mayi sannidatwa || 26 ||
She who is fond of the lotus flower (Padmapriye), was born in the lotus flower (padmini), holds a lotus in her hand (padmahasthe), lives in the lotus flower (padmalaye), has broad eyes like the petal of the lotus flower (padmadalaayathakshi), very dear to entire world (Viswapriye) and who endearingly conducts herself to her Lord Sri Maha Vishnu (Vishnu manonukoole) –that Sri Devi please place your (tat) lotus feet (paada padmam) on me (mayi) and grace me (sannidatwa).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 27
Ya sa padmasanastha Vipula katitati padma pathrayathakshi,
Gambheera varthanabhi sthanabhara namitha shubra vastottareeya,
Lakshmeer divya gajendrai mani gana khachithai snaapitaa hema kumbhai,
Nithyam sa padmahastha mama vasathu gruhe sarva mangalya yuktha || 27 ||
Let that Goddess Lakshmi, who (Ya) is seated on a Lotus (padma asanastha), has large (vipula) hips (katitati),
- has wide eyes like the petal of the Lotus flower (padma patra aayata akshee),
- has a deep navel (gambheera aavartha nabhih) ,
- who is slightly bent because of her heavy busts (sthanabhara namitha),
- who wears divine cloths and upper cloth (shubra vastra uttareeya), who takes bath (snaapitha) in holy waters taken in golden vessels (hema kumbhaih) studded with precious stones (mani gana khachitaih) and poured by divine elephants (divya gajendrai),
- who holds a lotus flower in her hand (padma hasta) and
- who possess everything auspicious (sarva mangalya yukta) – always live in my house (mama vasathu gruhe).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 28
Lakshmeem ksheera samudra raja thanayam Sri rangadhaameswareem,
Dasi bhootha samastha deva vanithaam Lokaika deepaankuraam,
Sriman manda kataksha labdha vibhava brhmendra gangaadharaam
Twaam trilokyakutumbineem sarasijaam vande Mukunda priyaam || 28 ||
Salutations (vande) to Goddess Lakshmi, who is – the source of all wealth (Lakshmeem), daughter of the king of the ocean of milk (ksheera samudra raja thanayam), is the ruling deity for the holy city of Sri Rangam (Sri rangadhaameswareem), is served by all the deva maidens (Dasi bhootha samastha deva vanithaam), who is the single source of light for the entire world (Lokaika deepaankuraam), whose mere sidelong glances have raised important deities such as Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord Indra to exalted statuses (Sriman manda kataksha labdha vibhava brhmendra gangaadharaam), for whom all the beings in the world constitute the family (trilokyakutumbineem), who arises in lotus ponds (sarasijaam), who is the beloved of Lord Mukunda (Mukunda priyam).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 29
Siddha Lakshmir moksha Lakshmir jayalakshmi saraswathi,
Sri lakshmir vara Lakshmi cha prasanna mama sarvada || 29 ||
By merely thinking about you, as Siddha Lakshmi you fulfill desires, as Moksha Lakshmi you grant Kaivalya, as Jayalakshmi you grant victory, as Sri Lakshmi you grant wealth, as Vara Lakshmi you grant boons. May you be always pleased with me.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 30
Varankushau pashamabheethi mudraam,
Karai vahantheem , Kamalasanasthaam,
Baalaarka koti prathibhaam trinethraam,
Bajehamadyam jagadeeshwareem thwaam || 30 ||
The Goddess Sri Lakshmi is Aadi Shakti. She is Jagadeeshwari. Her two palms indicate Vara and Abhaya mudras. She also holds the weapons – paasha and ankusha. She shines with the effulgence of innumerable rising Suns. I offer my prayers to the Goddess.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 31
Sarva mangala Mangalye, Shive, Sarvaartha saadhake,
Sharanye Trayambake, Devi narayani namosthuthe
narayani namosthuthe, narayani namosthuthe || 31 ||
Among the auspicious ones, you are the most auspicious (Sarva Mangala Mangalye). You are the Devi who grants everything auspicious (Shive). You grant everything desirable (Sarvaartha saadhake).
You are the deity most suitable for everyone to take refuge under(Sharanye). O Goddess Narayani with three eyes (Trayambake) I salute (namah asthu) thee (The’).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 32
Sarasijanilaye sarojahaste dhavalataraamshuka gandhamaalya shobhe’
Bhagavati Harivallabhe’ manogne tribhuvanabhootikari praseeda mahyam || 32 ||
Sri Maha Lakshmi stays on the lotus flower (Sarasijanilaye). She carries a lotus in her hand (sarojahaste), wears auspicious white cloths (dhavalatara amshuka) and a sweet-smelling garland (gandhamaalya).
O Bhgavathi, consort of Sri Maha Vishnu (Harivallabhe’), who fulfils the desires of all (manogne), who protects all the three worlds (tribhuvana bhootikari) – bless me with your grace.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 33
Om Vishnupatneem khamaam Deveem Maadhaveem Maadhavapriyaam
Vishnoh priyasakheem Deveem namaam Atchutavallabhaam || 33 ||
O Maha Lakshmi, consort of Maha Vishnu (Vishnupatneem), Bhoodevi (khamaam Deveem), you are present in the Tulasi plant (Maadhaveem). Devi is very dear to Madhava (Maadhavapriyaam), and Sri Vishnu (Vishnu priyasakheem). I salute (namaame) the Devi who is always with Sri Maha Vishnu (Atchuta vallabhaam).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 34
Om Maha Lakshmi cha vidmahe, Vishnu patnee cha dheemahi,
Thanno Lakshmi prachodayath || 34 ||
Let us know about Maha Lakshmi. For that reason let us meditate on Her, who is the consort of Sri Maha Vishnu. May Goddess Lakshmi help us in this.
Shree Suktam – Stanza 35
Sreevarchasyamaayushyamaarogya maavidhaath pavamaanam maheeyatheh
Dhanam Dhaanyam pashum bahuputralaabham shatasamvatsaram deerghamaayuh
Runa rogaadi daaridya paapa kshuda pamrutyavah
Bhaya shoka manasthaapaa nashyantu mama sarvadaa. || 35 ||
O Maha Lakshmi, bless me with Varchassu, and life with no short comings (aayushyam). May winds (pavamaanam), that will always (sarvadaa) give me good health (aarogyam), be blowing (maheeyathe).
May I get wealth (dhanam), grain (dhaanyam), cattle (pashum), many sons (bahu putra laabham) and a life (deerghamaayuh) of hundred years (shata samvatsaram).
May I not be subjected to – debts (runam) , ill health (rogam) , poverty (daaridyam), hunger (Kshuda), sudden death (apamrtuyavah), fear (bhayam), grief (shokam) and mental worries (manah taapah)
Shree Suktam – Stanza 36
Shriye jaata shriya aniryaya shriyam vayo jaritrubhyo dadhaatu
Shriyam vasaanaa amrutatwamaayan bhajanti sadyah savitaa
vidadhyoon || 36 ||
Those who approach Sri Devi (shriya aniryaya) will be blessed with abounding riches (shriye jaatah). Wealth (shriyam) and longevity (vayah jaritrubhyh) will be presented (dadhaatu). Enjoying great wealth (shriyam vasaanaa) they will reach a state that is beyond death (amrutatwamaayan). In a short time (sadyah) they will obtain (bhajanti) fame (savitaa) and victory (vidadhyoon).
Shree Suktam – Stanza 37
Shriya yevynam tatchriyaamaadadhaati
santatamruchaa vashatkrutyam sandhattam sandheeyate prajayaa
pashubhih Ya yevam vedaa || 37 ||
All that is good is due to Sri Devi Herself. Those who realise this will reach Sri Devi. One must always perform Yaaga accompanied with proper mantras. Those that do this will be blessed with the wealth of progeny and cattle.
Om Maha Lakshmi cha vidmahe, Vishnu patnee cha dheemahi,
Thanno Lakshmi prachodayath
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih
Let us know about Maha Lakshmi. For that reason let us meditate on Her, who is the consort of Sri Maha Vishnu. May Goddess Lakshmi help us in this