Mantra Pushpam – Taittiriya Aranyakam of the Yajur Veda
Performing Puja is a very popular form of worship. Towards the end of the Puja, the one Veda mantra that is soul-stirring and inspiring to every devotee is the Mantra Pushpam. Even those who have not studied the Vedas completely chant the Mantra Pushpa after the puja. This mantra occurs in the Taittiriya Aranyaka.
The offering of flowers or Pushpa during worship is a very important ritual. It is called Pushpanjali. While offering Pushpanjali the devotee expresses his complete surrender to the Lord and seeks His grace and this is signified in the Mantra Pushpa.
Explore Pushpayam in Tirumala by clicking here.
Jala (water), Chandra (moon), Agni (fire), Vaayu (wind), Surya (Sun), Nakshatra (stars), Megha (clouds), and rainy season are all aspects of Prakruti that we come across in everyday life. These are mentioned in this mantra. All these aspects are interdependent. At the same time, all these rely on Jala (water).
In the anuvaaka “Yopaam Pushpa” it is stated that Jala on which our lives are entirely dependent is also the source on which the world is dependent. Those who realise this will be blessed with wealth and mukti. Similarly, Agni, Vaayu, Surya, Chandra, Nakshatras (stars), Megha (clouds), and the rainy season all rely on water. Jala, in turn also relies on them – a case of mutual dependence. Those who realise this will be blessed with mukti.
I salute the Supreme Being who is available to us in the form of “ap”
Om Bhadram Karmebhih Shrunuyama Devah
Bhadram Pashyema – Akshabhir- Yajatrah
Sthirairangais – Tushtuvam – Sastanubhih
Vyashema Deavahitam Yadayuh
Swasti Na Indro Vriddhashravah
Swasti Nah Pusha Visvavedah
Swasti Nah Tarkshyo Arishtanemih
Swasti No Brhaspatirdadhatu
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 1
Om yo paam pushpam veda pushpavaan prajaavaan pashumaan bhavati
Chandramaa vaa apaam pushpam pushpavaan prajaavaan pashumaan bhavati Ya evam veda
He who (yah) understands (veda) the flower (pushpam) of the water (apaam) will become the processor of flowers (pushpavaan), cattle (pashumaan) and progeny (prajaavaan). Chandra (chandramaa vaa) is the flower (pushpam) of the water (apaam).
He who (yah evam) understands (veda) this fact will be rich with cattle (pashumaan) and progeny (prajaavaan). This expresses the sacred relationship between Apaam and Chandra.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 2
Yo paamaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati Agnirvaa apaamaayatanam
aayatanavaan bhavati yo agneyaraayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Apo vai agneraayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati ya evam veda
He (yah) who understands (veda) the source (aayatanam) of water (apaam) becomes established in himself (aayatanavaan). Fire (agni vaa) is the source (aayatanam) of water (apaam). He, who understands this, becomes established in himself. He, who understands the source of fire, becomes established in himself. Water is the source of fire. He, who understands this, becomes established in himself.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 3
Yo paamaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati Vaayurvaa apaamaayatanam
aayatanavaan bhavati yo Vaayurva aayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Apo vai Vaayor aayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati ya evam veda
He who understands the source of water becomes established in himself. Vaayu (wind) is the source of water. He who understands the source of wind becomes established in himself. Water is the source of wind and who understands this becomes established in himself.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 4
Yo paamaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Asau vai tapannapaamaayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati
Yo musya tapata aayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Apo vai amusya tapata aayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati ya evam veda
He who understands the source of water becomes established in himself. The scorching Sun is the source of water. He who understands the source of Surya (Sun) becomes established in himself. Water is the source of Sun. He who understands this becomes established in himself.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 5
Yo paamaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Chandramaa vaa apaamaayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati
Yaschandramasa aayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Apo vai chandramasa aayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati ya evam veda
He who understands the source of water becomes established in himself. Chandra is the source of water. He who understands the source of Chandra (moon) becomes established in himself. Water is the source of Chandra. He who understands this becomes established in himself.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 6
Yo paamaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Nakshatrani vaa apaamaayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati
Yo Nakshatraanaamaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Apo vai Nakshatraanaamaayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati ya evam veda
He who understands the source of water becomes established in himself. Nakshatras (stars) are the source of water. He who understands the source of Nakshatras becomes established in himself. Water is the source of Nakshatras. He who understands this becomes established in himself.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 7
Yo paamaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Parjanyo vaa apaamaayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati
Yah Parjanyasyaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Apo vai Parjanyasyaayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati ya evam veda
He who understands the source of water becomes established in himself. Clouds are the source of water. He who understands the source of clouds becomes established in himself. Water is the source of clouds. He who understands this becomes established in himself.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 8
Yo paamaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Samvatsaro vaa apaamaayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati
Yah samvatsarasyaayatanam veda aayatanavaan bhavati
Apo vai samvatsarasyaayatanam aayatanavaan bhavati ya evam veda
He who understands the source of water becomes established in himself. Seasons are the source of water. He who understands the source of seasons becomes established in himself. Water is the source of seasons. He who understands this becomes established in himself.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 9
Yopsu naavam pratishtitaam veda pratyeva tishtati
He who understands that a boat is located in the water becomes established in himself. This will be commented upon towards the end.
Mantra Pushpam – Stanza 10
Om Raajaadhiraajaaya prasahyasaahine’ Namo vayam vaishravanaaya kurmahe
Sa mae kaamaankaamakaamaaya mahyam kameshvaro vaisravano dadaatu
Kuberaaya vaishravanaaya mahaarajaaya namah
We (vayam) salute (namah kurmahe) Kubera (Vaishravanaya), the king of kings (raajaadhi raajaaya), who grants us great success (prasahya saahine’). May he (sah) the fulfiller of all desires (kameshvarah) and the king of wealth (Vaishravanah) grant (dadaatu) us enough wealth to fulfill (kaamakaamaaya) all our desires (kaamaan). Once again we salute king (mahaarajaaya) Kubera the lord of wealth (vaishravanaaya Kuberaaya).
Water, Moon, Agni, Vaayu, Surya, Clouds, seasons- are all various amshas of the Prakruti. These are all getting mentioned here. Though they are all independent entities, they are interdependent. At the same time, water is the key element on which everything else is dependent.
The first four mantras state that he who understands this becomes established in himself. The 9th mantra talks about a boat. The 10th mantra praises the God. Often, while describing the passage of life water and ocean are mentioned.
The description of the source for water as moon and clouds reminds us that life on earth is supported by Prakruti that has amshas like the moon, clouds etc. For this reason, Prakruti will need to be revered and worshipped. The use of water and flowers during poojas is to signify this worship of Prakruti.
We should not stop with the worship of Prakruti. We should go beyond that. For progressing beyond that stage, the 9th mantra talks about a boat. The boat is no other than the Supreme Being Himself. Reminding us that we should realize Lord, the 10th mantra praises His glory. We should sail past the rituals, and seek to realize the Lord within.
Om Bhadram Karmebhih Shrunuyama Devah
Bhadram Pashyema – Akshabhir- Yajatrah
Sthirairangais – Tushtuvam – Sastanubhih
Vyashema Deavahitam Yadayuh
Swasti Na Indro Vriddhashravah
Swasti Nah Pusha Visvavedah
Swasti Nah Tarkshyo Arishtanemih
Swasti No Brhaspatirdadhatu
Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih.