Table of Contents
Arjitham means Darshan or Seva to the Lord on payment of a fee as fixed by the Temple Management. Admission to any particular seva on payment of a fee is known as “Amantranotsavam”.
The daily, weekly, monthly and annual arjitha sevas or festivals that are performed in the famous hill shrine of Lord Venkateswara at Tirumala are as per the recommendations of Vaikhanasa Agama since several centuries.
- The first part deals with rituals that are performed in the temple and to the presiding deity.
- The second part deals with purification ceremonies that a priest must undergo in order to qualify to serve in the temple.
"Vaikhanasa Agama" was written by Sage Vikhanasa, is considered as one among four main "Vaishnava agamas". Mareechi, Bhrigu, Kashyapa and Atri, the four disciples of Sage Vikhanasa spread the essence of Vaikhanasa Agama across the world.
Six Times Pooja a Day
The Vaikhanasa Agama recommends six times puja a day viz.
- Prathyusham which promotes the development of healthy population,
- Pratahkala that promotes Japa and Homa,
- Madhyahna in the promotion of the kingdom,
- Aparahna that brings about the destruction of evildoers,
- Sayankala which leads to greater and increased agricultural production and
- Nisi aradhana that develops the cattle population.
As it is not always possible to perform six pujas a day in a temple, the same Agama also recommends minimum one puja.
Weekly Sevas
Daily Sevas
*(Data Source - TTD official site)