The Miracle of Padma Sarovara

Tiruchanur - Padmavathi Ammavaru

Goddess Mahalakshmi – Alamelu Manga – Holy Pond – Miracle of Padma Sarovara

In the ancient holy land of Bharata Khanda, there were regions, which were famous by the names of kingdoms called Chappannar. There were 56 countries. Once upon a time, it was called Kambojadesam, named after the king Kamboja. But, over time, it was forgotten and nobody now remembers their names. It was a land of plentiful nature’s gifts.

With good crops, it was also known for excellence in Arts. There were great warriors and men with valour and women ready to sacrifice their ‘mangalya’ for a heroic cause. With plenty of wealth and splendour, each home was joyful. It was as if Goddess Mahalakshmi was living amongst them. Every home was a divine place- Vaikuntham.

The Miracle of Padma Sarovara
Panchami Theertham Event at Padma Sarovar – Holy Pond in Tiruchanur

King Sankhana

At one time, it was ruled by a king called Sankhana. His valour was matched by his limitless generosity. With his kind-heartedness, he loved all the citizens of his country. He had one quality, i.e., he was amenable to any kind of advice without thinking of its consequences. As he was kind-hearted, he used to give away anything without thinking, even for a moment, whether the person to whom he was giving deserved it or not.

Naturally, because of this quality of misplaced generosity, he lost everything in his possession, including his kingdom; nobody cared for him. His sorrowful condition was because of his ill-fated personality. He was left in poverty. He was made to leave his kingdom along with his wife. Left in distress, he moved aimlessly like a vagabond.

Disgusted with himself, he used to wonder at his fate and uttered the following words to himself: “I was once an Emperor, with all the splendour and majesty. Now I am destitute. The world, for whom I have given so much of my wealth and comforts, is now looking down upon me. We cannot bear this condition. So, let us end this life”.

These words shocked his wife, who was devoted to him. She wept bitterly and prayed to God in these words: “Oh Lord Srimannarayana, if at all, You exist, spare my husband, protect him”. She also swore by the power of her mangal sutra, like this: “Oh Goddess of the world! Save my husband and my mangalya”.

Maybe, because of their past, noble deeds, they saw some holy men, when they were wandering on their aimless journey. Falling at their feet, they prayed like this, with these touching words.

There was a deep feeling in what they uttered: “Oh holy saints! You are our saviours. Only you can save us from our present sorrowful condition”.

Then, the holy men intuitively learnt about their past glory and present sorrow and uttered these words:

“All your sorrows are because of your fate. Nobody can escape the deeds of fate. Instead of bemoaning your sorrows, you can redeem your fate by taking a bath in holy places and visiting temples and worshipping God. Very soon, you will get your kingdom and all your sorrows will come to an end”.

With these words, the holy men went away after blessing them.

In such moments as these, affected by fate and feeling sad due to the sorrows of life, the value of meeting noble minds, and talking and interacting with them increases our faith in the goodness in this world.

The pleasures of this ‘SATWA’ are many; they lighten our hearts and give us new, enlightened thoughts and make us search for new pastures of hope and renewal of joy. Visiting holy shrines is also one such activity to clean our minds of evil thoughts and deeds.

Srirangam Gopuram

Thus, the erstwhile king and his wife visited all the holy shrines:

  • In Srirangam, they took a holy dip in Cauvery and worshipped at the feet of His Holiness Shri Ranganathaswami and Jambukeswara.
  • In Madurai, they feasted their eyes by worshipping Goddess Meenakshi and their devotion knew no bounds when they visited the holy temples of Rameswaram.

With their minds filled with devotional thoughts, they also visited Kanchi to worship Varadarajaswami and Goddess Kamakshi; after visiting all these holy places, they finally reached the Seven Hills of Lord Venkateswara.

They took a holy dip in the Swarnamukhi River and performed the rituals by mentioning their “Gothra nama” and worshipping Shri Gnana Prasunamba and Sri Kalahasteeswara.

Swarnamukhi River at Srikalahasti
Swarnamukhi River at Srikalahasti

Padma Sarovaram

Then, a holy man came near the resting Sankhana and told him the following words:

“Oh, mighty king! There is a Holy Pond called “Padma Sarovaram”, as it is known for its beautiful Lotus Flowers. This was created on the prayer of Venkateswara. Goddess Mahalakshmi was born in these Thousand-Petalled Lotuses. As those Lotuses are Golden Flowers, they shine in their Resplendent Brightness.

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Hence, the Goddess is known as Padmavathi and Alamelu Mangamma to all Her devotees. As this Goddess is known for Her Kindness and Benevolence, She is worshipped by all the Gods like Brahma, Sun, Moon and all the Navagrahas. You must go and take a holy bath in that Holy Pond with a strong will for the restoration of your kingdom. All your past sins will be atoned and your life once again will be happy with a sense of fulfilment”.

After listening to the holy words of this wise man, they were overwhelmed with inexplicable joy and decided to take a bath. After seeing that Holy Pond, near Sri Kalahasteeswara temple on the northern banks of the Swarnamukhi River, they were delighted. It was filled with Lotus Flowers and joyfully humming bees. They enjoyed the pleasure of taking a bath in the holy water, which was also a wonderful spectacle of many delightful creatures swimming in those waters.

Sri Kalahasti (Vayu Lingam)
Sri Gnana Prasunamba and Sri Kalahasteeswara

That pond was surrounded by sweet, fragrant flowers and sweet-smelling fruits. It was a wonderful spectacle of delightfully chirping birds. It was a soul-filling experience, with its quiet, fragrant breeze filling their senses. It was here that Lord Venkateswara spent His days in worshiping and chanting the name of Mahalakshmi for Twelve Years.

It was Shukla Panchami in Karthika masa on Friday on Abhijit lagna and Uttarashada star that Sri Mahalakshmi made Her Divine Presence as Alamelu Manga in this Holy Pond. Our past sins will be atoned if we take a bath in this Holy Pond!

Thus, the royal consorts by enjoying nature’s beauty, which gave delight to their eyes and divine bliss, took a holy dip in that pond by invoking the blessings of Almighty God! By pronouncing their Gothra and nama, they prayed to Sri Mahalakshmi with reverence and devotion:

Vanda Lakshmeem parasivamayeem sarvabhootantarastham
Tejo rupaam kanakavasanaam sarvabhushojwalangeem
Beeja puram kanaka kalasam hema padmam
Adyaam saktim sakalajananeem vishnuvamanka sanstham
(Atharvana vedantargata Sri Lakshmi hridayam)

“Oh, Mother! You are quintessentially present in all the creatures, Glittering in all brilliance! You are present adorned in Golden Attire and decorated Yourself with invaluable ornaments!

You are the very Embodiment of Pure Joy and Eternal Beauty! You endow Yourself with the Holiest of mantras called OMKARA and seat Yourself ever so majestically on the left side of Sri Mahavishnu, by having water in the Golden Kalasa and Golden Lotuses in Your Hands, You Bless us, the troubled humanity with Karuna! We pray at Your Holiest Feet! Give us Your darshan to make our lives worthy!

Daridrya dukhouga tamopahantri !
Tvat pada padmam mayi sannidhastva
Deenarti vichedana hetu bhutaih
Kripa katakshai rabhishincha maam sreeh
-Sri Lakshmi Hridayam (Atharvana vedam)

And You drive away all our sorrows and poverty and sins! Oh Mother! Let us live at Your lotus feet! You shower Your Blessings on all of us the besieged and turn people!

Amba ! prasida karuna sudayardra drishtya
Maam tat kripadravina gehamimam kurushva
Aalokaya pranata hridgata soka hantri !
Tvatpada padmayugalam pranamamyaham sreeh
-Sri Lakshmi Hridayam (Atharvana vedam)

And Oh Mother! With Your Kindness of Blessings show us with Your Karuna! We pray at Your Feet for Your Benediction!

Suteevra daridrya vidukha hantraih
Namostute sarvabhayapa hantrye
Sri Vishnu vakshasthala sansthitayai
Namo namah sarva vibhuti dayai
-Sri Lakshmi Hridayam (Atharvana vedam)

And – You are the Destroyer of all our sorrows and fears! We salute to You! You are present in Swami’s Bosom to bless us with wealth and plenitude! We prostrate before You! Give us Your darshan to make our lives holy!

Agnana timiram hantu
Shuddhagnana prakishika
Sarvaiswaryaprada mestu
Tvatkala mayi sansthita
-Sri Lakshmi Hridayam (Atharvana Vedam)

And – You are the Giver of Enlightenment! Give us even a small ray of that Blissful knowledge!

Alakshmeem haratu kshipram
Tamah surya prabha yatha
Vitanotu mama sreya
Stvatkala mayi sansthita
-Sri Lakshmi Hridayam (Atharvana vedam)

Drive away the murky darkness in us! Sanction us all wealth and prosperity by removing our poverty!

In this manner, King Sankhana with his royal consort prayed to Sri Mahalakshmi on the banks of this Pond with bhakti and in his trance-like prayer to Her Holiness, Alamelu Manga symbolizing Universal Mother appeared in his vision. Then, he sang in great ecstasy the following lines:

Jayatu jayatu Lakshmeerlakshanaalankritangi
Jayatu jayatu padma padmasadma bhivandya
Jayatu jayatu vidya vishnu vamanka sanstha
Jayatu jayatu samyak sarva sampatkaree sreeh
-Sri Lakshmi Hridayam (Atharvana Vedam)

“I praise You, Goddess, who is shining with all the noble qualities and who is praised by no less a person than the Lord, (who is born in the Lotus) and living in Splendid Brightness in the Left-Hand position of Lord Vishnu (who lives in Vaikuntha). All be well with You, the Giver of all wealth.

He praised Her also in these words: “You are a Goddess praised and eulogized by all the Gods. You are called Bhadra and You are the daughter of Goddess Lakshmidevi. You are called Nithya. You are the Eternal Source of Wisdom and Divine Knowledge. You are also called Sathyadevi, as You are present in all these still and motionless and yet moving objects”.

Jayatu jayatu ramya ratna garbhantarastha!
Jayatu jayatu sudhaa sudha jambunadabha !
Jayatu jayatu kanta ! kantimatbhasutangi !
Jayatu jayatu santa seeghra magacha samye !
-Sri Lakshmi Hridayam (Atharvana Vedam)

As the mighty king lost himself in a trance, failing to describe Her greatness and majesty any further in words, he lost himself in silence. In that trance like condition, he had a vision. In that vision, he had seen a marvellous spectacle.

In that spectacle, he heard the words of a holy man like this:

“Oh! Mighty and noble king! When you have taken the bath in all the holy rivers and ponds, all your past sins have been atoned! Now you are shining with resplendent brightness, blessed with divine sanction. As you are blessed with the vision of Her Holiness, you are shining like pure, molten gold, without impurities. If you come along with Me, I will take both of you, the royal consorts, to a place of Great Bliss and Divine Presence”.

Sri Venkatachalam

As they followed with obedience and devotion, the footsteps of the holy man, they saw a spectacle of rare beauty. When they asked him, where was he taking them, he replied that they were going to the Divine Shrine called Sri Venkatachalam.

It is known by many names:

  • In Krithayuga, it was called Vrishachalam;
  • in Thretayuga, it was called Anjanachalam;
  • in Dwaparayuga, it was known as Seshachalam.

It was such a Pious and Holy Mountain that it would remove all our sins. It would drive all our sins like the dark clouds being driven away by the sun’s sharp rays. Even the mere touch of these Venkatachala Mountains would remove all our sins. It would also give us wealth, children and health and intelligence and great strength of mind.

Like this, it would endow us with whatever we pray for! It is a delightful place with nature in full blossom! Flowers bloom; lakes, ponds, humming bees, flower gardens, green trees and fragrant air – all these nature’s bounties make this Venkatachalam a marvellous spectacle of Heaven on earth!

With the presence of rare birds, wild animals and great Rishis in their meditation in the caves and Yogis-they are all eternal symbols of God’s presence on earth. Also, the brilliantly shining precious stones and diamonds make a feast for our eyes.

Meru Mountain

Once upon a time, the most glittering mountain called, Meru, went on a penance to please Lord Brahma. It appealed to Lord Brahma to make it eternal, shining with precious diamonds and perennially rich in all nature’s bounties. From then onwards, it has become the Shining Abode of all that is Great and Bountiful.

It is also known as Sri Venkatachala Kshetra, where all the Rishis and Gods are in penance. Also, all good people and noble souls are in penance. They worship all the natural forces for the welfare of humanity and the universe at large.

It was in this place that noble Rishis like Suka, Lord Brahma and others were chanting the Vedas as all the Hills reverberated with the Vedic incantations. Some great men and yogis are dancing in joy along with the peacocks and serving at the Feet of Lord Venkateswara.

The cuckoos and parrots are chanting the Puranas. This beautiful mountain is shining even more brightly with the spiritual power of these Rishis. There is also a Holy Pond called Swami Pushkarini. It was brought to this world by the Garutmanta as ordained by Lord Mahavishnu.

Pushkarinis – Pushkaradri

There are many other ponds, waterfalls and sacred places where people take their baths.  They are known as pushkarinis. As there are many such pushkarinis, that Hill is known as Pushkaradri.

The small rivulets and tanks, filled with Holy water, to their brim, not only purify the past sins of the devotees but also cure their illnesses. Hence, this place is known for its beneficial qualities of further enriching all the joys and happiness of the devotees.

Lord Vishnu made this mountain His Abode along with His Consorts, Sri Mahalakshmi and Bhummhalakshmi for the sake of His devotees, on the prayer of other Gods and Sage Narada, and all the Rishis. Since then, He has been present on this Holy Hill along with His Consort Sri Mahalakshmi and become the only God in the Kaliyuga.

Emi valasina chichu neppudainanu
Emaraku kolichina nitade daivamu


He is the God sanctioning all our desires and fulfilling our hopes. Also, Sri Mahalakshmi, with Her Kind Heart and Benevolent Self prays to Lord Srinivas to fulfil all our prayers. She also enthuses the Lord to grant our desires. She is seated on a Lotus in a rectangle and is known as VYUHALAKSHMI, as She is eternally present in Her Lord’s bosom.

Vyuha Lakshmi in Tirumala

As She appears hidden in the bosom, we can also see Her in the form of SWATANTRA VEERALAKSHMI on the banks of the Swarnamukhi river in Sukapura. She is present as ARCHAMURTHI, the deity worshipped in temples.

“Oh mighty king, Sankhana! As you have taken a Holy bath in the Lotus Pond and worshipped Alamelu Mangamma as Veera Lakshmi all your past sins have been atoned. One can worship Swatantra Veera Lakshmi as all the devotees can worship Her at all times. But, they cannot worship “VYUHA LAKSHMI” as She is present in Lord Venkateswara’s Bosom.

She listens to the devotees’ prayers first and then prays to Lord Venkateswara for their fulfilment. She is present as “VYUHA LAKSHMI” in Swami’s Bosom. Her mind is ennobling. Her Kindness is Eternal. She always gives Her grace to all Her devotees at all times.

Kataksha ihakamadhuk, tava manastu chintamanih
Karah surataruh sada navanidhi stvamivendire
Bhavettava dayaraso mama rasayanam chanvaham
Mukham tana kalanidhi rvividha vanchitartha pradam
-Sri Lakshmi Hridayam (Atharvana Vedam)

She is called VYUHALAKSHMI. She is our Kamadhenu and Chintamani granting all our prayers. Her ‘Two Hands’ are the Kalpavriksha. Her DIVYASWARUPA – i.e., Her Divine Presence is a symbol of Infinite Wealth.

We are overwhelmed by Her intimate Kindness, as Her Divine Beauty inspires many possessed artists! Even our mere looking at Her Most Gracious Face removes all our sins; all the enlightened souls worship VYUHALAKSHMI with their devout prayers, poems and songs.

Gunaistata prasavitruvaraneeya gunorjata
Prakasamatimartischa dhyeya buddhi prachodika
Durannad durga hatyacha paatukadupa patakat
Swagayakatrana daksha Gayatreiyudita Ramaa
-Sri Venkatachala Maahaatmyam (Adityapuranam)

She is Ubiquitous in Her Presence, with Her Wisdom of the Holiest of Gods, Gayathri; She is the Creator of all that is Changing and Eternal. She is the source of Gnana and is worshipped by the noblemen. She inspires good thoughts and deeds in us! She Saves us from our unintended evil deeds.

If we worship Her and Swami by Gayathri Mantra, we will be blessed with the fulfilment of all our desires by the Gracious Kindness of Sri Lakshmi Venkata Ramana Swami.

Sri Vatsa vakshasam srisam srilolam srikaragraham
Sri mantam srinidhim sri dhyam srinivasam bhajenisam

Swami wears Sri Mahalakshmi as Srivatsam in His bosom. Swami, Lakshmipathi looks after Her with Infinite Love- He, the source of All Forms of Knowledge and Wealth! They spend all Their time redeeming the suffering humanity. They are worshipped by the devotees in the Holiest of Shrines called Venkatachalam.

In these Holy Mountains, there are Seven Hills called – Seshadri, Garudadri, Venkatadri, Narayanadri, Vrishabhadri, Vrishadri and Anjanadri. Hence, this Shrine is called SAPTHAGIRI. Lord Srinivasa invokes His Divine Blessings, as the Protector of all His devotees.

Origin of Swami Pushkarini at Tirumala
Swami Pushkarini at Tirumala

While saying these words, the nobleman accompanied the king and his royal consort to Swami Pushkarini and explained the significance of the Holy Pond in these words:

Swami pushkarini snanam sadguroh padasevanam
Ekadasi vratam chapi traya matyanta durlabham
Durlabham manusham janma, durlabham tatra jeevanam
Swami pushkarini snanam traya matyanta durlabham

“Performing the holy ritual on Ekadasi, doing service to noble souls and taking holy baths in this Swami Pushkarini – are truly fortunate events in anybody’s lives. You are blessed with all these three events. Today is Ekadasi. You can accept Me as your path-finder. After performing your Sankalpa, you can take a holy dip in this Pushkarini. Taking Me as your instructor and path-finder, now you can visit the temple of Lord Srinivasa”.

After they took a bath in Pushkarini, He took them to the temple of Advaraha swami and after asking them to next visit the temple of the Lord, who was possessing Alamelu Manga as VYUHALAKSHMI in His bosom, the nobleman disappeared. Spellbound with these miracles and wonders of Nature, the royal consorts, attended the temples of Lord Srinivasa.

They were wondering whether it was a dream or mere illusion, as they continued their journey to Sapthagiri Hills. After paying respects to the Lotus Pond, they climbed the Mountains with deep devotion and were enamoured by Nature’s beauties. They spent all their time praying to Lord Srinivasa. King Sankhana’s mind and thoughts were filled with devotion to Him. He was chanting the names of ‘Srinivasa’ and ‘Govinda’.

With deep love, he uttered these words; “Oh God! Give me Your darshan! I have no hunger or thirst, as I am praying to You. All my thoughts and feelings and mind are filled only with You. Oh! Goddess, Alamelu Mangamma! On our behalf ask Your Lord to show His Benediction and Infinite Kindness to us!”

Praying like this, they spent six months in great joy and with a sense of fulfilment. One day he was praying like this with folded hands;

Sri Venkatesam ! Lakshmisam ! anishtaghna mabheeshtadam
Chaturmakhera tanayam srinivasambhajenisam

“Oh Lord Venkateswara! You are the Lord of All Mountains! You are our Benefactor! You are the Source of all that is Beautiful and Eternal. We always pray to you!” As they were praying in this manner, an appearance was shining in a glittering manner.

Tataswami saro madhyadu datishthanmahadbhutam
Aneka surya sankasam subhayacha dishodasha
Divyam vimanam tatraiva tasthau devah sriyahpatih
Sankha chakra gadapanih sri bhumi sahitah parah

It came out of the Holy Pushkarini. It was like a Resplendent White Mighty Cloud. It was marvellous to see such a spectacle! It was also bedecked with many rare and precious stones. It was the Abode of Lord Srimannarayana.

In it, they saw Srimannarayana along with Bhu-Neeladevi in Their Splendid Appearance. They were decorated with many jewels of scintillating beauty, and fragrant flowers. As they made Their Appearance, all the Gods showered flowers, chanting their Names. The royal consorts saw the divine spectacle as they were fortunate.

Lord Srinivasa blessed the royal couple with the following words;

“Oh, mighty king! I have appeared before you to tell you that all your past sins have been atoned. You have visited Me and Sri Mahalakshmi who is in My Bosom. Now you are pure. You are shining like molten gold. You will get your kingdom back soon. You will enjoy all your past comforts, pomp and glory”.

After that, Sankhana regained his kingdom by defeating all his enemies and attained Moksha after leading a happy life. He achieved Kaivalya (Supreme end). By reading this story, we come to know that, by making a trip to Tirumala to seek the Blessings of Lord Srinivasa, all our sins and sorrows would disappear. This should enthuse all the devotees to pray to Him for His Blessings.

Sri Varaha Swami - AdiVarahaKshetram


Earlier, Tiruchanur was known as Adivarahakshetramu. Now we should know about this Adivarahakshetramu. It was created as Adivarahakshetramu, long before it came to be known as Sri Venkatachala Kshetram. It was called Adivarahakshetram as Sri Mahavishnu Appeared as a White Pig in One of His “Avataras”.

Since Bhudevi sat on His left thigh it came to be known as Bhuvaraha Kshetramu. There are Two Goddesses beside Him in Vaikuntham. They are, Sri Mahalakshmi and Bhu Mahalakshmi. The two Goddesses, namely Sri Mahalakshmi and Bhu Mahalakshmi were responsible for the incarnation of Padmavathi.

Vedavati in Kaliyuga appeared with the spirit of Bhudevi of Tretayuga and with the spirit of Sri Mahalakshmi She appeared as Padmavathi in the Golden Lotus Pond.

In any case, in one word, whether it is Sri Varahakshetra or Venkatachala or Sri Padmasarovara-all these are the incarnations of Bhu Mahalakshmi and Sri Mahalakshmi. These are not fortuitous events: without the determination of Bhu Mahalakshmi, the incarnation of Varaha Swami – would not have been there; had Sri Mahalakshmi left Vaikuntha, there would not have been the incarnation of Sri Venkateswara nor the existence of Holy Venkatachala Kshetra.

Similarly, neither Kolhapur nor Tiruchanur would have existed. Thus, the Two Wives of Srimannarayana were the Divinely Given incarnations. Whether we call Them Harikoluvu or Venkatachala or Sirikoluvu (which became Tiruchanur) – These Shrines are Blessed Shrines for human liberation (moksha).

Sri Lakshmi Venkataramana Govinda !
Govinda !! Govinda !!!