Telugu New Year 2025 (Ugadi): Complete Guide to Celebrations & Traditions

Telugu New Year 2025 (Ugadi)

Ugadi: Telugu New Year Festival – Date, Rituals & Food

Telugu New Year – Ugadi on 30-03-2025

In every human being, instinctive and intuitive elements correspond to five senses namely sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell. These five elements are the foundational building blocks of the physical universe in the philosophy of Yoga. The ‘Panchabhutalu’ namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Sky are the forms of outward expressions.

Ugadi: Telugu New Year Festival

One should visualize their internal and external forms with the eye of the mind making the mundane life fruitful to reach the highest goal i.e., salvation. Our ancestors guided us in that direction, every step in our day-to-day life by following Nature and its power. In discharging our responsibility, Nature in the form of spring helps us in many ways. In Hindu mythology, the highest intellectual angle has been inaugurated in the month of Chaitram in an idealistic way.

The month Chaitra starts with the famous festival Ugadi. The word ‘Ugadi’ is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Yuga’ and Adi’ which mean ‘age’ and ‘beginning’ respectively. The festival is celebrated with great religious enthusiasm and devotional spirit. It is one of the most significant festivals in Hinduism. Generally, some God or Goddess is referred to and worshipped on the occasion of a festival.

But no god is specifically referred to during this festival. The incarnations of the Almighty may be myriad. But Ugadi symbolizes the universal and the transcendental concept of God that God is One, the Parabrahma.

The festival is a symbol of coordination between life and time. It stands as a pillar for patience, personality development and enlightenment in human life. The festival is like a garland of many intellectual features.

In spring, many kinds of beautiful flowers begin to bloom. Ugadi is a good sign of man’s blissful rejuvenation. The cheerful chirping of birds and wonderful sights of local wildlife are delightful reminders of Nature’s resilience and bountifulness. One listens to the melodious music of various birds like ‘kokila’ showing man’s aptitude for auspicious and divine musical notes. The spring season is a significant contributor to the magnificent ecosystem.

Ugadi Chutney

Ugadi Pacchadi

Ugadi Pacchadi’ is the most delicious and auspicious relish on the day. It is a combination of six different relishes. Human life is an amalgamation of different feelings and cravings. In life, we are ruled by our passions. There is a philosophical message which is innate and inherent in the festival atmosphere. It tells us that different recipes represent different emotions in our life.

There is a philosophical concept of ‘arishadvargas’ namely desire, anger, miserliness, passion, pride and jealousy. One should control them to lead a happy life. Otherwise, man becomes miserable. The best message of Ugadi is to enlighten man not to become a slave to these six dangerous traits.

Ugadi ‘Pachadi is an ideal and healthy combination of six kinds of delicious relishes namely bitterness, sourness, acridity, pungency, sweetness and saltiness. Neem flowers stand for bitterness. New tamarind symbolizes sourness. Tender mango stands for acridity. New chilli stands for pungency and jaggery provides sweetness and salt is for saltiness. These six relishes signify that human life is a mixture of sorrow, dexterity, positivity, courage, delight and enthusiasm. Our health depends on the balanced ingestion of all these six kinds of relishes.

The Intrinsic Yoga Concept

According to Yoga, there are six ‘chakras’ in the human body. They are primary energy centres in the human body. They are believed to influence physical health, emotional stability and spiritual concentration. They are called ‘Shadchakras.’ They are Mooladhara, Swadhistana, Manipooraka, Anaahata, Vishuddha, and Aajnaa Chakras.

In human life, oxygen exists in five types called Prana, Apaana, Vyana, Udaana and Samaana and these types represent five different tastes i.e., acridity, sweetness, sourness, pungency, and bitterness respectively in us. They coordinate accordingly with the six ‘chakras’ and make us cognizant of things. Ugadi ‘pachadi’ is an ideal and healthy combination of six useful and delicious dishes.

The Traditions and Customs of Ugadi

There are many scientific and hygienic reasons for the practice of traditions and customs. The sesame oil bath and the bath with soapnut powder on the morning of the Ugadi have many health benefits. Devotees used to purchase traditional palm umbrellas and palm fans for the Ugadi festival protecting them from the ensuing summer heat.

When our conscious mind concentrates on the ‘dharmic’ practices, it is easy for us to come nearer to the Almighty to receive His graceful blessings.