Guru Purnima / Vyasa Purnima

Guru Purnima or Vyasa Purnima

The auspicious ‘Vyasa Purnima’ is also called Guru Purnima. It falls on Ashada Suddha Purnima. Our ancestors used to proclaim that Lord Shankara is Adibhikshu, the great Sage Valmiki is Adikavi and the Saint Veda Vyasa is Adi Guru. On the day of the Vyasa Purnima, one remembers and worships the Saint Veda Vyasa, the Adi Guru. Hence the day is called ‘Vyasa Purnima.’

Meaning of GuRu

‘Gu’ means darkness and ‘Ru’ means the preventer of darkness. On account of the power of dispelling darkness, a teacher is known by the significant name ‘Guru’. Ignorance is darkness. Knowledge is light. Indeed, the person who drives out the darkness and lights the lamp of knowledge is the ‘Guru’.

For everyone, there is a special place for ‘Guru.’ Next to our parents, the place of our Guru is most significant. So we especially worship our Guru on this day.

Vyasaya Vishnu Roopaya Vyasa Roopaya Vishnave |
Namovay Brahma Nithaye Vasishtaya Namo Namaha ||

Saint Veda Vyasa

One should salute Saint Veda Vyasa who is the real incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Saint Veda Vyasa is the treasure house of the Vedas. There is no difference between the saint Veda Vyasa and Lord Vishnu.

The Vishnu, the Matsya, the Bhagavatha and the Vayu Puranas proclaimed that the Saint Veda Vyasa had classified the infinite Vedas into four categories and had spread in the world by preaching

  1. the Rig Samhita to Paila,
  2. the Yajur Samhita to Vaisampayana,
  3. the Sama Samhita to Jaimini and
  4. the Athar Samhita to Sumantha.

Besides the classification, he authored not only Ashtadasa Puranas but also the Mahabharata and the Bhagavatha. He explained the Brahma Sutras to the world very explicitly.

Guru and Sishya

The ‘Guru Purnima’ specially symbolises the noble relation between the ‘Guru’ and the ‘Sishya’ from many ages. Lord Vishnu, the Omniscient did service to His ‘Gurus’ whenever He embodied in different ‘Avatars’. Though He knew everything, He innocently queried His teachers and learnt many things from them like a student.

We, human beings understand the nature of our mere existence in the world when our Lord himself tried to know more and more like a ‘Sishya’. To increase knowledge means to dispel ignorance. All our Saints humbly admitted that they were imperfect in having complete knowledge about all things.

One should always consider the sacred relation between the teacher and the student. Every mentor should have affection towards his disciple and every disciple should have respectful devotion towards his mentor. Then only one can travel through the path of knowledge. Such ‘Guru’ is equal to Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Maheswara. The ‘sishya’ who gets such a ‘Guru’ is a blessed one.

Gurur Brahma gurur Vishnuh gurur devo Maheshvarah |
Guru sakshyath Parabrahma tasmai sri gurave namah ||

Lord Maha Vishnu with Shiva and Brahma - Guru Purnima / Vyasa Purnima

Noble Guru – Brahma

One should salute the noble ‘Guru’ who is Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, the direct Parabrahma and the Supreme Reality. It is crystal clear that the Guru of the Asuras, Sukracharya though knowing that he would die, offered ‘Mrutasanjeevani Vidya’ to his dear disciple Kacha out of love and affection.

In the same manner, Eklavya offered his right thumb to his mentor Drona as Gurudakshina though he knew that it was difficult to practice his Archery. It purely indicates his sincere devotion towards his mentor. Such is the inseparable relation between the teacher and the student.

Final Word

The interrelation between the teacher and the student is superbly great. On the day of the Guru Purnima, one should worship one’s teacher by thinking that he is the embodiment of the great Saint Vyasa Bhagavan and felicitate Him and become blessed.

Let us pray to the Lord of Seven Hills that all the ‘Sishyas’ should get the blessings of their respective ‘Gurus’ who are the real ‘Avatars’ of the Almighty.