Bangaru Baavi (Golden Well) – Inside Tirupati Balaji Temple

Bangaru Baavi (Golden Well)

There is a well by the side of Lord’s chief kitchen. This well is known as Bangaru Baavi (Bangaru means gold in Telugu. Baavi means well).

When devotees come out through the Golden door after having the darshan, a path leads to the chief kitchen opposite the Golden door. Adjacent to the steps leading to the kitchen you will find a well. This well has a circular ring of stones from the ground level. This stone construction has Gold plating.

Because of this gold plating people call it Bangaru Baavi i.e., Golden well.

Bangaru Baavi
46 – Bangaru Baavi (Golden Well)

Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple Location (Google Maps location)

Sundara Swamy Baavi

It has two other names: ‘Sri Theertham’and ‘Sundara Swamy Baavi’ (well).

History of Bangaru Baavi

This well has its history.

Sri Theertham / Lakshmi Theertham / Bhootheertham

Along with His two Consorts, Lord Vishnu assuming the human form descended to the earth from Sri Vaikuntam. He preferred to stay in Venkatachala Kshethra, known as Vykunttam (vaikuntam) on earth. When they were wandering in Venkatachala Kshethra for cooking food Sri Maha Lakshmi created a well. This well got the name of Sri Theertham. Some even call it as ‘Lakshmi Theertham’.

Similarly, even Bhoo Devi created a well that got the name of Bhootheertham. Over a while these two wells disappeared. After a long period to assist Gopinath who used to perform poojas according to Vykhanasa Agama Shastras, Ranga Dasu came down to Tirumala. To meet the flower needs of Lord Venkateswara he thought of having a flower garden.

Ranga Dasu – Finding the Wells

To water the plants he dug two wells. In the spot where digging was going on, the two wells that had disappeared appeared again. After the demise of Ranga Dasu these two wells once again got decayed.

Ranga Dasu –> Thondaman Chakravarthy

The legend has it that Ranga Dasu who served God with beautiful flower garlands was reborn as Thondaman Chakravarthy. He once again started offering his services to the Lord. Lord Venkateswara was immensely pleased with the selfless services offered by Thondaman Chakravarthy. Lord briefed Thondaman Chakravarthy about his previous birth as Ranga Dasu.

Sri Sridevi Bhudevi Sametha Prasanna Venkateswara Swamy, Thondamanadu
Sri Sridevi Bhudevi Sametha Prasanna Venkateswara Swamy, Thondamanadu

Lord ordered Thondaman Chakravarthy to get Him a place of dwelling i.e., a temple with gold-plated vimana. He further ordered him to reactivate decayed wells Sri Theertham and Bhootheertham. Thondaman Chakravarthy was pleasantly surprised when Lord Venkateswara told him about his previous birth and the services rendered to the Lord in that birth. He got Sri Theertham well reactivated.

He constructed a ring-like stone structure from ground level to stop the caving of the earth and covered the stone walls with gold plates. From that day onwards, the well got the name Bangaru Baavi. Similarly, for Bhootheertham which was much below the ground level, he constructed steps to step down. This well is known as ‘Poola Baavi’ i.e., Flower well.

Over the years Sri Theertham acquired greater importance as its water is religiously used for Prasadam preparation and other Archanas of Lord Venkateswara.

Tirumala Nambi / Tirumala Thathacharya – Maternal Uncle of Sri Ramanujacharya

To the Chief Idol of Lord Venkateswara every Friday Abhishekam i.e., Holy Bath is performed. For this Abhishekam Tirumala Nambi of the 11th century used to bring water from Papavinasanam. This Tirumala Nambi happened to be the ‘Guru’ of Bhagavad Ramanujacharya.

Sri Ramanuja's Service

In addition to being a Guru, he was also a maternal uncle of Sri Ramanujacharya. This Tirumala Nambi has another name. He was also known as Tirumala Thathacharya. Once during the days Tirumala Nambi was serving Lord Venkateswara, his Guru Yamunacharya visited Tirumala to have the darshan of Lord Venkateswara. As it was continuously raining heavily Tirumala Nambi could not fetch water for Lord’s Abhishekam.

Sundara Swamy Koopam

Then Yamunacharya who wanted an uninterrupted water supply throughout the year whether it rains or shines appealed to Sri Maha Lakshmi. He told her: “Oh! Mother! The water from Sri Theertham, the well which you created is more sacred than any other water. Therefore please bless this water so that it can be used for Lords Abhishekam”.

Further, he named that well “Sundara Swamy Koopam” (well) as it happens to be one of the forms of Lord Venkateswara. Tamilians call this well as Alagappinaar Kinar (Sri Sundara’s Kinaru i.e., well).

Ramanujacharya visited Tirumala. He came to know about the Sri Yamunacharyas incident. He was immensely happy to know about Yamunacharya’s appeal to Sri Mahal Lakshmi. On the spot, he took a decision. He directed his disciples to use water, for Fridays Abhishekam as well as daily Abhishekam of Bhoga Srinivasa, from one of the three sources i.e., water from Papanasanam Theertham or water from Akasa Ganga Theertham or Sri Theertham only.

Akasa Ganga Theertham
Akasa Ganga Theertham

From that day onwards water drawn from “Bangaru Baavi” is being used for the preparations of prasadams and to the Abhishekams. In the olden days, water drawn from Bangaru Baavi used to directly reach the chief kitchen through a canal which was there on a 15-foot high wall from ground level.

This system researchers say was in vogue in Hampi during Vijayanagara rulers. Till recently the kitchen staff used to draw water through pots and empty those pots in the canal. Considering the ever-growing demand for various types of preparation they have some 20 years back installed electrical pump to draw water from the well.

Chatrasthapanotsavam in Tirumala

On this occasion, the Archakas will offer Tirumanjanam to Srivari Padalu located in Narayanagiri Mountain, considered the highest range in Seshachala Hills. As part of this customary festival, a new umbrella will be installed in that sacred place and special pujas will be offered.

Puranic Importance

Narayanagiri Ranges are believed and worshipped as the peak where Srivaru first stepped His divine feet before making Tirumala His permanent residence. Commemorating the occasion, Chatrasthapanotsavam will be observed in Tirumala as an annual festival on the auspicious day of Shravana Suddha Dwadasi.

On this day, the Archakas collect water from Bangaru Baavi located inside Tirumala temple reach this place amidst Melam and Veda Mantras and perform Tirumanjanam to the Sacred Feet of Srivaru located here with these holy waters, perform puja and recite Prabandha Sattumora and return to the temple.

Final Word

This Bangaru Baavi has a sacred history. It is associated with great people like Thondaman Chakravarthy who was Ranga Dasu in his previous birth, and Tirumala Nambi who was addressed as ‘Thatha’ (Grandfather) by Lord Venkateswara Himself.

Yamunacharya requested Sri Maha Lakshmi to sanctify the water of Sri Theertham, Sri Ramunajacharya who gave orders for the use of water drawn only from three sources. Let us bow before Bangaru Baavi i.e., Sri Theertham or Sundaraswamy Baavi.

Potu (kitchen Hall) – Inside Tirupati Balaji Temple

Kitchen Hall (Potu) Inside Tirumala Temple

‘Potu’ according to temple traditions gives the meaning of kitchen hall or room. Here tasty delicious sweets are prepared.

When we come out of the golden door, after having the darshan of ‘Pratyaksha Daivam’ i.e., God visible to the naked eye, we will be entering the premises of Vimana Pradakshana path. Right opposite to us we will find the main kitchen hall where all the offerings meant for God are prepared.

Now let us try to know about Vakula Matha who supervises all the preparations.

Exactly towards the southeast direction of Sanctum Sanctorium on the Vimana circumambulation path on the three-foot high platform, there is a pillared structure. It is a 61 x 30 feet structure. It is here right from time immemorial all the offerings meant for Lord Venkateswara are being prepared.

Potu (kitchen Hall) - Inside Tirupati Balaji Temple / Sketch of Sri Vari Temple
44 – Potu (kitchen Hall) – Inside Tirupati Balaji Temple

Since the temple images cannot be shown, given is the layout for reference

This is the only kitchen the temple had. Taking into consideration the ever-growing number of devotees, they have very recently converted the existing Mandapam which is north of Sampangi Pradakshana path as a new kitchen hall. The old kitchen hall is now being used as a store room cum distribution hall for Lord’s prasadams. Now all sweets and savouries are prepared in the New kitchen hall.

Precious Jewels and Offerings

Two things are attracting the pilgrims to Tirumala temple.

  1. People are enamoured when they see costly and precious jewels and ornaments that adore the Lord.
  2. The second best thing is the offerings that are offered to Lord Venkateswara.

Nowhere in the world one can see such glittering costly jewellery, ornaments and delicious offerings. These things are as they say in Sanskrit ‘Na Bhooto Na Bhavishyathi’, never before and never never in future. This ultimately proves that Lord Venkateswara loves to be adorned by jewellery and loves to have a delicious variety of eatables as Naivedyam. He will be more happy when devotees eat offerings to God as prasadam.

Food Offerings or Naivedyam, Tirumala

The great Annamacharya in one of his keerthanas has praised the Lord’s love for Naivedyams. Similarly, an unknown poet has praised the Lord’s love for eating. Tenali Rama Krishna who is known for his ready wit and humour calls him ‘A good eater’.

Thomani Pallalu

There is one more speciality of Lord Venkateswara. Every day He uses new plates. That is why they say ‘Thomani Pallalu’ (No washing of plates, i.e., use and throw plates). The offerings are offered to Him in broken clay cullets. He loves to eat in those broken clay cullets only. He accepts the offerings and returns them to His devotees so that they can heartily relish them.


So many emperors, kings, zamindars and rich as well as poor people have donated their mites. Yet He prefers to eat in clay cullets. In the olden days cooks, by the name ‘Gamaykarlu’ used to cook the offerings in clay pots by using firewood. Slowly they have introduced brass vessels.

Now in the place of firewood to prepare the Naivedyams, they have started using Gas cylinders. The cooks in a very very piously hygienic way prepare the offerings. These cooks are blessed beings. Even Mother Kousalya and Devaki would not have offered food to Rama and Krishna after themselves preparing them.

Lord Venkateswara is relishing cooked food. How fortunate all beings are.

Food Offerings to Deities

Daily thrice offerings are offered to Lord Venkateswara. Before they are offered to Lord Venkateswara they are first offered to Sri Varaha Swamy. The preparations prepared in the kitchen are traditionally taken to Sri Varaha Swamy i.e., with umbrellas, fans, and piped music.

Vimana Pradakshana Deities

After offering the preparations to Varaha Swamy, they are offered to Lord Venkateswara and the other Utsav Moorthies. After that, they are offered to deities of Vimana Pradakshana path like

  • Dwara Palakas,
  • Garuda Alwar,
  • Varada Raja Swamy,
  • Vakula Matha,
  • Yoga Narasimha Swamy,
  • Vishwaksena,
  • Bhashyakaras etc.,

Then the ‘Bali is offered to the presiding deities of all the eight directions. With this, the Naivedyam programme comes to an end. Nivedana Ananthara Nivedana is offered to Sri Bedi Anjaneya Swamy. He dwells in a Temple which is in the Sannidhi street, right opposite to the main temple.

Nivedanas – Offerings

Everyday morning during Suprabhatam time priests offer Butter, milk and sugar to Lord Venkateswara. In Dwapara Yuga it is said Mother Yashoda used to give butter balls to her son Krishna. Maybe that tradition is being continued even in this Kaliyuga.

After Suprabhatam Lord Venkateswara’s court will be organized with great pomp and show. Lord Venkateswara majestically arrives in the court. He will be received with all honours. Then the Panchanga Sravanam will take place i.e., Thithi, Vara, Nakshatra etc., are recited. Then the audit report will be presented to Him, giving full details about income as well as expenditure.

After this Lord will be given roasted gingly powder mixed with Jaggery. This particular item is very dear to Lord Sani. To please him Lord Venkateswara will have it every day. Whoever worships Lord Venkateswara, particularly on Saturdays will be free from the ill effects of Lord Sani, the Saturn.

First Hour Offerings

After the court, the priests will chant the Lord’s 1000 names, which is known as Sahasra Nama Archana. Soon after completing the chanting of 1000 names, Offerings like pulihora i.e., Masala Tamarind Rice, Pongal, Curd Rice, Sweet Pongal, Laddus, Vada’s, Appams etc., are offered. But these things are not taken very near to Him. They will be kept outside Kula Sekhara Padi.

Meanwhile, the chief cook will carry only curd rice known as ‘Matra’ that too in a clay cullet and offer it to Lord Venkateswara.

Except for the curd rice with thick cream, nothing is directly offered to Lord Venkateswara. The rest of the things mentioned above are offered from the other side of Threshold. Even this, i.e., Lord Venkateswara relishing only curd rice, dates back to Dwapara Yuga Tradition. This will once again remind us of the fact that there is no difference between Lord Krishna of Dwapara Yuga and Lord Venkateswara of Kaliyuga.

Second Hour Offerings

In the afternoon, after Ashtothara Satanama Archana i.e., chanting 108 sacred names of Lord Venkateswara, the offerings meant for the afternoon i.e., second-hour offerings will be kept ready in the kitchen. In addition to the dishes or items mentioned above items like Suddaannam, Seera i.e., sweet upma and savoury upma, kheer, kesari bath, milk rice, kadambam i.e., mixture etc., are also offered to Him. He relishes these things very much.

Third Hour Offerings

After the second hour offerings, Sri Malayappa Swamy with Bhoo Devi and Sri Devi gets ready for Nitya (daily) Kalyana Utsavam (marriage ceremony). Soon after kalyana Utsavam items like laddus, vadas, appams, dosas, sweet pongal, pulihora, savoury pongal, curd rice etc., are offered.

Kalyanotsavam - Tirumala Temple

Immediately after Kalyana Utsavam to please those devotees who would have bought Vasanta Utsavam tickets, the Lord will participate in the Vasantha Utsavam. During Vasantha Utsavam Lord Malayappa will be offered Dosas. From there Lord Malyappa i.e., Utsava Moorthy of Lord Venkateswara will proceed to Mandapam of Mirrors to participate in Dolotsavam i.e., swing cot ceremony.

There he is offered pancha kajjayam i.e., powder of sugar, poppy seeds sugar candy, dry grapes, chashew nuts, almond, dry coconut etc., same thing is offered to Lord even after Sahasra Deepa Alankara Seva. The aforesaid powder will also be prepared only by the kitchen staff.

Offerings – Thomala Seva

In the evening in solitude, Thomala Seva (worship with flowers) is offered to the Chief Idol. Soon after Thomala Seva big-sized Ghee Dosas known as Thomala Dosa Padi, Molahaara, kadambam etc., are offered.

After Ashtottara Satanama Archana the third hour offerings are offered in the night. Even the items mentioned above are offered.

Tiruveesam – Hour offerings

Finally during ‘Tiruveesam’ hour to Lord Venkateswara sweet pongal is specially offered.

At the time of Ekantha Seva i.e., bedtime service He is offered lukewarm milk with added sugar, fruits and pancha kajjayam along with meva, as a kind of sweet liquid.

Along with the first hour, second hour, third hour and tiruveesam hour, every Monday they perform a special pooja to Malayappa Swamy. At that time big sized vadas, laddus and other preparations are offered. On every Wednesday Sahasra Kalasa Abhishekam is offered near the golden door. At that time along with usual routine items even milk rice (ksheeraannam) is also offered.

Offerings – Tiruppavada Seva

Every Thursday worship by the name ‘Tiruppavada’ takes place. On that occasion, they prepare 420 kilos of pulihora i.e., masala tamarind rice.

Tiruppavada Seva
Tiruppavada Seva

The heap of this rice will face the Chief Idol near the golden door. From this point itself, the heap is offered to Lord Venkateswara. They also offer giant-size Jelebis and Tengulam (a deep-fried savoury).

On Fridays, God is offered Polees (a sweet chapati) and Sukhiyas (sweet).

Every Sunday the Sunday prasadam by the name ‘Chalipindi’ is offered to Him. This is also known as ‘Amruta Kalasam’. The same will be offered to Garuda Alwar after offering that to Lord Venkateswara.

On festive days like Vaikunta Ekadasi day Swamy Varu i.e., Lord Venkateswara relishes Dosas and boiled chana i.e., Bengal Gram. In addition to this Lord Venkateswara soaked Green gram, and Panakam (Jaggery mixed water) are also offered. In Dhanurmasam (Dec- Jan) Dosas prepared with Jaggery are specially offered.

Offerings during Special days

On some special festive days, Lord Venkateswara likes to have Kheer, Kesari Bath, Saakari bath, Bakalabath etc. Special offerings will be offered on Ugadi day, Deepavali day, during Brahmothsavam, processions, Paruveta etc.

Different varieties of prasadams are prepared in the temple kitchen hall. The cooks know the exact items to be prepared to suit the worship. They know the timings so well that at the appointed time, at the appointed place, appointed items are prepared and offered to the Lord.

When these preparations are being prepared Vakula Matha sitting on a platform supervises the preparations. Vakula Matha is considered to be Lord Venkateswara’s mother.

Nowhere in the world offerings are prepared in such a large quantity. All the preparations are made out of pure ghee. One day’s Ghee residule it is said will be quite sufficient for one year to prepare prasadam in other temples. Annamaiah has praised the preparations prepared in the temple.

Tindi Mendaiah

Lord Venkateswara is known as ‘Tindi Mendaiah’ (who eats a variety of dishes) Naivedya Priya and Thomani pallalavadu i.e., everyday new vessels will be used.