Varalakshmi Vratam at Tiruchanur Sri Padmavati Ammavari Temple

Varalakshmi Vratam at Sri Padmavati Ammavari Temple

Varalakshmi Vratam festival with grand festivity and faith is celebrated in the Tiruchanur Sri Padmavati Ammavari Temple also as a special annual event. The rituals of this festival are different in many aspects from the other normal rituals in the temple.

Varalakshmi Vratam - Tiruchanur Sri Padmavati Ammavari Temple

The Process of Varalakshmi Vratam

On this day of Varalakshmi Vratam, the Goddess Lakshmi is grandly worshipped in eight of Her various forms.

Those eight forms are

  1. Bhagya Lakshmi,
  2. Vidya Lakshmi,
  3. Bhu Lakshmi,
  4. Prti Lakshmi,
  5. Kirti Lakshmi,
  6. Santi Lakshmi,
  7. Tushti Lakshmi and
  8. Pushti Lakshmi.

This Vratam is performed in the large hall of Asthana Mandapam of Tiruchanur Sri Padmavati Ammavari Temple. As this is offered as an Arjita Seva all the couples of devotees who participate in this Vratam sit in rows for collective performance of this with all necessary worshipping materials and wait for the timely instructions of the priests.

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In the process of worshipping according to the scriptural procedure, the Sankalpa is recited with all details such as the regional location on the globe and the holy tithi details along with the names of Year, Half-year, Month, Fortnight, Day, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana and other aspects.

The wish for performing the puja is for the welfare of the entire human beings. At the time of Sankalpa along with the welfare and well-being of the human race, all the devotees submit their wishes to the Goddess to grace them all personally for their all kinds of riches and prosperity.

Varalakshmi Vratam - Tiruchanur Sri Padmavati Ammavari Temple


16 Upacharaas (Services) to the Goddess

Then puja with sixteen services including

  1. Dhyana (Contemplating upon the Goddess),
  2. Avahana (Inviting to the place of Puja),
  3. Ratna Simhasana (Seating Her on the Jewel-decked throne),
  4. Arghya (Offering Sandal paste and flowers mixed with pure water),
  5. Padyam (Water for washing the feet),
  6. Acahamaniyam (Water for swallowing three sips of water as a process of drinking),
  7. Panchamrita Snaanam and Suddhodhaka Snaanam (Bathing with five nectarous liquids – Milk, Ghee, Honey, Curd and Coconut/sugar mixed water and also with pure water),
  8. Vastra Yugma (Offering a pair of clothes),
  9. Abharanas (Offering Ornaments to the Goddess),
  10. Gandha (Offering Sandal Paste),
  11. Akshatas (Offering Yellow rice),
  12. Pushpapuja (Worshiping with flowers and Names),
  13. Dhupa (Offering fragrant sticks), Dipa (lamp), Naivedya (Offering different kinds of food to the Goddess),
  14. Tambulam (Offering Betel leaves, Nut powder etc),
  15. Karpura Nirajanam (Camphor Flame Arati),
  16. Mantra Pushpam (Offering Handful of flowers) and
  17. Pradakshina Namaskarams (Final Pranams at the end of the Puja).

Varalakshmi Vratam - Sri Padmavathi Ammavari Temple

Vrata Katha (The Story of the Vrata)

At the end of the Vrata, the story related to this Vrata should be heard from the priests. In the temple of Padmavati Ammavaru also they narrate the story in the following manner. This story was taken from Skanda Purana.

This story was narrated by Siva to Parvati. According to his narration in the good olden days in the city of Kundina, there was a Brahmin woman named Charumati. She was very much devoted to serving her parents-in-law and her husband very sincerely. She was a very learned woman. She speaks very pleasantly with all. Her heart was pure and serene. One day she had a dream. The essence of the dream is that Goddess Vara Lakshmi appeared in her dream and advised her to perform Varalakshmi Vratam. She also narrated the procedure of the Vratam.

Charumati offered many prayers to Goddess Varalakshmi in the dream and the next morning she shared the dream experience with all of her relatives. They were all very much pleased to know all the details. This vrata should be performed on the penultimate Friday to the Fullmoon day (Purnima) of the Sravana Month.

All of them along with Charumathi had much awaited the day and performed the Vratam as per the procedure narrated by Goddess Vara Lakshmi. As a result, all of them became richer and richer. Their wealth grew endless. The grace of the Goddess was fully showered over them.

Slowly this Vratam became popular in the entire city. All the residents of that city started performing the Vratam and the city became the richest. Slowly this spread to the other cities. Everyone was doing this vrata and turning rich. Everyone was praising the great and noble heart of Charumati. Thus she has been praised by all ever since till date.

This story can be seen even in the Bhavishyottara Purana.

Padmavathi Ammavaru on Golden Chariot

The Mother Goddess on the Golden Chariot

In the evening of the Varalakshmi Vratam day, the well-adorned idol of the Mother Goddess Sri Padmavati Devi at Tiruchanur is seated on the Golden Chariot. While the chariot goes around the holy streets of Tiruchanur around the temple all the devotees come out and pay respects to the idol on the Chariot.

While the Vedic scholars chant the divine Vedic Hymns, the artists of different traditional and auspicious musical instruments play their respective instruments singing in praise of the glory of the Goddess. The chariot is followed by groups of devotees performing different kinds of Bhajans and also teams of different cultural arts presenting traditional folk dances and songs in praise of Goddess Lakshmi and Vishnu.

Thus at Tiruchanur, the whole day of Varalakshmi Vratam is grandly celebrated with utmost devotion, enthusiasm and zeal and with great faith. In this festival, all the priests, officials, devotees and even all the residents of Tiruchanur participate at different intervals having their share in successfully celebrating the Festival.

Varalakshmi Vratam at Sri Padmavati Ammavari Temple

Let Goddess Varalakshmi shower her divine blessings on all the devotees for their prosperity and perfection.