Kulasekhara Alvar – An Avatar of Kousthubham

Kulasekhara Alvar

Kulasekhara Alvar was born in ThiruvanjikulamChera Kingdom (Kerala). His father was renowned king Dhidaviradhan and Mother Nadhanayagi who was the daughter of Pandya King. He is the Avatar of Gem adorned by Lord Vishnu in his Chest named “Kousthubham”.

He was born in Maasi (between mid-February and mid-March) on Punarvasu Star (Nakshatra).

Kulasekhara Alvar – 7th Among 12 Alvars

He was seventh among the twelve Alvars. He learned all the Astras (Warfare) and Shaastras (Vedas) very young. He married Pandya princess and had a son who was named after his father and a daughter Ilai or Chera Kula Naachiyaar. He was very much attracted towards Lord Ram, hence ruled like “Rama Rajya”.

He was praised as “Kolli Kavalan, KoodalNayagan, Kozhiyaarkone” as he won Chera, Chozha and Pandya Kingdom. He ruled with Justice and people were delighted. But, he was always aligned towards spiritualism.

Devoted to Lord Rama

He was extremely devoted to Lord Ram and he always wanted to visit the Lord of Sri Rangam, Sri Ranganatha Swami. His devotion became extreme when he had a dream of Lord Venkateswara blessing him. From that time onwards, he was not much interested in worldly pleasures. He used to listen to Ramayana daily.

Once, when Ramayana was discoursed, there was an incident where Lord Ram was alone fighting with Demons. At that time, Kulasekhara, who was very involved in listening to Ramayana, ordered his Army to start towards Lord Ram to help him fight against the Demons.

Then, the discourse person immediately reacted and informed to Kulasekhara that Lord Ram had already won the battle and was now safe. Thus, made Kulasekhara back to his normal state. Few people in his court were very much upset about Kulasekhara’s behaviour.

So, they wanted to put the blame on Sri Vaishnavas informing that Lord’s ornaments (Navaratnamala) were stolen by Sri Vaishnavas. Hearing that, Kulasekhara wanted to prove that Sri Vaishnavas would never do such odd jobs and put his hand into the pot which had a very poisonous snake. He challenged the people that, if Sri Vaishnavas had stolen, then the snake would bite him to death.

Chera Kula Naachiyaar

God’s grace, the snake did not bite him as he was so sure to prove that Sri Vaishnavas would not do any such bad deed. He later decided to serve Lord Ranganatha, so he handed over the kingdom to his son and started his spiritual journey. It is also said that Kulasekhara Alvar dedicated his daughter “Chera Kula Naachiyaar” to the Lord of Sri Rangam. We have a shrine dedicated to her.


During Rama Navami in Sri Rangam, Lord Ranganatha and Chera Kula Naachiyaar give darshan together in Arjuna Mandapam which is also called “SerthiServai”. It was a great day and celestial bath and puja will perform in that Mandapam.

Kulasekhara Alvar - An Avatar of Kousthubham

Kulasekhara Alvar’s work

Kulasekhara Alvar was skilled in Tamil and Sanskrit. He wrote “Mukunda Mala” in praise of Lord Krishna in Sanskrit. He wrote 105 paasurams named as “Perumal Thirumozhi” which is part of “Naalayira Divya Prabhandham”.

His paasuram mentions below Divya Kshetrams

  • Uraiyur (near Trichy),
  • Sri Rangam,
  • Tirupathi,
  • Thirukannapuram (Near Kumbakonam),
  • Thiruchirakootam (Chidambaram)
  • Thiruvaali Thirunagari (Sirkaazhi ),
  • Thiruvitthuvakodu (Kerala),
  • Ayodhya (U.P),
  • Thirupparkadal (Celestial Abode).

Mukunda Mala

Mukunda Mala is a Sanskrit poem beautifully composed describing Lord Narayana who took the Avatara as Krishna. If one has to save from the clutches of Samsara the sea of sorrow, one has to surrender at the feet of Lord Krishna. He emphasizes that Lord Krishna is like medicine, he is the doctor and he is the nectar (the Amritha) who can save us from this distress.

He informs that always thinking of Lord Narayana, performing puja to Lord Narayana, doing service to Lord Narayana and his devotees, singing his praise will help one to attain Moksha (liberation).

Perumal Thirumozhi

Perumal Thirumozhi Comprises of 105 poems on Lord Ram, Lord Krishna, Lord Ranganatha, Lord Venkateswara. The poems are called as “Perumal Thirumozhi” because, the term Perumal represents Lord Ram. As he was very much devoted to Lord Ram, it was named as Perumal Thirumozhi.

In that, Perumal Thirumozhi, Varieties of devotion were showered by Alvar as Father Dasaratha, Mother Devaki, Mother Kausalya, as a Devotee, as a non-living thing and many more. He was also called as Kulasekhara Perumal as he was very much devoted to Lord Ram who is referred to as “Perumal” in Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya. He was the only King in the line of Alvars.

On Lord Venkateswara

He wanted to be born as herbs or fish or stone or dust or Shenbaga Tree or gold vessel which carries flowers to the Lord and finally as a stepping stone which is in front of Lord Srinivasa. Even today, that step is divine and is called as “Kulasekhara Padi”. He is happy to be a non-living thing if he is with devotees as well as united with the Lord.

As Dasaratha,

he lamented Sri Ram, Sita and Lakshmana on moving to the forest. He cries as though he is Dasaratha who made Lord Ram to suffer in the Dandakaranya forest. He laments how Ram would walk in the forest which is full of stones, rocks, and thorns which would prick his soft tender feet. The poem will depict the extreme grief of Dasaratha.

As Kausalya

on Thirukannapuram Divya Desam – Kulasekhara Alvar sung a very beautiful lullaby to Lord Ram which is even today sung during in all the Vishnu temples. The poem depicts the beauty of Lord Ram, his limbs, hair, style of walking, holy feet, smile and many more. By singing this song, one feels the real lullaby which is soothing to babies even today.

As Mother Devaki

he lamented that she did not get any happiness like Mother Yashodha who was able to get all the happiness in raising up Lord Krishna. She was able to hug him, feed him, dress him up, bathe him, could eat his remaining food as prasadam, could teach him dancing, walking, talking and more.

On Lord Sri Rangam

During his kingly period, he wanted to visit Sri Rangam. He was so passionate that daily, he would decide to leave to Sri Rangam. But, the royal workers will somehow convince him that they will take him the next day. The poem depicts the Alvars’ longing wish to get the Darshan of Lord Ranganatha Swami between the “ThirumanaThoongal (Marriage Pillars)”.

Kulasekhara Alvar claims that by getting the darshan of Lord Ranganatha, one can be saved from the sorrows of life. He also expresses that he wanted to praise more on Lord of Sri Rangam. He felt shy that he is not have enough Bhakti to praise the Lord.

On Thiruchitrakootam

Kulasekhara Alvar finally completes the paasuram by writing the Ramayana in short form and dedicates to Lord of Thiruchitrakootam which is the Govindaraja Perumal Temple inside Chidambaram Nataraja Perumal Temple. Kulasekhara spent his last 30 years in Mannarkoyil near Ambasamudram Tirunelveli by performing service to Lord. He was attracted by the beauty of Veda Narayana and Rajagopalaswami who was resembling Lord of Sri Rangam.

As per Alvar’s advice, whoever or whatever position, one should never forget the Lord, should always worship Lord Narayana and Serve his devotees with utmost devotion which will show the way to Salvation.

Kulasekhara Alwar – An Avatar of Kousthubham
– Smt. T.S. Rajalakshmi

Significance of Sanctum Sanctorum (Garbhalayam)

Sanctum Sanctorum (Garbhalayam)

The Sanctum Sanctorum ‘Garbhalayam’ is a place of God’s presence. It is a holy place, sacred, spiritualised with Vedic Mantras Vibration. The Vibration inside the Sanctum Sanctorum is more effective and spreads unseen rays of God’s mercy. The sacramental vibration kindles the inner nerve of the human body to invigorate spiritual communion with the Lord in the Garbhalayam.

Eyes are to be opened to see the beautiful Lord in His merciful form without shouting or speaking to others.

In the temple, devotees should not allowed to boast of themselves or talk. As per Saraswathi Rahasyopanishad, it is a leinous crime. Simplicity is to be followed. A devotee should tie the upper cloth to his waist and behave like a servant of God. Every mantra in the temple uttered has to reach Saraswati Devi.

Any fault or wrongly spelt of the mantra will have dire consequences. Only those Gods inside or in the corridor are to be prayed inside the temple. Namaskaram with folded hands to be done to the Acharyas (preceptors) and other prostrations are not to be done.

The prasadam given in the temple is to be eaten with Devotion and fear. It should not be taken in a lump sum to home and eat as the prasadam effect will be lost.

The parasara samhita says that devotees in the temple must behave with high integrity and honesty lest they will be thrown into Hell along with all their family members.

Significance of Sanctum Sanctorum (Garbhalayam)
View of Sanctum Sanctorum

Powerful Place of God

The Garbhalaya or Sanctum Sanctorum is considered the powerful place of God. The Lord is consecrated with powerful Vedic mantras as per Agama Sastra. Due to the Vedic chants and rituals, the place will be ever vibrating within that area.

The moolavarlu or the main Deity in the form of a statue will be seen predominantly with a good height, Compared to other idols. The purpose was to show the prominence and importance of the Lord. Lord Venkateswara is seen as gigantic and is seen from a distance also by the devotees. Even then His darshan is more attractive.

Pedestal Lamps

The Garbhalaya of Lord Srinivasa is so well constructed that the deity is seen from 100 mts. There are lamps hung on either side and two big Akhanda (Pedestal lamps) located on both sides with thick wicks dipped in ghee. The light from the lamps focuses on the Lord and the effulgent Lord with His original light gives darshan to the devotees.

The right hand palm shows down the lotus feet in a way to salvation and the left hand at the waist assures the devotees that they will be protected by Him and will lead them to Sri Vaikuntam. The right hand palm is called as Vaikunta Hastam and the left hand as Kati Hastam.

Moreover, the Divine mother Sri Lakshmi who is inseparably present with the Divinity in the Garbhalaya occupying the chest of Lord Srinivasa could mediate or bring about the Samyoga Sambandhe with the Divine. So the Lord in the bewitching position in the Garbhalaya along with Goddess could provide all that is asked by the Devotee.

Sri Srinivasa is supposed to be the Kaliyuga pratyaksha Daivam. His abode Tirumala is worshipped by many sages, saints and Acharyas.

Kulasekhara padi

Kulasekhara Alwar a great king cum Bhakta of Lord Srinivasa eulogizes the Lord in his Perumal Tirumozhi that he (Alwar) may be born as a Fish or a stone or anything in Tirumala and finally prays that he may be allowed to see the “coral lips” of the Lord in the Sanctum Sanctorum lying at a step to His Garbhalaya. Even today the step at Garbhalaya is called as Kulasekhara padi.

The Archakas, Jeers, Acharya Purushas and other Paricharakas fold their hands and enter the Garbhalaya by crossing it and not putting their feet as the belief that Kulasekhara Alwar is lying there at the doorstep of Garbhalaya and enjoying the smiling face of Lord Srinivasa who has coral lips.

A look at the Lord is considered as most happy event for the devotee. A glimpse is enough for him to come again and again to the abode of the Lord. Crossing all barriers and reaching the Lord’s Garbhalaya to have His darshan is the most important to a devotee.

When he looks at the Lord, the devotee chants govinda govinda and forgets his tale of vows immediately. The ecstasy experienced by him is inexplicable.

– Sri T.K. Krishnaswami Thathacharya