During the auspicious Pushya Masam, some of the important festivals at Tirumala are Pranayakalaha Mahotsavam, Parveta Utsavam, Swami Pushkarini theertha Mukkoti and Kakapudi Utsavam. Every Utsavam or Ritual at Tirumala Hill Shrine has its own story or itihyam related to Lord Srinivasa. Pranayakalaha Mahotsavam / Pranayakalahotsavam Among the series of festivals that are performed with Read More
Tag: Kaka Pudi
Another interesting festival that is celebrated with great religious importance is the ‘Kaka Pudi’ or ‘Kaka Bali’ Utsavam on the day of Kanuma. It is conducted inside Sanctum and around Vimana Prakaram and hence it is not known to many devotees.