Gems of Hanuman Chalisa

Hanuman Chalisa

“Hanuman Chalisa” was written by Tulasidas Goswami in praise of Hanuman. Why it is very popular? Because the hymn praises the devotee of the Supreme.

If “Bhagavata” is praised, the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes happy and blesses immediately. Lord is always fond of devotees. Such a devotee is Lord Hanuman the hero of “Hanuman Chalisa”. It is written in the “Awadhi” language closer to Hindi. The “Chalis” means “forty” verses.

There is no other Bhakta greater than Hanuman who had served Lord Ram. He is “Chiranjeevi” who lives ever. He had adopted the “Dasya Bhakti – Servant to Lord”. This type of Bhakti makes one immortal is what we have seen in the life of Hanumanji. He had completely surrendered to Lord Sita Ram and, hence attained the highest life.

BirthPlace of Hanuman

Chanting Hanuman Chalisa

Chanting “Hanuman Chalisa” is considered sacred. It is also easy to understand as it is written in the local language. It invokes divine intervention and shows us the right path to overcome difficulties in life.

Each word in “Hanuman Chalisa” is auspicious. It gives energy to the soul. “Rama Nama” gives life, but for Lord Ram, Hanumanji gave life to him in many incidents in Sundara Kanda and Yuddha Kanda. Thus, reciting “Hanuman Chalisa” is one of the best ways to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Hanuman Chalisa Explained

The “Hanuman Chalisa” starts with “Sri-Guru Carann Saroja-Raja…” salutations to the lotus feet of Guru. It is a tradition in Sanatana Dharma to first bow to “Guru” to get enlightened. Because Guru shows us the right path of life.

Tulasidas praises Lord Hanuman like how Valmiki had praised in his original text of Ramayana.

Hanuman is praised as “Nava-Vyakarana- Pandita – nine types of knowledge including grammar” and was very humble. One of the incidents where each of the monkeys tried to show the strength to cross the ocean but was not confident. Jambavan knew that only Hanuman could cross the ocean and invoked his strength. Hanuman agreed to the task. This incident shows he is egoless.

Hanuman – Ocean of Wisdom

Hanuman is “Jnaan Gunn Saagar….Lok Ujaagar” Hanuman is the ocean of Wisdom and enlightener of three worlds. When Lord Ram met Hanuman, he was very much impressed by the way Hanuman spoke. He found that Hanuman is no ordinary monkey. The way he expressed his greetings was like a person who must be a Vedic Scholar. Thus, Hanuman’s wisdom was showcased during the introduction to Ram.

Gems of Hanuman Chalisa

Hanuman – Messenger of Lord Rama

Anjaneya is “Raama-Dhoota Atulit Bala-Dhaamaa” He is the messenger of Lord Ram and has i m m e a s u r a b l e strength. It is obvious that when Lakshmana was stuck by the arrows of Indrajith, nobody could save him. Hanuman lifted the mountain and got the “Sanjeevini” herb which brought back the life of Lakshmana.

Such a strength he has. He was hailed as “Rama Dhoota” when he had taken the signet ring from Rama and gave it to Sita, which brought back the life of both.

Gems of Hanuman Chalisa

Hanuman – Great Hero

Hanuman is “Mahaa-biir Bikrama Bajarangi” Great Hero with strength of a Thunderbolt. When he was young, he mistook the Sun for fruit and tried to catch him. He was stuck by Indra’s weapon which would kill if it were others. Because it was Hanuman, he was just pushed down by a powerful weapon.

Anjani Putra

Anjani Putra is “Shankar-Suvan” the incarnation of Lord Shiva as he was born after praying to Lord Shiva by his mother Anjana Devi.

“Prabhu Caritra Sunibe Ko Rasiyaa” He likes to always listen to Ramayana. It is even today when any Bhajan or Ramayana is read, we put a seat for Hanuman as it is told by him that he would attend to hear about Lord Rama, anywhere, anytime, by anybody.

“Raamalassann Siitaa Man Basiyaa” is one of the incidents where Hanuman tears open his heart and shows that his heart is full of “Sita Ram” and one can see even today.

Gems of Hanuman Chalisa

Ashta Siddhi

“ Sookshma Roopadhari ….Vikatt Roop Dhari” when meeting Sita Devi, he took a very small form initially, but when he burnt Lanka, he took a gigantic form. Thus, he knows “Ashta Siddhi”.

“Tum Mam Priya Bharatahisam Bhaaii” Lord Ram himself praised and hugged him saying, you are like my brother Bharatha.

Getting the best acknowledgement from the Supreme is what Hanuman received after giving the “Choodamani- Hair Clip” of Sita.

“Bhuut Pishaaca Nikatt Nahi Aavai” Ghosts, evil spirits do not come near when one recites the glory of Hanuman says the author. As Hanuman had handled many Rakshasas like Lankini, Surasa, Simhika, and Ahiravan, Aksay gained victory over them.

“Naashau Rog Harai Sab Piiraa” will destroy disease and pain as he had saved the life of Lakshmana in the battle, and removed the pain of separation between Rama and Sita. “Saadhu Sant Ke Tum Rakhavaare” savior of Sages because he helped Ram on the battlefield where Ravana was killed, and many saints were saved.

“Assttasiddhi Nava Nidhi Ke Daataa” by praying to him one can get superpowers and prosperity. Sugriva, who lost his kingdom got back all the prosperity when Hanuman helped him meeting Lord Ram.

“Sadaa Raho Raghupati Ke Daasaa” whatever he is praised, Hanuman likes to be the servant of Lord Ram. Such is the “Dasya Bhakti” shown by him.

Gems of Hanuman Chalisa

“Janma Janma Ke Dukh Bisaraavai” if we have the “Dasya Bhakti” like Hanuman, we will be saved from the life of birth and death cycle. We have been born for multiple times and suffered in this world. That cycle will be broken and will attain “Moksha-Salvation”.

“Hanumat Sei Sarva Sukh Karaii” the author authenticates that one who worships Hanuman will always be happy.

“Sankatta Harai Mittai Sab Piiraa” to the above statement, the answer is because Hanuman removes all our sorrows which makes our life Happy.

“Krpaa Karahu Gurudev Kii Naaii” author requests Hanuman to show grace as he considers him as “Guru” the teacher. It is also said by our ancestors that in Ramayana, Lord Ram is “Paramatma”, Maa Sita is “Jeevatma” when she suffered, Lord Hanuman “as Guru” showed the path of light to “Jeevatma” to get united with “Paramatma”.

Hanuman – Universal Teacher

Thus, Hanuman is considered a “Universal Teacher”. Ramayana is not only an incident but also a “Way of Life” in this modern world. “Hrday Basahu Surabhuup” Tulasidas finally says that if one recites “Hanuman Chalisa” with devotion will be blessed by Lord Shiva as he is the witness and always be the servant of “Sri Hari”.

He also requests the Lord to reside in his heart. Hanuman’s life shows us how one should be brave, humble, energetic, positively oriented, goal-focused, maintain inner strength, always happy and contended, take service to the Lord as motto, protect the weak, uplift Dharma, always chant “Rama Nama”, always think of Lord, knowledgeable yet egoless and so on……and ….on….

“Rama Lakshmana Janaki
Jai Bholo Hanumanki”