The Divine Vahanas of gods and goddesses

– Smt. T.S. Rajalakshmi

Divine Vahanas

Vahana in Sanskrit means “that which carries,” a vehicle for Gods and Goddesses. All Gods and Goddesses have their vehicles (Divine Vahanas or Vahanams). The vehicle may be a bird or an animal. Yet, they too are considered with high respect and offered prayers.

They become vehicles to serve them out of devotion. They are staunch devotees who are ready to serve the Almighty at any point in time.

Lord Ganesha – Mooshika

“Mooshika” (mouse), is the vehicle for Lord Ganesha who is worshipped first in all types of worship in the Hindu Tradition. The interesting story is that “Mooshika” was Gandharva Krauncha in his previous birth and due to a curse he was born in the rat family. He was disturbing everybody in the hermitage of Sage Parashara. Gajanana who was there caught hold of him and warned him of dire consequences.

Mooshika Vahanam

Mooshika surrendered to Gajanana and offered to serve him as his vehicle always. Ganesha is also known as “Mooshika Vahana” and is sung as “Mooshika Vahana Modhaka Hastha”. Lord Ganesha mounted on Mooshika teaches us that one should not be distracted by whatever he sees and be wavering in his mind and that one can be controlled by the grace of the Lord.

Lord Subramanya – Surapadma

“Surapadma–the Peacock”, is the vehicle of Lord Karthikeya. Surapadma was a cruel Asura who was torturing the angels. When Lord Muruga fought with Surapadma vigorously, the latter took the form of a tree. Lord Muruga split the tree into two halves turning one half into Peacock and the other into a rooster (which is the symbol for Muruga’s flag).

Lord Subramanya - Peacock

Surapadma surrendered to Lord Muruga and became his vehicle. Lord Muruga is known as “Mayil Vahana”. There is a famous poem as “Erumayil EriVilayaduMugam” in which the vehicle is primarily called upon along with the Lord. Lord Muruga riding on a peacock teaches that even though one takes pride in one’s beauty, he has to submit to the Lord.

Lord Siva – Nandeeswara

“Nandi”, the divine bull, is the vehicle for Lord Siva. He is also the Dwarapalaka of Lord Siva. Nandi means happiness, joy, and satisfaction. He was the son of Sage Shilada who was an ardent devotee of Lord Siva. He wanted a son to be born to serve Lord Siva. Thus, with the Lord’s blessings, Nandi was born to serve as his gatekeeper.

Special Abhishekam and Alankaram is performed during the early hours (Pradosha kaala). He is considered to be the chief of Siva Ganas and a primary Guru. He was a preceptor to Patanjali and Thirumulainathar as well and hence called Nandikeshwara. All Siva temples have Nandi in the front-facing Lord Siva. It is believed that if anyone confides his wishes in Nandi’s ears, he would convey them to Lord Siva and Mother Parvati and get them fulfilled.

“Bairava” who is also the manifestation of Lord Siva has a dog as his vehicle. One can identify Siva temples from the outside by seeing Nandi idols on the walls of the temple.

Many Siva temples have very big Nandi idols as

  • Rameshwaram temple,
  • Brihadeeswara temple and
  • Gangaikonda Chozhapuram temple in Tamil Nadu,
  • Lepakshi temple,
  • Virupaksha temple in Hampi,
  • Chamundeshwari Temple at Chamundi Hills,
  • Hoysaleshwara Temple at Halebid in Karnataka,
  • Bhanjanagar temple at Orissa and
  • Mahanandiswara temple in Kurnool.

Devotees recite the shloka on Nandi during Lord Siva’s darshan: “Nandikesha Mahaabhaaga Sivadhyaana”. A Great Saiva Devotee named Nandanar was not able to view Lord Siva (Sivalokanathar) at Thirupunkur in Tamil Nadu as Nandi was obstructing the darshan.

Nandi Idol - Shiva

Lord Siva commanded Nandi to move aside to enable Nandanar to have His Darshan. Nandi complied with the orders and moved aside. Thus, Nandi aids other devotees to get the blessings of the Lord irrespective of caste and creed. The message from Nandi shows that every Jeevatma should focus only on serving the Lord.

Goddess Parvathi – Simha

“Simha – the Lion” is the vehicle for Goddess Parvathi. Durga kills Mahishasura by mounting on the Lion. The vehicle depicts the power of a woman who controls anger and pride and saves the world from the wicked.

goddess Parvati

Lord Vishnu – Garuda

“Garuda –the Divine eagle” is the vehicle for Lord Vishnu. He was the son of Sage Kashyapa and Vinata. To liberate his mother from slavery, he went to heaven and brought back ambrosia for his stepmother, thus performing the toughest job. Such is the power of Garuda. He symbolizes speed and power.

Natural Stone Garuda Formation
Natural Stone Garuda Formation – Tirumala Ghat Road

Many ancient texts praise Garuda as Pakshiraja–the King of Birds. Garuda Purana is one of the puranas categorized as Saatvik Purana. It has the dialogue between Garuda and Lord Vishnu. Garuda is praised in many puranas as a savior because he takes the Lord with great speed to enable him to save the devotees in time.

A classic example is Gajendra Moksha where the Lord mounted on Garuda saves the elephant. It is believed to be auspicious to remember Garuda Seva and Gajendra Moksham while waking up in the morning.

Garuda also symbolizes the Vedas. It is also said that the wings of Garuda always sound Vedic hymns. He is also praised as Suparna, Vainateya, Nagari, Jitantak, Nagbhishan, Garutman, Vishari, Vrihadtantrasaar, Ajit, Vishwaroopi, Khagshresta (best among birds) and Kashyap Nandan. One can identify the Vishnu temple from the outside by seeing Garuda’s statue on the walls of the temple.

Some temples are famous for Garuda. Naachiyaar Kovil near Kumbakonam is famous for Stone Garuda (Kal Garuda). This is the place where Garuda arranged for the marriage of Vanjulavalli Devi and Lord Srinivasa. Here, during Garuda Seva, Garuda becomes heavier when going out of the temple and becomes lighter when entering the temple. Garuda Seva in Kanchipuram, Tirumala, and Sri Rangam is very famous. Amrutha Kalasam offered to Garuda cures various diseases.

Garuda Seva with Umbrellas during Brahmotsavam
Garuda Seva – Tirumala

A few villages near Tirunelveli have a practice of performing special Abhishekam and dressing (Sattai Sathal) for one of the Garuda Statues seen on the top of the temple wall. During annual Brahmotsavas, the Garuda flag is hoisted on the main mast and it is called “Dwajarohanam”. Sri Rangam Garuda is quite huge and magnificently painted with beautiful natural colors. Garuda wore snakes as his ornaments.


There are many songs mentioning Garuda like “Garuda Gamana, Garuda Dhwaja” etc.

Famous Shloka “Mangalam Bhaghavan Vishnu Mangalam Garudadhwaja” praises the Lord along with Garuda. Garuda was born as Perialwar, father of Sri Andal. Hence, Srivilliputtur’s inner shrine has Garuda along with Lord Rangamannar and Sri Andal. “Pallandu Pallandu” divya prabhandam was sung by Perialwar when he saw the Lord with his consorts mounted on Garuda and gave him darshan. The Garuda Flag of Lord Vishnu indicates the “Speed, Power and Dharma”.

It is also believed that the darshan of Garuda will cure diseases and bring prosperity.

Goddess Mahalakshmi – Elephant

“Elephant” is the vehicle for Goddess Mahalakshmi. We can see mostly Mahalakshmi in a sitting posture with two elephants on either side at the entrance of a temple or house as it is considered very auspicious. An elephant is a symbol of power and prosperity.

Goddess Mahalakshmi - Elephant
Tiruchanur – Alamelu Ammavaru/ Goddess Mahalakshmi – Elephant Vahana

Goddess Lakshmi is also known as Gaja Lakshmi. Gaja Vahana seva is auspicious to Goddess Padmavati Devi in Tiruchanur as Garuda Seva to the Lord. The Paraphernalia from the Lord of Seven Hills is brought on the elephants to Goddess Padmavathi Devi during Panchami theertham during Brahmotsavas.

Lord Brahma-Hamsa

“Hamsa–the Divine Swan” is the vehicle for Lord Brahma and Goddess Saraswati. The word Hamsa is a combination of two words “Aham” +” Sa” which is “I am He”. This reveals that one can get enlightened by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Knowledge, wisdom, purity, peace, and truth are imparted.

Divine Vahanas - Brahma Vehicle or Vahan - Swan or Hamsa

Lord Indra – Airaavatha

“Airaavatha – the white Elephant” is the vehicle for Lord Indra, King of Heaven. He is praised to be a king of elephants. It stands at the entrance of (Svarga) heaven. Some texts reveal that Airaavatha emerged during the churning of the Milky Ocean. Airaavatha in Puranas is praised as a symbol of protection and success.

Churning of ocean

Vahana symbolizes a strong relationship between Paramatma and Jeevatma like that of Master and Servant. They may appear two different individuals but the truth is that Jeevatma is controlled by Paramatma. The vahana is the foremost Bhakta who helps other Bhaktas in getting the blessings of the Lord by carrying him to them. It also shows the loyalty towards the Lord. It points to the easiest way to approach the Lord and get his blessings.

All the Vahanas have a special power of cleansing the mind, body and giving us positive energy. Let’s be blessed more when we get the Darshan of the Lord in these vahanas. We should also look forward to every moment to get the opportunity to serve the Lord like Vahanas.

Ashtadikpalakas – The Gods of 8 Directions

Ashtadikpalakas In Service of Brahmotsavams

The Ashtadikpalakas are eight in number. As their collective name suggests, they rule the eight quarters or the eight directions of the universe. Ashta means eight, “dik” means quarters or directions and” pālaks “means rulers.

According to Padma Purana, long long ago at the time of starting Kaliyuga, sacred Narayanadri was located in Jambudweepam in Bharat. Lord Srinivasa incarnated on the hills, situated on the southern side of the River Ganges at a distance of two hundred yojanas and on the eastern side at a distance of five yojanas on the bank of Swami Pushkarini towards the western side, in Kanya Bhadrapada masa on Ekadasi, Monday, in Sravana star in an auspicious muhurta.

Ashtadikpalakas and their role in Brahmotsavams - Heading

Brahma and other devatas had the darshan of Lord Srinivasa. They wished to perform Utsavas and when asked the Lord, he gave his acceptance. Accordingly, Brahma organized a nine-day festival and made arrangements for Vahana sevas to be taken in a procession.

The first day, called Dwajarohanam, hoisting a Flag on Dwajasthabam, depicted with a picture, inviting all Devatas to participate in pooja and worship. Prominent among them Dikpalakas were also invited. Later they became popular as ‘Ashtadikpalakas’.

Accordingly, they came to Tirumala and took their positions in all eight directions in four mada streets. They have to protect the Lord from evil eye (Sight) and forces, while the Lord is moving on Vahana sevas in a procession. Because Lord is being decorated with the ornaments, given by Brahma and Kubera.

It is essential to know about Ashtadikpalakas and their role in Brahmotsavams.

  1. East,
  2. South,
  3. West,
  4. North

Four dikhs (Directions)  i.e.

  1. Agneya (South-East),
  2. Nairuthi (South-West),
  3. Vayavya (North-West), and
  4. Isanya (North-East)

are four corners or sub-corners. These eight are Ashtadikpalakas in total. Let us know about the Lords of eight directions in detail.


Detailed description of Ashtadikpalakas


He is praised as a King to Devas in Vedas. He is the Lord of East direction. He is the son of Aditi. Sachidevi is his wife. His weapon is Vajrayudha. His Vahanam is Iravatam(Elephant). He stays in Amaravathi. He possesses an Elephant named ‘Iravatam’ and a horse named ‘Ucchisravam’, born from Ksheerasagaram.

He defeated Danavas in the Deva-Asura battle and Devas felt happy about their success. Parabrahma appeared in space as light with higher brightness at that time. Devas wondered after seeing the brightness and tried to know about the light.

Ashtadikpalakas - IndraDeva

First Agni and Next Vayu went to know about the brightness but returned in vain. Later Indra went to that place, but the Rupam (Shape) disappeared. Umadevi was found in that place. Indra questioned Uma about the disappeared Yaksha. She replied that he was Parabrahma and with his blessings only you won the battle.

Indra acknowledged thanks and prayed for Parabrahma. Indra, Agni and Vayu went to see Parabrahma, and that’s why they became popular. Indra knew about Parabrahma, he became King of Devas and Lord of Devalokas.


Agni is one among the Panchabhutas (Five elements). He is Lord of Agneya (South-East) direction. Tejaswi (Very bright).

  • His Rupam (Shape) is with Seven hands,
  • Four horns,
  • Seven tounges
  • Two heads, and
  • Clean and Smiling.

Vaiswanara is his father’s name. Suchishmati is his mother. His wife is Swahadevi. His weapon is Sakthi. His vahanam is ‘Sheep’. He stays in Tejovathi town.

Ashtadikpalakas - Agni Deva

Agni was born from Siva amsa. When he was a child, Narada saw him and told him that he was having a dangerous curse in his twelfth year. With the permission of his parents, he went to Kasi Kshetram and did severe penance for Siva.

Indra came to Agni to give boons. Agni rejected the proposal and said that he wouldn’t stop penance till Siva appears. Angered Indra severely beaten with Vajrayudha, till he went into a Coma.

Later Siva appeared and gave several boons. He blessed him to be the Lord of Agneya. Agni is one of the Vasus. Even though he eats all good or bad substances, he is sacred. His profession is to distribute havya among devatas. He is the First Sakthi to know about Parabrahma, hence he is worshipped by all Lokas and became great among devatas.


He is the Lord of Pitruganas. He is the ruler of the South direction.

  • Surya is his father.
  • Sanjanadevi is his mother.
  • Syamaladevi is his wife.

‘Danda’ is his weapon. Mahisha (Buffalo) is his vahanam. He Stays in Saranyamana town. He is very Cruel but familiar as Dharmatma.

River Yamuna is his sister. Chitraguptha, Writer, Chanda, Maha Chanda are his servants.

Ashtadikpalakas - YamaDeva

He is a capable ruler, who can differentiate between Dharma and Adharma. He is well-versed in protecting justice. He gives Punishments to Sinners. He has another name Samavarthi. Saneswara is his stepbrother. His appearance is ferocious. He likes the ‘Banyan’ tree.

Niruti deva

He is the Lord of ‘Nairuti (South-West)’ direction. He is Adhipathi for all Lokas. He is gentle, noble. ‘Deerghadevi’ is his wife. ‘Kuntam’ is his weapon. ‘Man’ is his vahanam. He stays in ‘Krishnangana’ town. His name is ‘Pingalaksha’ in his previous birth. without accepting a hereditary profession he lived with good behaviour, but his uncle Daruka is a great cruel person. Daruka attacked a group of travellers along with his followers and beat them with various weapons.

Nairuti Deva

After hearing for help, Pingalaksha arrived and did battle with his paternal uncle to protect the travellers. In that battle, Daraka and his followers killed Pingalaksha with arrows. Naturally, Pingalaksha has had a helping tendency. He is an orthodox, well behaviour, dharmatma, died like that and went to punyalokas.

Since he has good qualities, being appointed as the Lord of Nairuti and became familiar.


The Lord of the West, who is invited to distribute havirbhaghas at the time of performing yagas. He is the Lord of water.

  • Kardama Prajapati is his father.
  • His wife is Kalika Devi.
  • His weapon is Pasam.

Crocodile is his vahanam. He stays in Sraddavathi town. He has another name Suchishmantha.

Varuna Deva

When he was a child went along with his friends to play on the bank of a lake, then a Crocodile swallowed him and took him to Samudra.

A friend informed Kardama about the incident. Kardama is doing penance with devotion. Lord Siva sent his soldier to Samudra for another job, there he saw Suchishmantha and enquired why he was brought here? When Samudra knew that he was the son of Kardama, feared and sent the boy to Siva.

Siva sent the boy to Kardama. Because of the darshan of Siva, Suchishmantha got Gnana. Taking permission from his father, he went to Kasi to do penance for Siva. Lord Siva felt happy and asked him to have boons. Then he asked to give Varunapatham. Accordingly, Siva blessed him. Suchishmantha became Varuna and Lord of Varuna loka. Thus he became familiar.

References in Ramayana and Mahabharata

Varuna Devta’s presence is prominent in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. In the Ramayana, he is known to have appeased Lord Rama when the latter was about to unleash the Bhramastra on the ocean. Additionally, he supported Lord Krishna after Krishna’s victory over him in battle, gifting celestial weapons like the Sudarshana Chakra to Krishna and the Gandiva Bow to Arjuna before the Mahabharata war.

Varuna Devta’s story demonstrates his evolution from a cosmic ruler to a god associated with water, knowledge, and wisdom. His influence transcends borders and cultures, leaving an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of humanity. So, as the rain pours in Coimbatore, take a moment to ponder the enigmatic God Varuna and the depth of his legacy in Bharat and beyond.

“Om Jala-Bimbaya Vidmahe

Varunaaya Dheemahi

Tanno Varuna Prachodayat”

This mantra is a profound invocation to Varuna, seeking his blessings and guidance. Chant it with reverence and focus, allowing the sacred vibrations to resonate with your inner self and draw the divine energy of Varuna into your life, bringing peace, purification, and protection, especially during the rainy season.


He is one among Panchabhoothas (Five elements). Omnipresent and very strong. He is the Lord of Vayavya (North-West) direction. He is the fundamental source of living creatures. After getting boons from Siva, he became Lord of Dikh and possessed with pranapanadi panchamurtymatvam, Sarvagatvam, Sarvasatva bhodakatvam like good qualities.

He is a Brahmin named Pootatma in his previous birth.


He is an agnatic cousin of Maharshi Kasyapa. Anjanadevi is his wife. Flag is his weapon. ‘Deer’ is his vahanam. He stays in Gandhavati town. He fell in love with Anjana, the daughter of Kunjara.

She gave birth to a son named Anjaneya with the blessings of Vayudeva without any disturbance to her chastity. Anjaneya is the hereditary son of Vayudeva. He appears in several places in various historical and mythological puranas. He is the best friend of Agni.


He is loved by all devatas. He is the Lord of North direction. Most rich and fortunate.

  • His father is Visravobrahma.
  • Ilabila is his mother.
  • Chitrarekha Devi is his wife.

His weapon is a Sword. His vahanam is ‘Horse’. He resides in Alakapuri town. Ravana Brahma is his stepbrother. He did penance for Brahma Deva. He is blessed with a pretty son Nalakubera and Lord of all lokas, riches, having friendship with Sankara, possessed Lanka town.

Ashtadikpalakas - KuberaDeva

Accordingly, Brahma fulfilled all his desires. Moreover, he gave Pushpaka vimana, a divine vimana. The stepbrother Ravana became proud of having boons, started hurting lokas, torturing his brother Kubera and took away Pushpaka vimana, an occupied Lanka town.

Kubera approached Siva, Who presented Alakapuri town. The Lord of Kaliyuga Sri Venkateswara Swami asked Kubera to give money as a loan at the time of his marriage with Sri Padmavathi Devi. Then he gave money keeping the banyan tree as a witness. That’s why Lord is remitting interest till today to Kubera.

Having blessings of Maha Lakshmi Kubera is a true dharmatma and dhanyatma.


The Lord of Esaanya (North-East) direction is Paramasiva. Jagadamba Parvati is his wife. Trisula is his weapon. Vrishaba is his vahanam. He stays in Yasovati town. Parvati and Parameswara are considered Adidampatis.

He gives boons to his devotees instantly, that’s why he became popular as ‘Bhola Sankara.’

Ashtadikpalakas - ParamaSiva

He has great strength. He is one among Trimurthies. He is selfindependent. He is worshipped by bhootha ganas, contains third eye to make others into ashes instantly. He is Layakartha. He resides in Kailasam.

When Garalam (Severe Poison) came out from Sagara, he swallowed it and kept it in his throat to protect all Lokas. He is Omnipotent. He is having the capacity to give Agrahaha and anugraha.

He is a close friend of Vishnu. Cursed by Maharshi Bhrighu, he is being worshipped in Linga shape. He is worshipped by all, poojaneya and abhinandaneeya.

We have to remember Ashtadikpalakas and their services in the Lord’s Brahmotsavams and make our lives blessed.


“Venkatadri Samam sthanam Brahmande Nasthi Kinchana”

Annual Brahmotsavams

There is no sacred place in the Brahmanda like ‘Venkatadri’. Out of all pilgrim centers throughout the world, ‘Venkatadri’ is being considered as a unique place. Since the advent of Lord Venkateswara as ‘Swayambhu’ in Tirumala, the ‘Annual Brahmotsavams’ are being celebrated for nine days in the month of ‘Aswiyuja’ in a celestial manner.

Salakatla Brahmotsavams

But, according to Chandramana, the adhika Masam comes once in three years. Because of this, the first (Annual) Brahmotsavams to Srivaru was held in Kanya/ Bhadrapada masa, as per the arrangement made by Lord Brahma called ‘Salakatla Brahmotsavams’.

Navaratri Brahmotsavams

The second Brahmotsavams ‘Navaratri Brahmotsavams’ would be conducted in Aswiyuja masa.

  • Accordingly, the first (Annual) Brahmotsavams to Srivaru starts in Kanya / Bhadrapada Masam.
  • The second Brahmotsavam would be celebrated in the month of ‘Aswiyuja’.

The difference between these two Brahmotsavams is there would be no ‘Ankurarpana’, ‘Dwajarohanam’, and ‘Dwaja Avarohanam’ in the Navaratri (Second) Brahmotsavam.

Besides these two (Salakatla and Navaratri) Brahmotsavams, this year in September, the other festivals like

  • Sri Krishnastami,
  • Gokulastami,
  • Adi Varaha Jayanthi,
  • Vamana Jayanthi,
  • Balarama Jayanthi,
  • Sri Krishna Jayanthi and
  • Ananta Padmanabha Swami Vratam will appear.

Another important festival is ‘Vinayaka Chavithi’. Lord Ganesha is called ‘Adideva(remover of obstacles)’. He is always worshipped before performing any type of pooja or vratam. Let us worship all these gods and get their blessings. The Lord of the Seven Hills is the sole deity, who gives protection to all of us.


Brahmotsavams 2018
Kalpavriksha Vahanam – Annual Brahmotsavams 2018


During the auspicious days of the Brahmotsavams, Lord Venkateswara gives us his splendorous ‘darshan’, while he goes in processions on many beautifully decorated ‘Vahanas’ with multiple ornaments and garlands. It is an eye-feast to the visiting pilgrims.

Devotees for Garuda Seva
Devotees waiting for the procession of Garuda Seva which usually starts @ 7 PM


This spiritual atmosphere creates bliss in the hearts of innumerable devotees. He is the only god on this earth, who can eradicate all kinds of difficulties in ‘Kali Yuga’. It is simply sufficient to participate in the holy celebrations of Lord Venkateswara with devotional and spiritual zeal.

When we chant the auspicious name ‘Govinda’, our wishes will be fulfilled. The sins that belong to our previous births also would be washed away. When we go a step forward to visit our Lord, he comes forward with ten steps to bless us.

Golden Chariot

During the Brahmotsavams one should maintain Cleanliness, Tilaka dharana, wear traditional dress, and entreat the famous Lord as ‘Nitya Kalyana Chakravarthy’.

He grants knowledge, prosperity, the power of the mind, courage, and fortitude to his devotees for the sake of the welfare of society.

Let us have the sublime ‘darshan’ of our Lord of the Seven Hills during the Brahmotsavams and get ourselves blessed with his abundant magnificence and splendor.

Padmavati Devi


  • The sacred bath ‘ABHISHEKAM’ is performed to Goddess Padmavati Devi on Fridays.
  • All the rituals and pujas offered to Ammavaru are as per the procedures of ‘PANCHARATRA AGAMA’.
  • Goddess Mahalakshmi immersed herself in penance and emerged as ‘SRI PADMAVATI DEVI’ from a Lotus located at the center of Pushkarini (holy pond) on the auspicious ‘PANCHAMI’ day. Since then that day has been called ‘TIRUCHANUR PANCHAMI’.
  • It has been an age-old tradition to worship ‘GODDESS PADMAVATI DEVI’ before worshipping ‘LORD SRINIVASA’.
  • The Utsavas (festivities) at Tirumala are called ‘SRIVARI UTSAVAS’ and the Utsavas at Tiruchanur are called ‘SRI UTSAVS’.
  • Gaja Seva (Elephant Service) occupies a prominent place in Tiruchanur since Goddess Padmavati Devi is the incarnation of ‘GAJA LAKSHMI’.
  • The Sanctum Sanctorum of the Ammavari Temple in Tiruchanur is called ‘SHANTI NILAYAM’.
  • The laddu prasadam of Ammavaru in Tiruchanur is called ‘AMRUTHA KALASAM’.
  • The flagstaff hoisted to commemorate Dwajarohanam has an ‘ELEPHANT’ symbol as it is dear to Ammavaru.
  • The very mention of Tiruchanur will bring to our mind the sacred manifestation of Goddess Alarmelmanga in the Lotus Tank ‘PADMA SAROVAR’.

Gaja Vahana Seva - Padmavati Devi Ammavaru