SVBC – Sri Venkateswara Bhakthi Channel, Tirumala
It is an established fact that no other medium enjoys the popularity and impact of television in present circumstances. There are innumerable uses of television. It is also true that TV provides knowledge and understanding to people from little children to centenarians. Some channels are under government control, some are vehicles for making money, and some are entirely devoted to advertisements.
In contrast, one and the only TV channel run by a religious organization is ‘Sri Venkateswara Bhakthi Channel‘. TTD Board establishes this with the permission of the government. Since its launching, it grew by leaps and bounds like Vamana who grew from a little boy to a huge giant standing close to the sky. Lord Edukondala Swamy (god of seven hills) is the God who would respond when called earnestly.
If devotees call his name, Govinda from the heart, he comes down from the hills to abate the suffering of his devotees. Such a magnificent God is Lord Venkateswara. His miracles are numberless, and His grandeur is boundless.
SVBC TTD, Youtube Link
To watch the splendour of such a Noble Lord, even if he has a thousand eyes, a devotee may feel dissatisfied. However long he watches the resplendent Lord, who is as bright as a thousand suns, with immense power to draw people, it is insufficient for a devotee.
Every devotee wishes to capture him in his eyes and to build a temple in his heart and keep him there permanently. He wants to stand in front of the golden gate of the temple and spend time watching the Lord not for days but for a lifetime.
It is the most natural wish for the devotees of the Lord. But is it possible in reality? Crores of people chanting the Lord’s names,‘Edukondalavada! Venkata Ramana! Govinda!’ reach Tirumala Hills and wait for His Darshan. Every devotee wants to stand forever in His presence forever looking at His Form. On the other hand, lakhs of devotees sincerely desire to have His Darshan, but due to either ill health or some other reasons they cannot climb the hills.
Instead, they keep chanting His name earnestly and recalling the miracles in their own homes. Is it possible for crores of people to have Darshan to their heart’s content? Moreover, how will the desire to see the Lord’s Form until one is satisfied fulfilled? But from the devotees’ point of view it is a justified wish.
Moreover, is the pilgrimage to Tirupati only to have the Lord’s darshan? Not completely true. Along with Darshan which is primary, people also want to visit every place on the Hills, considering every spot touched by Swamy’s feet as His very form and cherish the sweet memories of those visits. This is also a justified demand from the devotees’ point of view. But it is easier said than done for TTD to arrange all facilities for multitudes of devotees for Darshan in the best way and to facilitate visits to all surrounding holy places.
But it is an important responsibility of Devasthanam. However difficult or expensive it may be Devasthanam endeavours to fulfill the wishes of devotees and to provide service to them. Those who come to the Seven Hills can have Darshan and complete their pilgrimage. But what about those who can’t? This made the TTD Board ponder seriously about devotees who cannot come to Tirumala. Among Trust Board Members and officers, an idea came to create a facility for every devotee, whether he can come to the hills or not, to have Darshan of the Lord.
Out of the churning of such ideas evolved the initiative for Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel. On a war footing, arrangements for the channel were made and on 7-4-2008, Sarvadhari Ugadi, in front of the Lord’s temple at 11.45 am amidst chanting of Govinda and ritual prayers, began the streaming of test signals of SVBC. It was inaugurated by Sri Ranga Ramanuja Pedda Jeeyar Swamy.
The earnest wishes of the devotees in the distant places of the world were thus fulfilled by the Lord. The then Hon’ble Chief Minister, Sri Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy permitted the starting of Sri Venkateswara Bhakthi Channel. Under the direction of Sri Bhumana Karunakara Reddy, the then chairman of the TTD board, the then Hon’ble President of India Pratibha Devi Patil inaugurated the telecasting of the SVBC channel.
SVBC which completed broadcasting of 17+ years can be described as Modern Alwar who carried the Lord’s miracles and power to every heart and to every household. Popularly known as SVBC, Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel created a wave among spiritual small-screen channels in Telugu. It began a new era in streaming religious programmes.
On Tirumala Hills, tens of divine services take place every day. From the early morning Suprabhata service to the night Pavalimpu Seva, many rituals take place. On auspicious days, on festivals, and during Brahmotsavams, special prayers are offered, each of which is unique. Everyday festivals, fortnightly, monthly and yearly celebrations are a testimony to the magnificence of the Lord. Tirumala got its name as ‘Kaliyuga Vaikunta’ due to these continuous celebrations.
A Replica Temple
To make every service offered to the Lord in Sanctum Sanctorum accessible to devotees, the officers decided to telecast every regular divine service including special services. Without any deviation from Agama traditions, a replica of the temple is built, all the divine services of the main temple are done here, and the videos of these are broadcast. This is a marvel in history.
Devotees only hear of divine services to the Lord but they do not have the opportunity to participate in these nor do they have a chance to observe them. Due to the contribution of SVBC, devotees got an opportunity to watch every divine service to their heart’s content.
It is indeed a boon to the people not just to observe divine services but also allows hear about the significance of each ritual from the temple priests and Agama pundits. Due to their good fortune devotees can watch the services on the small screen with the knowledge of their inner meaning.
Sathamanam Bhavathi
One of the innovative programmes of SVBC, ‘Sathamanam Bhavathi’ has attracted multitudes of viewers. It is an incomparable success achieved by SVBC. In this programme blessings by the temple priests were given to people on their birthdays, wedding anniversaries and other occasions on screen and later Prasadam is being sent to their houses.
Lakhs of devotees have received thus Srivari blessings on their birthdays and wedding anniversaries and feel blessed. The Lord of Tirumala delights in Kalyanams. The temple is a witness to innumerable Kalyanams throughout the year.
Kalyanotsavam of Lord of Tirumala Hills with two Goddesses takes place delightfully feasting the eyes of the viewers. When the celebration of Kalyanam of the Lord is telecast, every devotee’s heart is filled with joy. Many devotees expressed that they felt that Kalyanam was taking place in their very houses and it is a testament to the popularity of SVBC.
It is said it is impossible even for Brahma with Four faces to describe the magnificence of the Lord. Along with ritual prayers, the Lord also receives tributes through various art forms. The special programme designed for such a purpose is ‘Naadaneerajanam.’
This is a platform through which many nationally renowned musicians and dancers present their music, dance, community singing and other performances in praise of the Lord. A dais entitled ‘Naadaneerajanam’ is built on which every evening programmes are conducted and telecast live.
Even internationally famous artists happily boast of performing on the platform. They proudly wait for the opportunity for months. Thousands of viewers wait in front of the TVs, leaving all other chores at home to watch these cherished programmes by maestros. This is also one in the series of victories of SVBC. We can understand the impact created by SVBC when we see other channels emulating them, designing similar programmes and telecasting them.
Moreover, tens of programmes and ritual prayers done in other temples, reciting of Puranas, and reading of epics are streamed by SVBC paving the way for devotees to walk on the righteous path. These programmes fill their heart with spiritual light. Along with programmes and ritual prayers to the Lord T.T. Devasthanam took the responsibilities of other temples. SVBC also telecasts ritual prayers in other temples, special festivals, Yagnams, and interviews of heads of Kanchi, Peethams and clarification on issues of Dharma by experts. Each programme is different and attracted diverse viewers.
No.1 Bhakti Channel
Another unique feature of SVBC is designing new programmes according to changing times to suit viewers’ taste. It recognizes that it’s responsibility is not just to delight viewers but to awaken them. That’s the reason it devised new religious programmes to empower devotees with spiritual power during the period of Corona with the goal of universal welfare.
Due to the effect of Corona when the field of media was in financial doldrums, SVBC grew strong financially and got better ratings. It continues to enjoy number 1 position among Bhakti channels.
The Ramayana is one of the earliest Indian epics. The Avatar of Lord Rama is most loved by people. Some parts in each volume are miraculous and help the powerful race of Indians live peacefully.
From this viewpoint Sundarakanda in the Ramayana, Viratparva in the Bharata, Dashama skanda in the Bhagavata and Purushothama prapti in the Bhagavadgita became famous. There is sufficient material for spiritual practice to overcome dualities, treating sorrow and joys, union and separation as equal and lead life with noble ideals in Sundarakanda.
Following Dharma is the only way for human beings to come out of Corona and such pandemics troubling the entire human race. Lord Hanuma gave this cure to Sita. He is in the place of a guru. He is a very brave being. And so he fought with the rakshasa race, taught a lesson to Ravana who became a slave to selfishness and bodily pleasures and made all measures to kill Ravana ready in Lanka and returned to Rama.
Here Sita is the main protagonist. It is her courage that saved her. Even when human beings face ordeals courageously and pray to the Lord sincerely, all sufferings shall abate and all the people live peacefully and comfortably. This is our tradition. Elders suggested that even a chapter of Sundarakanda becomes a guard of protection for mankind.
And every chapter takes the man to new heights of spiritual awakening. By name, we think Sundarakanda is the story of Lord Hanuman. Since the Lord’s magnificence is explained as ‘Satyam, Sivam, Sundaram,’ in it, the book becomes a vehicle for explaining the nature of the Omniscient God.
Sundarakanda Recitation
During the Corona period, SVBC especially took up telecasting the recital of Sundarakanda and endeavoured to ward off insecure feelings among people. By chanting Hanuma’s name itself one becomes mentally strong, fearless and brave. Sastras assert that there are many benefits in recalling Lord Hanuma’s name.
So by arranging the recital of Sundarakanda by pundits, making devotees chant it and analyzing the significance of each hymn by experts for viewers’ sake, SVBC created a new trend. It is giving live experience to people.
There was a tremendous response for continued recital of Sundarakanda. With more than ten thousand viewers on YouTube live programmes, SVBC TV reached the first position among religious channels. Encouraged by viewers’ response to the programme and to make the channel financially strong, TTD established a trust. It is hoped that this trust will play a key role in future in improving the quality of SVBC programmes further to inculcate religious and spiritual power among mankind.
The objective is to Maintain Sanatana Dharma
Recital of the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana and other epics strengthened the morale of people during Covid times and made SVBC reign as the pole star of channels. The main objective of the Channel is to present Sanatan Dharma, without any commercial intention, to all Hindus attractively and interestingly. It is a testimony to the attractiveness of the programmes of SVBC that devotees, rich and poor alike, young ones who are like rising suns and old ones like the setting suns have donated lakhs and crores of rupees to the channel.
The amounts that accrued in the trust are astonishing. Here it is relevant to note and appreciate the initiative and sincere efforts of Sri A.V. Dharma Reddy, I.D.E.S., the Additional Executive Officer of TTD. How blissful and fortunate are the Lord’s devotees? What more do they want than watching the festivals directly in their own homes? As every house is turned into a temple, devotees from all over the world show their thanks to the TTD.
Lamps are of many types: some give light to only those who hold them, and some light up the rooms. And street lights show the way to people. But the lamp of the Lord protects all people and all worlds. The main wick in the lamp is SVBC. All the wicks merged with it are alight all the time like lamps in the Lord’s Sanctum Santorum.
Watch Sri Venkateswara Bhakti Channel. Watch the splendour of the Lord directly. Make your home the temple, make your heart the throne of the Lord and pray to him. The Lord who got disillusioned with Vaikuntam made Venkatadri His home. Our earnest prayers make our hearts His home. One path for that is the SVBC channel.