The Splendour of Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi is considered the goddess of wealth and prosperity. She also represents prosperity. In the olden days prosperity was considered based on a number of cows and horses. Our ancient mythology says that Goddess Lakshmi rose out of the Milk Ocean when the great churning was done by the gods and asuras (demons).

Lord Vishnu balanced the Mandara mountain to give stability to the process of churning.

One of the names of Goddess Lakshmi is Gajalakshmi. The kumbhasthala(skull) of an elephant is considered as the abode of Goddess Lakshmi. There is a description in a verse that indicates that two elephants do abhishekam to Goddess Lakshmi with golden pots full of nectar.

The Splendour of Goddess Lakshmi


In srisukta her gorgeous nature and beauty have been lucidly described. She adores golden and silver ornaments on her body. She is considered as an embodiment of wealth.

According to Srisukta, she is awakened every day by the trumpeting (gheenkara) of elephants (Hastinaada prabhodhineem). Goddess Lakshmi resides in the bosom of Lord Venkateswara. She is considered as anapaayinee which means inseparable. She cannot be separated from the Lord of Seven Hills.

‘Sravana’ is the birth star of Lord Venkateswara. Thus the month of Sravana is considered auspicious for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. As rains fall, farmers will be happy due to prosperity in the form of grains. Grains are also considered as another form of Goddess Lakshmi. In the olden days grains were given to labourers instead of money.

How to obtain the grace of Goddess Lakshmi?

It’s a million-dollar question. Maintenance of personal hygiene is more important for the devotees of Goddess Lakshmi. Those devotees who want to get the grace of the goddess of wealth should have a pleasant and serene atmosphere in the house.

Decoration of the place of worship and the place near the threshold with cow dung and flowers will invoke Goddess Lakshmi. She will shower her choicest blessings on those who recite Srisukta or Kanaka dhara stotra daily with devotion. There are numerous stotras to placate Goddess Lakshmi. A guru or priest will be able to tell you what should be recited and how they should be recited.

The Splendour of Goddess Lakshmi

To obtain the grace of the goddess of wealth one should bath and wear clean robes. The devotee should sit facing north while doing worship of Goddess Lakshmi. In tantra Goddess Lakshmi is called kamalatmika. She is one of the powerful ten wisdom Goddesses.

While doing japa or recital of kamalatmika mantra one should wear red robes or white robes. One should have an energized portrait of Gajalakshmi. As per the instructions of priest, japa must be done with a rosary of lotus seeds. After japa, one should do the havan with pure ghee, because fire is considered as the medium to send our request to the deity of prosperity.

The following mantra should be recited 1008 times with a rosary.

Sreedhara karasthaaya payonidhi
jaataayalakshmee sahodaraayachintita
arthaphala pradaayadakshi
naavartashankhaayate namaha

Gomatichakras are also considered replicas of the goddess of wealth. These are also available in the ocean. One should get the chakra mantra energised by any guru or priest. Worship of Lord Kubera will also give the grace of Goddess Lakshmi. It is described in the Puranas that great treasures namely Shankha and Padma are under the control of Kubera.

The bilva tree is also considered a symbol of the Goddess Lakshmi. Legend says that Goddess Lakshmi was born out of a bilva tree. Doing homa with bilva fruits will bring prosperity to the devotees. While doing homa, srisukta mantras should be recited. In srisukta Lord Agnideva is described as the medium between the Goddess and the devotees. Homa with lotus seeds will also bring prosperity.

Let us worship Goddess Mahalakshmi with devotion so that we will get material as well as spiritual benefits.