Prominence of Anaghaa Vratham

Prominence of Anaghaa Vratham

According to the Hindu calendar, the month MARGASHIRSHA Maasa starts with the winter season, generally in December as per the English Calendar. It is a lovely month for Lord Sri Mahavishnu and Sri Maha Lakshmi. It is an auspicious month for performing Pujas & Vrathas like ‘Anaghaa Vratham’ and ‘Kaatyayani Vratham’ etc.

Anaghaa Vratham is mainly performed on Krishna Ashtami in Marghashirsha or at least on Ashtami (Krishna/Sukla) every month. The main deities of this Vratha are Anaghaa Devi & Sri Guru Dattatreya. Both were treated as the incarnations of Goddess Maha Laxmi and Sri Maha Vishnu respectively.

Prominence of Anaghaa Vratham / Sri Dattatreya Swamy

Sri Dattatreya Swamy

Sri Dattatreya Swamy was born to the couple Atri Mahamuni and Anasuya Devi. Once the three maataas (Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Parvati) decided to test the chastity of Anasuya. They asked their consorts to test her chastity. Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva went to Anasuya and asked her to give them hospitality undressed. Then Anasuya Devi with the power of her chastity changed them into babies and fed them.

The three maataas anxiously went to Anasuya Devi and requested her to give their consorts back. She accepted their requisition and solicited the trio of Gods to take birth as their sons. As a result of this, the Anasuya and the Atri Mahamuni got Brahma in the form of Chandra, Shiva in the form of Durvasa and Vishnu in the form of Dattatreya as their sons.

Dattatreya Swamy was born on full moon day of Margashirsha maasa. This day is performed as ‘Datta Jayanthi’.


In Kritha Yuga, a demon called ‘Jambaasura’ was insisting devatas in many ways. Devatas went to Dattatreya Swamy to protect them from Jambaasura. Dattatreya Swamy made a fire altar and performed puja there.

From that altar, a lady incarnation came out wearing in eight hands Shanka, Chakra, Gada, Damaru, Trisula, Padmam, Japamaala and Kamandalam to destroy Jambaasura. She is no one but Mahalakshmi in the form of Anaghaa Devi.

As Sri Mahalakshmi took the incarnation of Anaghaa Devi on Krishnaashtami in Margas hirsha Maasa, it is called, ‘Anaghaashtami’.

Anaghaashtami Vratham

Anaghaashtami Vratham had been performed in kruthayuga by Kaarthaveeryarjuna who stood first in the list of devotees of Sri Datta Swamy, in Treta Yuga by Lord Sri Rama and in Dwapara Yuga by Dharma Raja. In this kaliyuga also, the Anaghaastami is being performed in many places of our country for good health, wealth, prosperity, good yielding of crops, good education, employment, marriage and good progeny. It can be performed by unmarried men or women or married couples.

On this auspicious day, those who are going to perform Vratham should clean their houses; and decorate their houses with rangolis, flowers, mango leaves and plantain saplings. Take an oil bath, and be well dressed. After that, install a stool applied with turmeric and vermilion paste on north-east side in the puja mandir.

Anaghaashtami Vratham

Draw two Padmas with rice flour and put the idols of Sri Anaghaa Devi and Sri Datta Swami made either of silver or clay or at least of turmeric paste on this sacred stool.

On backside of these idols put a branch of Amla tree (usirika) as in every vratha here too, lighting the lamps, Kalasa Sthapana, Prana Pratishta, Ganesha Puja, Shodasha Upachaara Puja, Athaanga Puja, Astottara Sata Nama Puja, will be performed with many a fragrant flowers, turmeric and vermilion powder, and perfumed sacred rice. Cow Milk, Fruits and Paayasam (sweet) should be offered. Last but not least, stories of the Vratham consisting of five chapters should be read.

Those who perform this puja with concentration and devotion will obtain the grace of Anaghaa Devi. Their desires will be fulfilled.