Kaisika Dwadasi Asthanam at Tirumala

Kaisika dwadasi Asthanam at Tirumala

Kaisika dwadasi Asthanam

In Tirumala on Kaisika dwadasi day, Asthanam in the name of ‘Kaisika dwadasi Asthanam’ is done. In that asthanam, Nampaduvan story in Kaisikapuranam will be recited.

The Month of Karthika has got a lot of significance in the field of Devotion and Spirituality. During this month, Karthika Brahmotsavam of Sri Padmavati devi of Tiruchanur is celebrated with pomp and pleasure.

Most importantly, Kaisika Dwadasi, a great ritual is celebrated on the twelfth day of Sukla Paksha, i.e., waxing moon. We shall go through the importance of Kaisika Dwadasi, with particular reference to Tirumala.

In Tirumala Sri Venkateswara Swami temple, Kaisika Dwadasi Utsavam is being performed on Karthika dwadasi day every year. In Tirumala, Lord is being enjoying all the sevas in five forms – as Main deity, Bhoga Srinivasa Murthi, Koluvu Srinivasa Murthy, Sri Malayappa Swami and Ugra Srinivasa Murthy.

Let us have a glimpse at them

Moola Murthy – Main Deity

Sri Venkateswara swami, exhibiting His splendour attracts huge devotees who throng Tirumala in lakhs, in long queues to get all their wishes granted. In Kaliyuga, He is considered as the Supreme Deity.

Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy

This Silver Idol was presented by Pallava Queen ‘SaamaVaayi’ “(Perundevi) in 614 A.D. During Ekantha Seva, it is the privilege of Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy to recline on a very smooth silk mattress, denoting that the temple is being closed for the night.

The next day, During Suprabhata Seva, this idol is taken out of the mattress and placed under the holy feet of the Main deity after completing the ablutions.

Koluvu Srinivasa Murthy

Swami will be seated on the golden throne in a great way. Panchanga sravanam, temple income and expenditure details are presented to Him daily.

Sri Malayappa swami (Processional deity)

He enjoys all the sevas of Tirumala utsavams like Kalyana utsavam, unjal utsavam, vasantha utsavam, etc., which are performed as Arjita sevas, daily, weekly, monthly, annually.

Ugra Srinivasa murthi

Ugra Srinivasa Murthi is one among the Panchaberas. Ugrasrinivasa murthi with His Consorts will come out of the temple only on the occasion of Kaisika Dwadasi day leaving the sanctum sanctorum before dawn in a procession around Mada streets appropriately at about 4.30 a.m. After the procession, swami will be offered Naivedyam followed by Kaisika dwadasi Asthanam.

This Deity enjoys the Kaisika Dwadasi celebrations in a great way blessing the devotees.

It is said that

In the olden days the procession of Ugra Srinivasa Murthy was used to be taken out to go around the temple in all festivals. Once, when this sacred idol of Ugra Srinivasa Murthi was in procession during a festival, strange, unusual and alarming incidents took place in Tirumala, to the shock of thousands of devotees gathered to witness the same.

Under the strong advice of religious scholars, the regular procession of Ugra Srinivasa murthi was discontinued. From that time onwards, only Malayappa swami is taken on procession regularly in all festivals.

However, after long deliberations, it was decided to take Ugra Srinivasa murthi in a procession around the temple during Kaisika Dwadasi that too before the Sun-rise. Even today the procession starts early in the morning and concludes before the Sun-rise, to avoid the falling rays of the sun on the sacred idol.

Things are going on smoothly without any untoward incident. Ugra means fierce- fierce in protecting his staunch devotees from their outer enemies and inner enemies like different sense organs which try to take ones’ attention far away from the Lord.

Sri Venkatesaya namaha

Click here for the Significance of Kaisika dwadasi