Brief Introduction about Charaka Samhita

Ayurveda is a science of life. We don’t get the reference of the origin of Ayurveda. It is mentioned that even Lord Brahma remembered this science. Acharya Sushruta mentions that Ayurveda was available before the origin of this Universe. So it is named as PanchamaVeda i.e., fifth Veda by Acharya Kashyapa.

Charaka Samhita – Oldest one

Among the available classical texts, Charaka Samhita is considered the oldest one. Because of the popularity of this text, the remaining texts of that age almost became invisible. We can find their references in some of the quotations mentioned in this text.

Charaka Samhita


Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Vagbhata Samhita are considered as ‘Brahatrayees’. Charaka Samhita is a text of medicines.

The Journey of Charaka Samhita

Based on the available evidences, effect of Acharya Punarvasu Atreya can be seen more.

Acharya gave the knowledge of Ayurveda to his six disciples

  • 1.Agnivesh,
  • 2. Bhela,
  • 3.Jatukarna,
  • 4.Parashara,
  • 5.Haarita,
  • 6.Ksharapaani.

Acharya Agnivesh wrote a textbook by name ‘Agniveshtantra’ and that grabbed greater glory.

Acharya Charaka used to be a Maharshi from Yayavar group, knowing the knowledge of all the Darshanas and very intelligent person. It is said that Acharya Charaka as the incarnation of Lord Adishesha.

Lord Adishesha taken birth as Acharya Patanjali and wrote Yogadarshna, then took birth as Acharya Panini and wrote Grammar, then took re-birth as Acharya Charaka eventually Charaka Samhita came out. In this way, Lord Adishesha gave this world three works for the well-being.

Acharya Charaka modifies this ‘Agniveshtantra’ to such an extent that it became an encyclopedia of Ayurveda, by reading one text one can get the whole knowledge of medicines. Acharya Charaka gave a new form of Samhita to the work written by Acharya Agnivesh.

As the time progressed, some of the chapters became unavailable. Acharya Drudabal (son of Acharya Kapilabal) added those chapters and made it completed but didn’t change the name. Among the available textbooks, Charaka Samhita is the most popular one.

The Divisions of Charaka Samhita

The textbook contains total 120 chapters and is divided into eight sthanas

Name of the Sthanas – Subject Speciality – Number of Chapters

  1. Sutrasthana – Basic Principles – 30
  2. Nidanasthana – Pathology – 08
  3. Vimanasthana – Numerology – 08
  4. Sharirasthana – Anatomy – 08
  5. Indriyasthana – Pre-symptomology – 12
  6. Chikitsasthana – Treatment – 30
  7. Kalpasthana – About the medicines – 12
  8. Siddhisthana – Panchakarma – 12

Specialities of Charaka Samhita

Basic principles

A detailed description of the materials required for the treatment has been explained. Vata, Pitta and Kapha have been explained and diseases are being classified based on them. The philosophical background of Ayurveda has been explained.


Along with the treatment principles present in the Atharvaveda, examination of the patient, principle-based treatment etc. have been explained.

Explanations of conferences

To discuss over critical matters conference method has been introduced. In these conferences, decisions will be done by a proper discussion by discovering deeper things. By this method one’s knowledge will increase, new things will come up and it promotes logical thinking.

Psychiatric treatment

To lead a healthy and beautiful life along with the body, a healthy and happy mind is also necessary. For this there are references in the Samhita.

Patient examination

Though the disease is the same but treatment differs from person to person based on his bodily constitution, birth place, food habits etc. It is mentioned to plan the treatment based on this.


For a healthy life and to control the sense organs, one should develop good character. May be it’s individualistic or social one should follow certain rules for a healthy and happy life. Some of the things are mentioned about this, like education, food habits, place to sit, sleep, exercise and duties towards society.

Samshodhan treatment

Samshodhana procedures include such procedures which help to cleanse the body along with the mind. We can tell it’s contribution to the medical science. According to the seasons, person gets the disease. These procedures are explained according to the season. If person takes according to the season then can prevent the disease that are going to happen during the season. Samshodhana treatment is a superior one because the diseases cured by oral medicines have more chances to recur just by minor causes.

Natural life-style

Daily basis and according to the season whatever to be followed to maintain the healthy life have been explained.

Five-hundred preparations

Fifty different conditions have been done, and in each conditions ten drugs have been put. One can make a formulation based on the conditions.

Three Eshanas

Three things that are necessary for the well-being of a soul have been explained. They are named as ‘Eshanas’.

They are

  1. Praneshana (The life),
  2. Dhaneshana (wealth/money) and
  3. Paralokeshana (travel of a soul).

Construction of a hospital

A proper idea of a hospital has been mentioned. Along with the drugs required hospital kitchen, nurses and other necessary things are well-mentioned.

Labor room, children’s hospital and traditions for the children

Whatever things are needed for a pregnant lady from the time of child conceiving till the delivery of baby and after it are mentioned? The idea of a children’s hospital and the traditions to be performed for the health of the baby are mentioned.


These are some of the particulars about the Charaka Samhita. The Samhita is designed for all the three levels of people:

  1. Whose intelligent is of low level;
  2. Who can understand to medium level and
  3. Whose understanding is to the highest. It’s the gift to the world.

It’s the responsibilities of all of us to spread its knowledge.

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