Importance of Mother’s Milk for Infant Health

Importance of Mother's Milk for Infant Health

Importance of Mother’s Milk

Motherhood is a significant phase in a womanā€™s life. The most important aspect of motherhood is breastfeeding, which gives meaning to motherhood. The first divine food that a baby receives from the mother who has carried the baby for nine months is the motherā€™s milk. It forms the foundation for the golden future of the baby.

This milk contains all the nutrients and trace elements necessary for the babyā€™s growth. As a result, the babyā€™s immune system improves.

It protects from digestive disorders, skin diseases, obesity, and other diseases. Breastfeeding also reduces the amount of blood that has increased in the body during pregnancy in mothers. It also prevents immediate conception. Studies show that the chances of breast cancer are also less in such women.

However, some women, in their illusion, consider it a troublesome issue to breastfeed their babies and instead give them other milk as a routine. This is troublesome.

Owing to reasons like excessive bleeding during pregnancy, malnutrition, mental stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, infections in the hair follicles, and carrying a pregnancy at an older age, some women may not have enough milk since the birth of the baby. In some women, although there is good milk production in the beginning, it gradually decreases after a few days.

For mothers to have abundant milk production, the following home remedies provide good results. One should follow at least one method.

  • Mix 50 grams of dry ginger powder in 200 grams of jaggery and consume 2-5 grams of it with 100 ml of milk per meal.
  • Twice a day, boil 3-4 garlic cloves in 100 ml of milk, cool it down, add 5 ml of honey, and consume it along with the garlic.
  • Mix equal amounts of cumin powder and jaggery powder (75 grams each), store it, and consume half a teaspoon of this mixture with 100 ml of milk twice a day before meals.
  • Roast cardamom seeds, make a powder and consume 2 grams of this powder with sufficient honey half an hour before meals twice a day.
  • Mix fenugreek powder and jaggery powder (60 grams each), store it, and consume half a gram of this mixture with 50 ml of water 15 minutes before meals three times a day.
  • Twice or once a day, boil 2 tablespoons of barley grains and a tablespoon of jaggery in 150 ml of milk, strain it, cool it down, and consume it.
  • Boil 10 tulsi leaves and 2 grams of liquorice powder (Athimaduram in Telugu) and sugar candy powder in 100 ml of water, strain it, cool it down, add 50 ml of boiled milk and consume it once a day.
  • Once a day, boil 30-40 grams of black gram in 200 ml of milk, cool it down, add sufficient jaggery, and consume it.
  • Mix fennel seed powder and jaggery, store it, and consume one teaspoon of it twice a day.
  • Shatavari powder, which is available in Ayurvedic medicine stores, should be mixed in 100 ml of milk and consumed twice a day.

These are some of the remedies to get good results in the mother.

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