Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram: Powerful Chant for Success & Prosperity

Swayambhu Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy, Kanipakam

Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram: Chant for Blessings

‘Sri Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram’ is one among the many significantly divine compositions of Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya, praising the glory of Lord Ganesha.

In Hindu tradition, it is a custom to worship Lord Ganesha at the commencement of every ritual. It is believed that Lord Ganesha being ‘Vigneswara’ will dispel the hurdles that may arise while performing the ritual.

Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram

32 Divine Names

Lord Ganesha is worshipped predominantly in the following thirty-two divine forms namely –

  1. Bala Ganapati,
  2. Taruna Ganapati,
  3. Bhakta Ganapati,
  4. Veera Ganapati,
  5. Shakti Ganapati,
  6. Dvija (Twice-born) Ganapati,
  7. Siddhi Ganapati,
  8. Ucchhishta Ganapati,
  9. Vighna Ganapati,
  10. Kshipra Ganapati,
  11. Heramba Ganapati,
  12. Lakshmi Ganapati,
  13. Maha Ganapati,
  14. Vijaya Ganapati,
  15. Nritya Ganapati,
  16. Urdhva Ganapati,
  17. Ekakshara (identified with the single syllable ‘gam’) Ganapati,
  18. Vara Ganapati,
  19. Tryakshara (Lord of three letters A U M) Ganapati,
  20. Kshipra Prasada Ganapati,
  21. Haridra Ganapati,
  22. Ekadanta Ganapati,
  23. Srishti Ganapati,
  24. Uddanda Ganapati,
  25. Runavimochana Ganapati,
  26. Dhundhi Ganapati,
  27. Dvimukha Ganapati,
  28. Trimukha Ganapati,
  29. Simha Ganapati,
  30. Yoga Ganapati,
  31. Durga Ganapati and
  32. Sankatahara Ganapati.

Let us chant devoutly ‘Sri Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram’, to invoke the divine glory of Lord Ganesha.

O! Lord Ganesha! I, with much reverence, offer You my adorations because it is You who look pleasantly auspicious by holding ‘modaka’, which You like most. It is You who with much benevolence grants ‘mukti’ to all Your ardent devotees. You adorn the Crescent Moon as an ornament over Your head and You are the Supreme Protector of all those who reside in all the worlds. You are the true leader of all times engrossed in protecting those in distress thereby relieving them from misery.

You are the mighty destroyer of wicked demons. O! Lord Ganesha! You not only dispel all misfortunes but also bless Your devotees with bountiful auspicious ness. You terrify the arrogant and evil-minded demons. You look spectacularly splendid like a rising Sun.

O! Lord Ganesha! You slain ‘daityas’, the enemies of ‘suras’ and You always protect Your devotees from the obstacles of life. O! Gajeswara! You are the most powerful leader of devas, all treasures and also the Lord of ‘Ganas.’ O! Lord Ganesha! You are also as benevolent as Your great father Lord Maheswara and You at all times protect Your true devotees from the hurdles of life.

O! Lord Ganesha!, It is You who fill all the worlds with a divine fragrance of auspiciousness. You are all capable of destroying demons who are as destructive and arrogant as a ‘musth’ elephant. You are endowed with a big stomach which symbolically represents the all-pervading space and also signifies the bountiful benevolence with which You bestow all riches to Your ardent devotees.

O! Lord Ganesha! Kindly accept my adorations to You because it is You who grant us boons, You shower Your divine grace, You benevolently forgive all our mistakes, by the very appearance of Yours, an elixir of ecstasy gets filled in our hearts. You are the glorifier of our lives and You bestow upon us the divine wisdom.

O! Lord Ganesha! It is You who protects the destitute from their misery. You are extolled with high esteem in the divine ancient texts and holy sayings invoked by great sages. You are the eldest son of ‘Puraari’, the Lord Shiva, the Destroyer of Mighty Fortresses of Demons. You are the destroyer of the arrogancy of demons, the enemies of gods. You look terrible with Your supreme power, during the act of great dissolution (Pralaya).

O! Primordial God! My prostrations to You. You look auspiciously splendid with Agni, Naga and other gods adorned as Your divine ornaments. Just as a nourishing fluid trickles down along the sides of the eyes of an elephant in emotional aggression, similarly You with much benevolence shower the divine grace from Your eyes and grant prosperity to Your true devotees.

I meditate upon Lord Ganesha who is endowed with a brightly shining body and glittering single tusk, who is the beloved son of Lord Shiva who saved ‘Markandeya’ from the deadly ‘paasa’ of Lord Yama, the God of Death. O! Ganesha! You are the Eternal. You are the Dispeller of Obstacles and You are established in the hearts of ‘yogis.

The ardent devotees of Lord Ganesha, whoever daily recites ‘Sri Ganesha Pancharatna Stotram’, will be blessed by the divine grace of Lord Ganesha and be bestowed with a blameless life, philosophical knowledge, ‘Ashta Isvaryas’ and eternal bliss.