Five Forms of Sri Maha Vishnu

Five Forms of Sri Maha Vishnu

According to the Vaishnava Agamas, Sri Maha Vishnu has five forms (aspects or modes).

Five Forms of Sri Maha Vishnu are

  1. Para,
  2. Vyuha,
  3. Vibhava,
  4. Antaryami and
  5. Archavatara.(Iconic Worship is described as Archavatara).

Lord Vishnu - Karthika Masam / Five Forms of Sri Maha Vishnu

A brief description of these 5 forms follows:


Para is the highest form of the Lord and is only found in Sri Vaikuntam, along with his consort Lakshmi, (and also with Bhu Devi and Niladevi) and surrounded by liberated souls like Ananta, Garuda, and a host of Muktas (liberated souls). This is also called as ‘paramapadam’ in Vaishnava Scriptures.

This is surrounded by many enclosures and galaxies in the celestial worlds. There is no Day and Night here, no sky and earth. The primordial Vishnu called sarvavyApInArAyaNa is seen all over. Here the Sama Veda is recited, which is a favourite one for Vishnu (vEdAnAmsAmavEdOsmi – Geetha).

In this form, He is also known as Para Vasudeva, and is said to be holding a Chakra, Shanka, Gada and Padma in his four hands.

It is very difficult to worship this form as it is very far from the earth.


The Vyuhas are emanations from the above-mentioned Para Vasudeva form and are four in number, collectively called, ChaturVyuha Brahman. They are Vyuha Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. Here Lord Vishnu gives darshan to demi-gods and Rishis as kshIrAbdhinAthA resting on the serpent couch at the centre of the Milky Ocean.

These Vyuha forms of Vishnu are said to exercise different cosmic functions and principles and control the activities of all living beings through jiva, manas and ahankara (soul, mind and ego) respectively.

This form is also very difficult to worship for all of us mere mortals as it is situated outside our Universe.


Lord Vishnu is said to assume various manifestations, from time to time, to protect the virtuous, punish the evil and re-establish Dharma

dharmasamsthApanAyasambhavAmiyugEyugE ||

These manifestations are called Vibhavas, more popularly Avataras. Since these Avataras are manifested during a particular yuga, it is difficult to worship this form also, as only those who took birth in that time alone can worship the Lord in Vibhava form.


Antaryami is the form in which the ultimate reality of Lord Vishnu exists in a very subtle form, in the hearts of all living beings. It is stated that Narayana resides in that infinitesimal small place below the heart of every being, shaped like an inverted lotus bud, and appears to His devotees in a manner and form cherished by them, and with particular characteristics or qualities as worshipped by them.

As Antaryami, the Lord accepts manasika puja of the devotees, such as meditation, mental offering of sacred water, fruits, food etc. and mental salutations. Such worship to the Antaryami form can be done by anyone at any place and at any time. Although residing in every being, the Antaryami has no relation or link with the actions or fruits thereof undertaken by these beings.

This form is achieved only through great practices as described by Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga Sutras.


Archavatara or Image manifestation, is very easily accessible and visible to all. It is said to be the safest and surest way to attain the goal. Faith in God is the essential requisite for taking this path. The devotee should offer Pooja to the icon daily and regularly concentrate his mind on that Icon during worship and become unconscious of what takes place around him during that period.

The material form before him helps to concentrate the mind and steadies his faith. Or the devotee / sadhaka might regularly attend worship being conducted in a temple by a well-versed Archaka.

The greater the grandeur and sanctity with which the Archakaor priest conducts the rituals, the greater would be the positive effect on the devotee.

Since we cannot worship Para, Vyuha, Vibhava and Antaryami forms which can be only imagined or meditated upon and since they are beyond our reach, the Archavatara alone suits us the most.

Sri Venkateswara Swamy - Archa Form - 108 Divya Desams

In Archa form, the Lord receives prayers from devotees and grants their prayers and blesses them; Saranagati or surrender is done to the Lord in the Archa form only. Though installed and made by human beings or sometimes existing from time immemorial(revealed by God Himself), or in the self-manifested form as in Tirumala, the Image form of the Lord becomes divine, from the moment it is consecrated or worshipped by the Archakas as per the rules laid down in the Agamas.