Brahma Muhurta: The Powerful Hour Before Sunrise

Brahma Muhurta

Brahma Muhurta or Brahma Muhurtham or Braamhi Muhurtha

This article touches upon the role and importance of ‘Brahma Muhurtham’ or ‘Braamhi Muhurtha’, especially in the ‘Abode of God Venkateswara’ and its importance, to perform the poojas during the same time in Tirumala. This article also covers the role of the aforesaid, for the students and also the life of students from all walks of life apart from professionals of any field.

The fourteen worlds (14 Bhuvana Bhandams) are controlled and organized by the ‘time’, as mentioned in the Rig Veda. Naturally, the entire ‘nature’, life cycle and activities of all living beings are also controlled by ‘time’.

Apart from past, present, and future to categorize time, there is one more model to classify time: Brahma Muhurtham, Shubha Muhurthas, and Dur Muhurthas. A few more models will classify time into other categories based on their utility.

(The popular examples from these are Rahu Kala, Ketu kala, Guli Kala and Guru hora, Shukra hora to name a few)

But this article only confines Brahma Muhurtham and its applications from Kaliyuga Vaikuntam to Kaliyuga Pruthvi matha.

The Sun god, nature, living beings, athma, and paramathma are inseparable points of a chain or network of ‘time’. The best example from the lower end of this chain, we can quote under this phenomenon, is the sun god, sunflowers and cocks are interrelated to perform their daily activities.

The cock, almost all the birds and animals wake up before sunrise, and sunflowers, Prosopis Cineraria (Jammi/Shami tree/Khejri tree/Spunge tree) open up/wake up with ‘Nascent Sun Light’.

Contrary to our ‘nature’al / natural, people living in villages, the city or urban or semi-urban people are living without a link with TIME attached to the sun. (It may be due to the supporting jobs connected to the Western world in the global village or mimicking the living style or lifestyles of other parts of the world. But these ‘Westernized Indian populations’ are paying big penalties for the same).

The Brahma or Brahmi muhurta is believed to be the time prescribed by ‘the creator’ Brahma to Himself to create auspicious things and new creations. Every animal, plant, and human being is created with ‘creative capabilities’ and creates something or other for themselves and others as well. According to science It has been proven phenomenon that, energy levels and creative powers will be at their best in this ‘Brahma Muhurtha’.

Brahma Muhurta - Importance

Brahma Murhuta Period

In our world, the Brahma Muhurtha is usually a forty-eight (48) minute period (two, twenty-four minutes slots together). This auspicious period starts ninety-six minutes (four, twenty-four minutes slots) before sunrise and ends forty-eight (48) minutes before sunrise. To have a better understanding, it is worth quoting an example.

If sunrises at 6 AM on a particular day, the Brahma Muhurtha of that day is 4.24 AM and spreads up to 5.12 AM. (Of course, the sun’s rising time differs from day to day in a year).

The Vedas themselves prescribed the Veda Vucharana (pronouncing) and learning of Vedas to happen in the Brahma Muhurtha. Similarly, all the students who are learning a variety of subjects are also advised to practice the learning process or study in this ‘Brahma Muhurtha’. This applies from farmers to scientists.

It is common to see farmers going to farm in the Brahma Muhurtha as a tradition from their ancestors and a culture of agriculture. A Potter starts his work again in the Brahma Murtha unknowingly to ‘create’ a few ‘creative’ pieces with ‘pruthvi’ (mud) an important element of nature. It’s a common phenomenon to see many successful scientists have invented many ‘innovations’ during Brahma Muhurtham.

In addition to these, excellent music composers, authors, and philosophical preachers have experienced the same phenomenon regarding the Brahma Muhurtha. From any profession to self-help activities like Yoga, self-enlightenment acts like Meditation, divine dips in rivers or oceans, or sacred baths or Poojas are to be practised only in Brahma Muhurthas.

Nevertheless, a few other activities like Naivedhyam (not prasadam) will be offered just a few seconds before or just after sunrise to follow certain ‘Vedic Principles’. Coming to The science behind the Brahma Muhurtha could be better described by bringing factors like ‘nascent’ oxygen in the air, oxyhemoglobin, normal blood pH values, settled dust, and pollution-creating particles in the weather to name a few.

The conclusion of this article is to draw the attention of devotees, students, professionals, and any common man to make use of this Brahma Muhurtham every day to utilize their creative powers for the very best healthy, professional, and spiritual journey.

Brahma Muhurtham article by – Dr. Venkata Harshavardhan