Significance of Annamayya Sankeerthanas

Tallapaka Annamacharya

Annamayya Sankeerthanas

Thoughts about the Saint Composer, Sri Annamacharya would not be far away, when there is mention of Lord Venkateswara and Tirumala. For, it is he, Annamayya, who has described vividly, the many facets of Lord Srinivasa’s life— His numerous awe-inspiring virtues, His beloved consort, Alivelumanga / Padmavathi Devi, and devotees’ faith— through thousands of his Shrungara and Aadhyatmika sankeertanas.

Devotees’ faith in Him is such that, even in the present age of easy transportation, lakhs of them, of own free will, traverse on foot, the “Seven Hills” to prostrate and obtain His blessings. Chants of “Govinda, Govinda”, reverberate the entire route to the hilltop, right up to His Sanctum Sanctorum.

Tirumala Hills - Seven Hills

As one passes through each of the seven hills (Adris)— Seshadri, Neeladri, Garudadri, Anjanadri, Vrushabhadri, Narayanadri and Venkatadri— symbolizing the seven heads (hoods) of Lord Aadisesha, it is not a wonder, if these representative seven gems of Annamayya, flash through the mind.

Tirumala Srinivasa appeared before the Saint, when the latter, was hardly five or six years of age and granted him the boon to compose sankeertanas, one per day. Annamayya describes this experience of his, as if it were a dream.

“Ippuditu kala ganti nella lokamunaku,
appadagu Thiruvenkatadhreeshu

  • ‘I just dreamt thus; I saw the true Lord of the entire Universe and beyond ;
  • the wonderful sight of the Seshadri hill was before me, as also the incomparable tower (gopuram) of the temple;
  • surrounding it was, light as bright as a million Suns; Four- faced, creator, Lord Brahma was present;
  • saw temple doors of gold, studded with pearls and rubies, and huge lamps (deepams);
  • extremely beautiful crown (kireetam) of Lord and His bright coloured attire were prominent; Shankha and Chakram, adorned His two hands; the all-important Abhaya hastham (blessing hand) was visible too.

Such was the grandeur of the Lord of Venkatadri. By His side stood, mu Guru, who had already attained His feet.’

Annamayya wonders at the seemingly contradictory nature of the Lord’s virtues, in this ‘sankeertana’.

“Vishwa-prakashunaku veliyeda loneda,
Shaswatuna-koohimpa janma-mika neda, …”

Says the composer—‘The Lord illuminates the entire universe; so, for him, there is nothing like inside or outside (darkness or brightness); for one who is immortal, which form of life can one imagine? He is complete in all respects and thus, does not need any change; doesn’t require an abode, as He is in complete bliss;

Significance of Annamayya Sankeerthanas

He pervades the Earth, but where is the space for him to keep his feet? He doesn’t need any words or speech, as He can convey everything while remaining silent; He is the embodiment of all Senses; doesn’t need to see or hear anything;

He is the ultimate “yogi”; for him, there is no distinction of self or non-self; praises or faults, do not affect Him; for such a Divine being, what idol or statue can one build? He is of that supreme stature.’

In the days bygone, present-day facilities were not available. Devotees walking up to the Tirumala temple would have braved scorching Sun, rain, cold and other natural elements. Yet, their single-minded devotion to the Lord, would not have wavered.

Alipiri - Tirupati

Annamayya expresses his total faith in Him, through these lines—

“Enda-gani needa-gani, emaina gani,
Kondala rayude maa Kula daivamu,….”

‘Be it the scorching Sun, or shade of a tree, or, whatever, the King of the Hills, will always be our family Deity. Whether threatened by a scorpion or a snake, wind or dust; He is our true God; He who unhesitatingly drank the deadliest poison, thus saving the entire creation.

Be it an ant, a mosquito, a bedbug or a cat; the Lord having created them, protects all of them too. Lord Venkateswara is the only one, who guards us at all times. So, surrender to Him, in total, and He will be your saviour. Pangs of hunger and tiredness are common to the human body especially so while undertaking strenuous efforts, such as climbing the hilltop.

To tide over the fatigue, devotees chant the Lord’s name continuously.’ Annamayya sums up—

“Aakati velala, alapaina velalanu, Tekuva Hari namame dikku, mari ledu,….”

‘When one has time to while away or has strayed from one’s occupation, or when a slave to others and is imprisoned, chanting Sri Hari’s name is the only option. If one forgets and fails in this duty/ commitment, only regrets will ensue.

When amidst danger, or deep in anxiety; when one has committed a sin, knowingly or otherwise; or, enveloped by fear; as far as possible, pray to Lord Hari. If not, one will keep suffering and there will be no escape route left. When harassed by lenders, or, arrested and chained and facing the death penalty, only Lord Venkateswara will release you.’

Sri Hari’s abode! The seven hills

As one nears the hill top, the sacred temple comes into view. Its grandeur, described in the Saint’s own words, leaves us awestruck.

“Adivo alladivo Sri Hari vasamu,
Padi vela Seshula padagala mayamu,…”.

‘Look! Behold! There is Sri Hari’s abode! The seven hills and minor ones, resemble the multiple (multiple or hooded) hooded serpent, Lord Adisesha amidst the white clouds, He appears as the foaming the Ocean of Milk— Ksheera Saagaram.

Lord Brahma and other Gods and Goddesses, stand in attendance; for the sages and saints, the temple became their permanent home; the hills shine like gold, from the treasures they store. For Lord Srinivasa, the “Seshasailam” became “Vaikuntam”, His abode.

Waking up the Lord

Having witnessed such a rare spectacle, Annamayya was elated and so sang and danced in bliss. Having prostrated before the Lord, devotees desire his benevolence. But the deity is still in deep sleep and needs to be woken up.

Saint Annamayya, taking it as his duty, on behalf of all devotees, sings to the Lord—

“Vinnapaalu vinavale, vintha vinthaloo,
pannagapu doma thera paiketha vemayya,…”

This waking up of the Lord is not just for Him but for the entire creation of life. ‘Oh, Lord! Please wake up; it is already morning. You have to listen and attend to many strange requests. Please lift your mosquito curtain and grant your presence. All the Gods and Goddesses, great sages, have lined up before you. Slowly open your eyelids and cast your benevolent glance on them. Don’t you hear the sage Narada and others singing soulfully?

The sound waves carrying the cluster of musical notes to you are the songs of lovelorn Garuda, Kinnera and beautiful women. Through your bewitching looks, satisfy their desires. Lift the curtain and present your radiating face. There, Lord Adisesha, all deities and also Alivelumanga, are eagerly waiting. It is time for you to cast your first glance at them.’

With such varied and endearing entreaties, the Lord would have certainly smilingly woken up to a new day and showered His blessings.

Lord’s Feet

Sri Vari Padalu - Tirupati Balaji - Tirumala
Sri Vari Padalu – Tirupati Balaji – Tirumala

“Brahma kadigina paadamu,
para Brahmamu taaneni paadamu,….”

‘Lord’s feet are the purest and so supreme, as they are washed by Lord Brahma Himself (taken in the sense that Lord Brahma daily worships these feet at night). These are the very feet that measured the entire Earth in one stride, and the entire outer space in another; the third stride, kept on King Bali Chakravarthy’s head, pushed him into the netherworld; the feet also blessed Lord Indra.

As Lord Sri Rama’s feet, they rid sage Gauthama’s wife Ahalya, of her curse; as a young Lord Krishna’s feet, they trounced and broke the arrogance of Kaleeya serpent; the same feet that Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu’s consort, lovingly massages and worships.

When great sages and other yogis worship these feet, they are blessed in innumerable ways. Attaining these feet of the Lord should be everyone’s life’s goal and final residence and resting place.’

Significance of Annamayya Sankeertanas
– Dr. Rallapalli Shyama Sundar