Sundara Kanda – Crest Jewel of Ramayana

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“Sundara Kanda” Crest Jewel of Ramayana

Sundara Kanda is the crest jewel of all the Kandas in Srimad Ramayana. The hero of Sundara Kanda is Lord Hanuman. He plays a crucial role in Ramayana and gives hope to Lord Rama and Goddess Sita in this Kanda. So, if one reads, recites, or even listens to this Kanda will get all prosperity.

The entire Kanda strengthens our confidence. Hanuman faced many difficulties in reaching Lanka. At some point of time, he even lost his confidence, but due to Sita Ram’s grace, he was able to achieve his mission. When started his journey, he was “Rama Duta – Messenger of Lord Rama,” while coming back he was “Ramadasa – Servant of Lord Ram” by grace of Maata Sita. The complete change in Lord Hanuman is visible in this Kanda as evident in his “Dasa Bhakti” which is the highest form of devotion.

Valmiki kept the title “Sundara Kanda” for various reasons: It is a beautiful Kanda, made celebratory because Hanuman found Sita in Lanka, the hero of this Kanda being Lord Hanuman who was also called as “Sundara” by his mother Anjana Devi.Sundara Kanda - Crest Jewel of Ramayana

In the course of Hanuman’s adventure, one could discern many lessons that benefit humanity. Some of these may be summed up in this way:

Confidence is the Key

Hanuman and his team start to search Sita and reach the southern seashore. All the monkeys were less confident in crossing the ocean. Hanuman was also silent. Jambavan, the bear, ignited the strength of Hanuman and asked him that, only, he could cross the ocean.

Fly high to reach the Goal

Hanuman accepted it was Lord Ram’s will, as he only got the ring as an insignia. He saluted all Devas and rose to the sky with lightning speed. This shows that one must get the blessings of elders, ancestors and Devatas before starting the task.

Do not rest until the Goal is Achieved

On the way, “Mainaka” mountain told him to take rest for a while, but Hanuman did not.

Intelligence paves Way

Surasa, obstructed the way of Hanuman. She said that Hanuman should enter her mouth and then only proceed. The intelligent Hanuman made himself very small and entered and came out quickly. Such is the quick presence of mind as shown by Hanuman.

Destroy the evil on your way

Simhika, the demon wanted to eat Hanuman. She pulled Hanuman which made him unable to fly. Hanuman used his full strength and killed Simhika. After all these hurdles, he finally reached Lanka, the Golden City of Ravana.

Move towards the goal with keen Observation

Hanuman reduced his size to that of a cat and observed Lanka and its activities waiting for the right time to find Maata Sita. Observation is the first step to achieve the goal.

Good Speech is key to success

Lankini, the guardian of Lanka stopped Hanuman. Hanuman talked in sweet words. Lankini was impressed with the speech of Hanuman but did not let him in. Hanuman banged her with his fist. She realized that if she was defeated by a monkey, it is an indication of fall of Lanka. Thus praised Hanuman as “hari shreshhTha- Best among the Vanaras” and let him in.

Hanuman was amazed to see the glowing city of Lanka. But he did not get distracted or lose hope, he was looking in and around the corner of the city and palaces hoping for Maata Sita.

Composure of mind enables one to make the right Decisions

When he reached Ravana’s chamber, he found a beautiful woman who Hanuman mistook as Sita. He then, put a stop to his wavering mind and prayed, which cleared his mind and showed that it cannot be Sita. He said to himself that he should be steady-minded and not wavering.

Negative Thoughts hamper the Journey

After moving long, he could not find any clue about Sita for a long time. He felt discouraged and thought that Sita would have died and the thought depressed him for a moment.

Sundara Kanda - Crest Jewel of Ramayana

Do not give up

Hanuman thought of others who were eagerly waiting to hear the good news from him. His news would give hope to many. Thinking that, he did not give up. He decided to keep searching until he sees Sita. He also prayed to Maa Sita to show up her presence.

Reached the Goal

After a long search, Hanuman reached Ashoka Vatika hoping Sita would be there. He saw a huge tree where Sita glowing surrounded by demon ladies.

Right Time matters

Ravana entered and threatened Sita to marry him soon. Sita rejected it and decided to give up her life. Hanuman thought that there was no time now, to wait. Hence, chanted “Rama Prabhavam – Qualities of Lord Ram” which rekindled Sita’s hopes.

The Signet Ring

Hanuman described the incidents of Rama and gave the ring given by Ram. He also gave hope that Ram would win the battle against Ravana and get back her. He also asked if he could carry Sita on his shoulders to Rama. But Sita refused.

The Choodamani

Sita gave her “Choodamani – Crest Jewel from her head” as an identity to Ram. She also blessed him with “Ajar-Amar-Chiranjeevi”.

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Ravana is meeting Sita at Ashokavana. Hanuman is seen on the tree.

Implement the Strategy

Hanuman thought that he must inform Ravana and his army that he is the messenger of Lord Ram. He destroyed the garden which made him arrested and presented before Ravana. Another strategy to meet Ravana was implemented.

Convey the message to rethink

Hanuman warns Ravana that if Sita was not handed over, his defeat would be imminent.

Execute the plan correctly

Ravana punished him by putting fire to his tail. Due to the blessings of Maata Sita, fire did not burn him. Instead, Hanuman burnt the entire city of Lanka. Lanka was destroyed to ashes.

Task Accomplished

The successful mission should always be told to the subordinates. Thus, Hanuman after reaching from Lanka, describes the incidents of how he met Maata Sita, and other valorous deeds done to achieve the desired goal. All the monkeys became inspired so that they would also take part in future mission.

Success stories should always be shared by the leaders which is part of confidence-boosting measures among followers.

Sundara Kanda - Crest Jewel of Ramayana

Celebrating Success

The Vanara team enjoyed the success of spending time in Madhuvana. Hanuman as always uses the words that are important for conveying. To overcome their curiosity, he said “Saw Sita or Found Sita”.

The choice of words is very important for the auspicious moment. Hanuman was praised by Rama “Nava-Vyakarana -Pandit – Scholar in nine knowledge systems”, so he used the words that pacifies Lord Ram. He narrated the incidents that happened in Lanka, conveyed the message from Sita and gave the identity “Choodamani”.

Lord Ram, seeing this, though incarnation of Lord Vishnu, embraced Hanuman with affection. There is no other gift in this world than the Supreme Personality of Godhead, himself praising, acknowledging, and embracing his devotee. Such a gift was given to Hanuman by Lord Ram.

The above described are not mere incidents, these are the life skills marked with moral values that one should cultivate during times of distress.

Hanuman overcomes all the hurdles and successfully accomplishes his task. If one does that, Lord himself will acknowledge our success.

“Rama Lakshmana Janaki Jai Bholo Hanumanki”

Birth Place of Hanuman