Sri Hanuman Chalisa
The ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ was written by Sant Tulasidas in praise of Lord Sri Hanuman, in ‘Avadhi (a local dialect of Hindi)’ language. Sri Hanuman was an ardent devotee of Lord Sri Rama. He is a central character in the Indian epic Ramayana and its various versions. Sri Hanuman participated in Rama’s war against the demon king Ravana. He is also considered the son of Vayu, who according to several myths, played a role in his birth.
Sages praise Lord Sri Rama as ‘Ramo Vigrahavaan Dharmaha – Sri Rama is himself the personification of Dharma (righteousness)’. It is beyond human imagination to quantify the quantum of managerial excellence of Sri Hanuman, in whose heart Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana reside. Lord Sri Rama hugged Hanuman saying ‘O Hanuma! You are more than my brother Bharata!’. Hanuman has received several epithets.
Manojavam, the one who is as swift as mind (appears in Rama Raksha Stotra). ♦ Maarutatulya vegam, the one who has a speed equal to the wind God (appears in Rama Raksha Stotra). ♦ Vaataatmajam, the one who is the son of wind God (appears in Rama Raksha Stotra).
Lord Sri Hanuman is capable of accomplishing a duty assigned to him within a time that exceeds the speed of mind and wind because he himself is the son of the Wind god. The people/students etc. of any sector should inculcate this quality of Sri Hanuman, to prove themselves efficient person.
Jitendriyam, the one who has complete control over his senses (appears in Rama Raksha Stotra)
- ♦ Buddhimataam varishtham, the one who is most senior among intellectuals (appears in Rama Raksha Stotra)
- ♦ Vaanarayoodha mukhyam, the one who is the chief of vanara army (appears in Rama Raksha Stotra).
Similar in meaning to – Vaanaraanamadheesham.
Lord Sri Hanuman is praised as one who had complete control over his senses, was highly intellectual and chief of an (vanara) army. An ideal person should invariably imbibe these qualities in him so as to keep his sector continuously on the wheels of progression.
Lord Sri Hanuman is the messenger of Lord Sri Rama, endowed with incomparable strength, he drives away all evil forces, he is a treasure of virtues and he liberates his devotees from dangers. In the 3rd chapter of ‘Kishkindha Kaanda’ of ‘Valmiki Ramayana’, Rama describes many attributes of Hanuman’s personality. Summarized as follows:
- ♦ Ablest sentence maker.
- ♦ Knower of all Vedas and Scriptures.
- ♦ Scholar in nine schools of grammar.
- ♦ Possessing faultless speech and facial features
Lord Sri Rama killed Ravana in the battle and after ruling ‘Ayodhya’ for several years, the time arrived for Rama to depart to his supreme abode Vaikuntha. Hanuman, however, requested Rama that he will remain on earth as long as Rama’s name was venerated by people. Sita accorded Hanuman that desire, and granted that his image would be installed at various public places, so he could listen to people chanting Rama’s name. He is one of the immortals (Chiranjivi).
Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar
Jai Kapis tihun lok ujagar
‘Victory to thee, O’ Hanuman! Ocean of wisdom. All hail you O’kapisa! (fountain-head of power, wisdom and Shiva Shakti). You illuminate all three worlds’. Sant Tulasidas praises Lord Sri Hanuman as the embodiment of wisdom and power. All ideal people should put their sincere efforts into acquiring these two prime qualities of Lord Sri Hanuman because wisdom illuminates itself the path of progression in life to achieve even the toughest goals.
The spiritual, psychological and physical powers are a must for every person to execute tasks to reach higher goals, which provide support and stability required for the struggle during the process of progression. Every person should cultivate the habit of looking at tasks with a positive outlook.
Mahavir Vikram Bajrangi
Kumati nivar sumati Ke sangi
With limbs as sturdy as Vajrayudha (the mace of God Indra) you are valiant and brave. You are enriched with good sense and wisdom. You dispel the darkness of evil thoughts. Like Lord Sri Hanuman, every person who shoulders the responsibility of an organization should possess both internal and external strengths. The spiritual and psychological strengths are the internal strengths, which people should imbibe through devotion, meditation and yoga.
Every person should consistently and regularly take up physical exercises, to keep the body physically fit, because a sound body reflects a sound mind. Every person should possess a brave heart and should be ready to plunge into action in a moment of crisis. Every person should always judicially judge the situation with a mind enriched with sharp senses and Mercury-like wisdom and must never allow evil thoughts to enter into the mind.
Vidyavan guni ati chatur
Ram kaj karibe ko aatur
You are the repository of learning, virtuous and fully accomplished, always keen to carry out the orders of Lord Sri Rama’. Sant Tulasidas says Lord Sri Hanuman is endowed with an ocean of knowledge; he is virtuous and richly accomplished. He showed much enthusiasm in carrying out the tasks entrusted by Lord Sri Rama.
An ideal person should make it life’s ambition to acquire as much knowledge as one can without wasting the time and utilize that knowledge as a tool, both for personal and organizational progression. The parents and teachers play key role in imbibing virtues in the individuals starting right from childhood.
Every person should inculcate the virtue of obeying the behests of parents, elders and teachers because their blessings will pave the path to prosper in life. Every person must adopt the doctrine of ‘Truthfulness’, because our elders say ‘satyameva jayate (truth alone conquers)’.
Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava
Vikat roop dhari lanka jarava
You appeared before Sita in a diminutive form and spoke to her in humility. You assumed an awesome form and struck terror by setting Lanka on fire. All people should adopt this innovative technique, to successfully, accomplish critical tasks.
Tum upkar Sugreevahin keenha
Ram milaye rajpad deenha
Tumharomantra Vibheeshan mana
Lankeshwar Bhaye Sub jag jana
‘You rendered a great service to Sugriv. You united him with Sri Ram and he installed him on the Royal throne. It is on your advice Vibheeshan became the king of Lanka. This is known all over the Universe.
In this verse, Sant Tulasidas praises Lord Sri Hanuman as a friend in need, as an ideal counselor and as problem solver. Every person should invariably acquire the attitude of helping the other people and should counsel them to overcome their personal problems. Every person should realize that ‘Service to man is service to God’.
Durgaam kaj jagat ke jete
Sugam anugraha tumhre tete
‘The burden of all difficult tasks of the world, become easy with your kind grace’. Sant Tulasidas says if every individual surrenders himself to the kind grace of Lord Sri Hanuman, all difficult tasks would become lighter and easily achievable.
Every person should inculcate an attitude of positive outlook about the challenges and make a SWOT (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats) analysis to overcome them. But never should deviate from the path of righteousness. All Ethical deeds are Divine. Hence all people should always be Ethical, then alone, they will be blessed with the illumination of divinity.
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosahin
Kripa Karahu Gurudev ki nyahin
‘Hail, Hail, Hail! Sri Hanuman, Lord of senses. Let your victory over the evil be firm and final. Bless me in the capacity of my supreme teacher. In this verse, Sant Tulasidas offers Kudos to Lord Sri Hanuman. All the people should consider Lord Sri Hanuman as their role model so that they too can accomplish, victory over evil.
Let there be adhyaathma saanthi (peace for self) aadhiboudhika saanthi (peace around us) adhidevatha saanthi (peace in the universe). Let all the people prosper under the ablest with all ideal traits of Lord Sri Hanuman imbibed in them, with an ultimate aim of lokaa samasthaa sukhino bhavanthu: let every individual of this Universe be happy and prosper.