Tirumala Ugadi 2025 Festival: Special Pujas and Events
Sri Maha Vishnu while descending on our planet from Vaikunta brought with him beautiful mountains, valleys and water bodies. In addition, he brought along his chief attendant Sri Garuda and other retinue.
He has blessed Telugu land with his choice of place and made Tirumala as Vaikunta of Bhoolok. Hence, it is thriving. Ever since Swamy descended from heaven, a Telugu priest by the name, “Gopinatha Deekshitulu” conducted utsavs and festivals as per ancient Vaikhasana Agama Shastra. Since then, only the members of that family have been performing Archana and pooja rituals hereditarily.
Ugadi Asthanam
As per Telugu tradition, all festivals of the year that were commenced on Ugadi end one day before Ugadi. The first annual event that takes place in the Telugu New Year is “Ugadi“. This is also called, “Ugadi Koluvu” or “Ugadi Asthanam“.
This celebration is organized with much fanfare in front of Golden Threshold in Tirumala Temple. Only the archakas of the Lord, Jeeyar Swamies, Ekangas, Veda Pandits, high officials of T.T. Devasthanam, members of the Board and temple staff can participate and witness “Ananda Nilaya Ugadi Asthanam” celebrations. It is not just possible for the other devotees. Even videographing is not permitted.
But it is enough for us to read about the celebrations and they can visualize the ceremony with their devotional outlook.
Tirumanjan in Ekantam
On Ugadi day in Tirumala temple, first Suprabhatam is recited and next Tomala Seva is performed. Then Tirumanjan (Abhishek) is done in ekantam (without any devotees around) to Sri Malayappa Swamy together with both His Consorts and to the Chieftain, Vishvak Sen.
If Ugadi falls on a Friday, ritual Abhishek is performed to Swamy’s main idol before the ceremony. If the Friday falls before Ugadi, Swamy is decorated with the diamond-studded crown, disc and sankh covers to both the hands, immediately after Abhishek. Swamy glitters with these special decorations. Next in the temple, Sahasra namarchana and naivedya are submitted to the Swamy.
Sri Malayappa Swamy along with both His Devis in Sarvabhoopala Vahanam!
Sri Malayappa Swamy along with both His Consorts is seated in Sarva Bhoopala Vahanam in front of Garuda facing East. Additionally, the Utsav Murtis will also be decorated with the finest silk clothes and ornaments studded with precious stones and diamond-studded crowns dazzlingly.
Chief of the Army of the Lord!
Next to the Sarva Bhoopala Vahanam of the Lord, on another seat, facing the South, will the Chief of the Army, Sri Vishvak Sen be seated and adorned with fine jewellery and garlands. He will be wearing the ornamental helmet (crown) and the mighty sword, ready to execute the orders of the Lord.
Next, special items will be offered to the main deity, the ustav murthis, the chief of the army who are positioned just before the golden threshold.
Naivedya with Special Dishes
As the music is played along with the ritual formalities like the umbrella and the fans are offered to the celestial idols in the presence of religious heads and temple officials rhythmic chanting of the Vedas are recited, and the temple cooks bring the special dishes in a procession already kept ready for submission to Swami.
A variety of prasadams like Laddus, Vadas, Appas, Dosa, Sweet Pongal, Pepper Pongal, Pulihora, Curd rice etc. are brought from the kitchen circumbulating the dwaja stambha and placed in the sanctum sanctorum and in the area in the front area for formal submission.
As the naivedya bells are rung reverberating the submission takes place in two places. After the ceremony of naivedya submission is completed, the next prominent event of submission of holy clothes begins.
Submission of Silk Clothes
After naivedya is offered to Swami, a procession of Jeeyar Swamis, Archakas and T.T. Devasthanam officials move towards the Dwajastambha in a procession accompanied by divine music and other formal sevas. Sri Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swami sets out the procession from the “fragrant room” keeping six golden-bordered silk clothes on a large silver plate.
Five torches (kagadas) go in the front. The musicians stop at the Golden Threshold and continue to play. Sannidhi Golla (The blessed cowherd) holds the torch and leads Jeeyar Swamis and Ekangas who hand over the clothes to the priests. A curtain is drawn for privacy.
Inside, the priests decorate four of them on Swami Idol – one to the crown, another to the sword (Nandaka), the third one as a garland and the fourth one as Uttareeya (cloth on shoulders). Then the curtain is drawn and the aarti is given in a golden plate and shown to everyone. The religious heads and officials who are present outside Kulasekhara Padi (threshold of sanctum sanctorum) devotionally accept it with their hands And next…
Partaking of Chandana, Holy Water and receiving Satari
After the aarati is given to the main idol, the priests partake the teerth (holy water), sandalwood paste and the satari (the cap with holy feet), they are given to the Jeeyar Swamis and officials along with betel leaves.
Submission of sacred clothes to Swamy in “Ugadi Celebrations”
Later, Sri Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swami picks up the silver plate containing two silk clothes and carries it on his head and submits and adorns them to the Utsav Idols who are ready for ‘Ugadi Asthanam’ one to Sri Malayappa Swamy and the other to Vishvaksena, the Chieftan.
Showering of Sacred Rice on Swamy
Later, the chief priest wraps around his head a silk cloth and showers sacred rice (Akshathas) on Sri Malayappa Swamy and Sri Vishvak Sen. Then a sacred cloth is wrapped around the head of Vishvak Sen, the chief of angels army and the sacred rice that are lying on the feet of Swamy and are showered on him along with the ritual of touching the head with the Satari.
Gifting Rice to the Archakas Blessings to Swamy
Sri Venkateswara Swamy gifts Thandula (rice) to the priests along with betel leaves and Dakshina. After receiving these gifts strangely bless the lord himself “Nitya Aishwaro bhava!”
(May you thrive with richness, every day”) How fortunate they must be to bless the deity in that manner! The other archakas tie the sacred cloth (Parivattam) around the chief priest and honour him.
Recital of Panchangam in Ugadi Asthanam
The archakas hand over the new panchangam (almanac) that is placed at the feet of Sri Malayappa Swamy to the official sidhanti. He will read out loudly to the Lord the day’s tidhi, star and the details in the new year about the profit and loss, how the nine planets move, the details of all the people born in 27 stars, income and expenditure, the honours and insults etc. during the year.
Further, the official Siddhanti says, “Oh God, you who is the leader of all the worlds, a person who does not have the beginning or end, you are the one who gets wedding ceremony every day, you, who is with Goddess Alimelu Manga and dweller of Ananda Nilaya, be attentive!! You are the one who descended to this land from Vaikunta on Sravana Star Day, it’s very auspicious for all of us! You will purge all the sins of your devotees and fulfil all their desires, provide them all kinds of riches, and grant good events one after the other.
To have the darshan of your most divine appearance, your devotees keep visiting Tirumala in endless streams. Ceremonial events and processions will be celebrated for you with more and more gusto. Devotees will submit their gifts in abundance. The Navagraha adhipatis, who act as per your directions shall protect your devotees without causing any hardship to them.
The entire country will have good crops and greenery. Even though, there might be floods, draughts, threat of epidemics, with your grace, all your devotees shall be joyful and comfortable.
As the Sidhaanti keeps reading aloud the almanac to the Swamy, He listens to it and graces the devotees all over. Then the Sidhaanti reads out the forecast of the stars of Goddess Sreedevi and Goddess Bhoodevi, which are Uttara Phalguni and Revathi respectively. Then Sidhanti reads out the star results of the TTD officials and of the Board members present there. After this is done, the archakas pick up the sacred akshitas placed at the feet of Swamy and bless the Sidhaanti and touch his head with satari (which will have the insignia of Swamy’s feet).
Next, the treasury clerk prostrates before the Swamy and reads out the detailed account of hundi collection and statement of income and expenditure, details of the celebrations and prostrates before the Swamy once again.
Special Aarti – Rupee Aarati
Subsequently, a special aarati is given in a golden basket called “Koluvu pallem” and is shown to the Executive Officer first and next to the other officials. Next, a series of aaratis from Tallapaka, Tarigonda, Mahantu and Mysore people are given. Then one rupee coin is collected from each of the devotees present there and a special aarati “Rupee Aarati” is given on behalf of everyone present there. The rupees thus collected are deposited in the Devasthanam treasury.
Finally, parivattam (sacred silk cloth around the head) is tied to Sri Pedda Jeeyar Swami, Executive Officer and are blessed with satari and prasad is distributed to everyone there along with tambula (ceremonial betel leaves). With this, the ceremony of “Ugadi Asthanam” ends.
If people take part in Panchanga Sravana on Ugadi festival day, the routing out of inimical forces vanishes, bad dreams vanquish, people receive the result of taking bath in Ganga and donating a cow and thus their longevity increases and they will have good children. This is much more so in the case of Panchang Sravan done for the God of Tirumala.
Don’t get disappointed for not being able to be present at this ceremony. Think of the Lord. All the houses are Ananda Nilayas, all are Golden Thresholds and all the hearts are Sarva Bhoopala Vahanas. Bear Srinivasa in your heart! Listen to Panchanga in your respective homes. With the blessing of Srinivasa reap utmost benefits and blessings fully in the New Year.
Sri Thallapaka Annamacharya’s Sankeerthana (in Telugu)
Sakalabalambulu neeve sarveswara naaku
Akalamkambagu sukhame Annita nide naaku ||pallavi||
Ponduga chakramkithame bujabala mide naaku
Aamdina hari neechinte aatmabalamu naaku
Samdadi perubalamu kesavanaamamu naaku
Indunu nandunu bhavabhaya mika ledide naaku ||sakala||
Angapu thirumanu livi panchangabalamu naaku
Samga neepai paatale swarabali meedhe naaku
Ramguga nee gunaraasule raasibalamu naaku
Ingithamuga nihaparamula kedure dide naaku ||sakala||
Kanugonu nee vigrahame grahabali mide naaku
Vinu nee daasula seevee venubali mide naaku
Thanarina sri venkatapati daivabalamu naaku
Ghaname cheppaga ninthata kaligebo idee naaku ||sakala||
Sreenivasoo vijayathee! Sreenivasoo vijayathee!
Data Source – Saptagiri Magazine