Garland Offerings to Sri Venkateswara: Types & Sacred Importance

Tirumala Swamy


Adorning Sri Venkateswara: The Sacred Garlands of Tirumala

It is a strong belief of the devotees that just a glimpse of the Universal Supremo, Sri Venkateswara provides them the celestial bliss. Just imagine how blessed these flowers that deck the Almighty every day. Here are some garlands that are decorated to the presiding deity every day.

Among the several floral garlands that are adorned to the Mula Virat of Sri Venkateswara, eight of them are considered so special and the daily Pushpa Kainkaryams include a 100 feet long floral festooning to the main deity inside the sanctum sanctorum and the other deities.

Every day the decorations to Srivaru take place twice, both in the morning and also in the evening.

Over a dozen varieties of flowers, half-a-dozen types of aromatic leaves to the tune of 150kilo are used in the daily floral sevas while for Pulangi Seva on Thursday, nearly 250kilo of seasonal flowers are used to decorate the presiding deity. Garlands and flowers play a significant role and each one has a specific identity in the legends and lores in the temple of Sri Venkateswara. The beauty of these garlands were well depicted in one of the instances in the famous Tamil work by Sri Nammalwar in Tiruvai Mozhi.

Garland Offerings to Sri Venkateswara

Various Garlands

A peep into the significance of these various garlands…

  • Sikhamani: A single garland decorated from the crown to both the shoulders is called ‘Shikhamani’. It is a large eight feet garland
  • Saligrama: Two garlands each measuring four feet, each adorn touching the Saligrama Haram of the presiding deity and hence the name Saligrama Mala.
  • Kanthasari: It is decorated covering the neck part of Srivaru and is two in number with each measuring 3.5 feet.
  • Vakshsthala Lakshmi: These are two garlands and will be adorned to Sridevi and Bhudevi who occupies the divine chest area of Srivaru on either side. Each garland measures 1.5ft in length.
  • Shanku-Chakra malas: For the divine weapons of Srivaru, each garland measuring one foot in length will be decorated and known as Shanku Mala and Chakra Mala.
  • Khatari Saram: This particular garland is adorned with the divine Sword – Nandakam of the main deity measuring two feet in length.
  • Tavalams: These are three garlands that cover both the elbows and waist part of the Mula Virat and hanged to the length that they touch the holy feet
  • Tiruvadi Malas: Tiruvadi is derived from Tamil and means the holy feet. These garlands are exclusively decorated to the sacred feet of Sri Venkateswara Swamy.
  • Pula Ara: It is the flower store room located inside the Tirumala temple complex which stores the different types of garlands that are decorated to the presiding deity every day.

Kaisika Dwadasi celebration in Tirumala

Garlands Inside Tirumala Temple

Besides decorating the main deity, floral garlands with one each are decked to the other deities including the procession deities of

  • Sri Malayappa, Sridevi, Bhudevi,
  • Bhoga Srinivasa Murthy,
  • Koluvu Srinivasa Murthy and His two consorts,
  • Ugrasrinivasa Murthy and His two consorts,
  • Sri Sita Rama Lakshmana,
  • Sri Rukmini Srikrishna Swamy,
  • Sri Chakrattalwar,
  • Angada, Sugriva, Anjaneya, Ananta, Vishwaksena,
  • Garuda, Jaya-Vijaya,
  • Bangaru Vakili Garudalwar,
  • Sri Varadaraja Swamy,
  • Sri Vakulamata,
  • Sri Ramanujacharya(two garlands one to Utsava Murthy and another to the main deity in Sri Bhashyakarulavari Sannidhi),
  • Sri Yoganarasimha Swamy,
  • Potu Tayaru,
  • Sri Vishwaksena,
  • Sri Bedi Anjaneya,
  • Sri Varaha Swamy(three garlands),
  • Sri Koneigattu Anjaneya Swamy(only on Sundays).
Bedi Anjaneya Swamy Tirumala
Bedi Anjaneya Swamy Tirumala

These floral garlands enhance the celestial grandeur of the Alankara Priya presiding deity of Sri Venkateswara Swamy immersing the devotees in the devotional ocean.

To read the same article in Telugu, click here

TTD SV Annaprasadam Trust

TTD SV Annaprasadam Trust has launched a one-day donation scheme to provide delicious and hygienic Annaprasadam to lakhs of devotees visiting Tirumala for Srivari Darshan.

Following are the highlights of the scheme..

  • The donor should contribute Rs.44 lakh towards One day full Annaprasadam 
  • Similarly, donors can contribute Rs.10 lakhs for morning breakfast, Rs.17 lakhs for lunch and Rs.17 lakhs towards dinner.
  • The donor’s name will be displayed in the Vengamamba Annaprasadam complex on the day and the donors shall also get an opportunity to serve Annaprasadam for one day of their choice.

TTD is distributing Annaprasadam at Tirumala and Tirupati for the multitude of devotees.

At Tirumala, apart from Matrusri Tarigonda Vengamamba Annaprasadam Complex (MTVAC), TTD serves Annaprasadam in Compartments of Vaikuntham Q Complex-1, 2, Outer Quelines, PAC-4 (Old Annaprasadam), PAC-2.

TTD also distributes Annaprasadam at the Food counters in Tirumala besides the Elderly and Disabled persons Waiting Complex, Rs.300/- Special Entrance Darshan Complex. While also provides beverages and distributes milk for children.

At Tirupati,i Annaprasadam is being distributed at Sri Govindaraja Swamy Temple, Srinivasam, Vishnunivasam Complexes, Ruia Hospital, SVIMS, SV Maternity Hospital, BIRRDS, SV Ayurvedic Hospital, Annaprasadam building in Tiruchanoor.

Govindaraja Swami Temple
Sri Govindaraja Swamy Temple

At present on average Annaprasadam (including beverages and milk) is being served to around 2.5 lakh in both Tirupati and Tirumala by TTD.