Balarama Jayanti

Balarama – The Icon of Brotherhood (Eve of Balarama Jayanti)

This article talks about Balarama, one of the Dasa Avatharams of Lord Vishnu. On the eve of “Balarama Jayanti,” a humble attempt is made to stress the importance of Lord Balarama avatar. Out of all the Dasavatharams of Lord Vishnu, normally he appears as one and only ‘murthy’ to perform “Dusta Sikshana and Sista Rakshana” (Punish the Bad and Save the Good).

In every “Yuga” Lord Vishnu saves Mother Earth and Dharma as a solitary representative, but with an exception in ‘Dwapara Yuga’. Lord Vishnu gave his presence to us in the form of Lord Krishna and Lord Balarama (as per post-Vedic literature). The Vedic literature also envisages that the Balarama is a reincarnation of ‘Adhi Sesha’.

Balarama Jayanti on 05.09.2024

Traits of Balarama

A Protective Brother

Balarama is a caring brother. Since childhood, the big brother never left his younger brother, who is prone to attacks by demons sent by Kamsa. For example, Dhenuka the ‘asura’ (demon) sent by Kamsa was killed by Balarama, when he attempted to kill Sri Krishna.

If we dwell upon Srimad Bhagavatham, Sri Krishna is always fond of cows and used to go to forests. So, Balarama became a cow herd, though he is the son of a leader and king to protect his younger brother during his visits to forests. Even during Sri Krishna’s education with sage Sandipani at Ujjain, he joined the same ‘Ashram’ (School) to take care of his younger brother and his education.

Balarama Jayanti

Significance of Agriculture

Balarama is always known for his discipline and dignity. He holds a plough (many projected it as his weapon) that represents him as a promoter of agriculture. There is literature available that shows he drew the waterway or channel from the Yamuna River to the agricultural lands of Brindavan.

It is believed that Sri Balarama brought the river Ganges / Ganga closer to Hasthinapur with his plough. Though the people of ancient times to date believed that Cows were sacred and cattle were the source of wealth, they insisted that agriculture was as important as cow herding.

Icon of Dharma

Sri Balarama was known for Dharma and discipline. When the battle between Kauravas and Pandavas was declared, he took a neutral position. Because if he joins Duryodhana or Bhima, like the teacher Dhrona, that will stand in the world as a wrong example of a teacher.

Balarama is an avatar of Adhisesha with Krishna

Respect for Women

During Sri Krishna’s decision to perform the marriage of sister Subhadra with Arjuna, Balarama was unhappy. But when he got the fact that it was not Sri Krishna’s decision but Subadra’s long cherished wish, he obliged and respected his sister’s wish.

Importance to Knowledge and Analytical Skills

When Sri Krishna decided to move his capital from Mathura to Dwaraka for better protection to civilians, he accepted such a major strategic decision of a brother without ego. This should be the standing example to elder brothers of any yuga to accept the intelligence, and knowledge of younger ones.

Final Word

Lord Vishnu took the avatar of Krishna to punish the evil. But Adisesha took the avatar as Balarama to protect Krishna. Balarama has substantial strength and the ability to train and mentor warriors. He is the spiritual master, and anyone desiring to make ‘spiritual progress’ must first get the blessings of Lord Balarama.