Aditya Hridayam (Powerful Sun Mantra) – 31 Slokas – Meaning & Benefits

Aditya Hridayam

Aditya Hridayam: Benefits of Daily Recitation

People during the Vedic times were not viewing Sun merely as a planet that rises in the morning and sets by night. They recognized Him as the Supreme Being supporting life on earth and a provider of energy and food. More importantly, He inspires people to have righteous thoughts and perform actions to suit them.

People pray to Surya to grant them the wealth required to lead their day-to-day lives happily and also for the spiritual power needed to lead higher levels of life.

Aditya Hridayam – the hymn to the Sun God- is ascribed to the great sage Agastya. It forms a part of the Yuddha kaanda written by Sage Valmiki.

Surya Dev or Lord Surya / Aditya Hridayam

The first two Slokas describe the circumstances under which the Sage Agastya initiated this hymn to Sri Rama. Fourth and fifth Slokas indicate the benefits of reciting the Hymn. Slokas from six to fourteen describe Surya Narayana in various manifestations. In Slokas from sixteen to twenty-one obeisance to God is being offered. Slokas twenty-six and twenty-seven contain the advice by the Sage Agastya to Sri Rama.

There is only one Supreme Reality and all the Devis and Devatas that we hear about are all the Vibhutis or manifestations of this Parabrahman. Among the Devatas, Aditya (Surya) the son of Aditi is highly celebrated and greatly revered. Being a Vibhuti of Lord Narayana he is often referred to as Surya Narayana.

The Slokas in Aditya Hridayam may be interpreted both in terms of the God Surya and Lord Narayana. It is a common practice to recite the hymn every Sunday.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 1

Tato Uddha parishraantam samare’ chintayaa sthitam
Raavanam chaagrato drshtyaa uddaaya samupasthitam

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 2

Daivathascha samaagamya drishtu mabhyaagato ranam
Upaagamyaa bravee draama magastyo bhagavaan rushih

Then the all-knowing Sage Agastya, who had come and joined the Devatas to witness the fierce battle witnessed Rama lost in deep thought, utterly exhausted in battle and still facing Ravana who has come prepared for a fresh encounter. The sage approached Rama and spoke to him thus.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 3

Rama Rama mahaabaaho shrunu guhyam sanaatanam
Yena sarvaanareen vatsa samare’ vijayishyasi

O Rama, mighty armed Sri Rama listen to this ancient secret whereby you can vanquish in battle all your foes.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 4

Aditya Hridayam punyam sarva shatru vinaashanam
Jayaavaham japenitya makshayam paramam shivam

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 5

Sarva mangala maangalyam sarva paapa pranaashanam
Chintaashoka prashamana maayurvardhana muttamam

The holy hymn of Aditya Hridayam is addressed to the Sun deity. It is very auspicious. If earnestly chanted, it will get rid of all your enemies and bring you victory and unending felicity. This most auspicious hymn will destroy all sins, mental, and physical illnesses and bestow long life.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 6

Rasmimantam samudyantam devaasura namaskrutam
Poojayasva vivasvantam bhaskaram bhuvaneshvaram

Worship the Sun God, who is held in great veneration by both the Devas and Asuras, possessed of golden-coloured rays when he has fully risen in the early mornings, eclipses all other luminous bodies, the resplendent lord of the Universe by whose effulgence all others shine.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 7

Sarva Devaatmako hyesha tejasvee rasmibhaavanah
Yesha devaasuraganaan lokaan paati gabhastibhih

He is verily the soul of all the Devas. He is self-luminous and the sustainer of all with his rays. He protects the inhabitants of all the worlds, the Devas and Asuras with rays that nourish and energize them.

Surya Prabha Vahanam during Rathasapthami
Surya Prabha Vahanam during Rathasapthami

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 8

Yesha Brahmaa cha Vishnuscha Shiva Skandah Prajaapatih
Mahendro Dhanadah Kaalo Yama Somo Hyapaam patih

The presiding deity of the Sun is indeed all the following – Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skanda (the son of Goddess Parvati), the nine Prajaapatis (Lord of creatures), Mahendra (king of the Devas), Kubera (Lord of wealth), Kaala (Lord of time), Yama (Lord of death), Soma (Chandra, the one that nourishes all), and Varuna (Lord of waters). It means that they are all the manifestations of one Supreme Being.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 9

Pitaro vasava saadhyaa hyaschinau maruto manuh
Vaayurvahnih prajaapraanaa rutugartaa prabhaakarah

He is also the Pitrs, Vasus (the eight dispensers of treasures), the Saadhyas, the twin Ashwini Devas (the celestial physicians), the Maruts, Vayu, Agni, the vital Praana in all created beings and the sole cause for all the seasons that we experience.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 10

Aditya Savita Suryah khagah pooshaa gabhastimaan

Suvarna sadrusho bhanur hiranya retha Divaakarah

He (Sun) is the son of Aditi (mother of all the Devatas), creator of the Universe, inspirer of action, travels by the sky, He nourishes the world feeding it with rain, has a golden hued brilliance and he is the maker of the day.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 11

Haridaswah sahasrarchi saptha sapthir mareechiman,
Thimironmadhana shambhu sthwashta marthanda amsuman.

He has greenish coloured horses, has countless number of rays, rides on seven horses and dispels darkness. He bestows happiness and prosperity. He removes all misfortunes. He is the infuser of life in an otherwise mundane existence and an omnipresent Being with his rays penetrating everywhere.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 12

Hiranya garbha shishira thapano bhaskaro ravih,
Agni garbha adithe puthra shanka shishira nasanah

Surya deva is the store house of all riches. He has a soothing influence on the minds of all His devotees. He is the source of heat and light for the world. He is praised in the Vedas. He has great fire in His womb. He is the son of Aditi. He melts all frost.

Surya Dev or Lord Surya

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 13

Vyomanadha sthamobhedi rig yajur sama paaragah,
Ghana vrushti rapaam mithro vindhya veedhi plavangamah

Surya Deva is the Lord of the Sky. He dispels darkness. He is the master par-excellence of the three Vedas – Rig, Yajur and Sama. It is through His grace that we get heavy rain. He is the friend of the waters. He is the friend and benefactor of all pure minded people. He travels very fast in the sky, crossing the Vindhya ranges in one bound.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 14

Aathapee mandali mruthyu pingala sarva thaapanah
Kavir vishvo maha thejaa rakthah sarvodbhavah

O Deva, you are the one who gives heat. You have a global shape. You inflict death (on impediments). You have a golden yellow colour (as rising Sun). You heat everything (during mid day). You are exceedingly energetic, beloved of all and the generator of all action.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 15

Nakshatra graha thaaraanam adhipo, vishva bhaavanah,
Thejasam aphi thejasvi dvaadasaathman namosthuthe

He is the Lord of the stars, planets and constellations. He is the origin of everything in the Universe and the resplendent cause of the luster of anything brilliant. He is the one with twelve forms and is known as Dvaadasha Aditya. They are – Indra, Dhaata, Aryama, Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Vivasvan, Pusha, Parjanya, Ansh, Bhaga, Twasta and Vishnu. I salute Him.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 16

Namah poorvaya giraye, paschime giraye namah,
Jyothirganaanaam pathaye dinadhipathaye namah.

Salutations to the presiding deity of the Eastern mountains (where the Sun rises) and the Western mountains (where the Sun sets). Salutations to the Lord of stellar bodies and also to the Lord of the day.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 17

Jayaya jaya bhadraya haryasvaya namo namah,
Namo nama sahasramsho adithyaya namo namah.

Salutations unto Him that ordains victory. Salutations unto Him who rides on green steeds. Salutations to the thousand-rayed Lord, the son of Aditi.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 18

Nama ugraya veeraya sarangaya namo namah,
Namah padma prabhodaya, maarthandaaya namo namah

Salutations to the terrible one (who is relentless to the offenders who fail to keep their senses under control) and to that hero with awe inspiring valor. Salutations to the one who traverses fast and whose emergence makes the lotuses bloom (awakener of the lotus in the heart).

Surya Jayanti Tirumala 2025

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 19

Brhameshaanachutheshaya sooryadhithya varchase,
Bhasvathe sarva bhakshaya roudraya vapushe namah

Salutations to the over-lord of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu and Him who inspires created beings into action. Obeisance to the lord who is, in fact, the intrinsic effulgence in the Sun. He is the illuminator, devourer of everything and has a fierce form.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 20

Thmognaya himagnaya shathrugnaya amithathmane,
Kruthagnagnaya devaya jyothisham pathaye namah.

Obeisance to the Lord who dispels all darkness (of ignorance) and fear that grips like frost. Salutations to Him who destroys the foes (both internal and external) of all his devotees, ungrateful beings and who is self-effulgent and the lord of all stellar bodies.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 21

Taptha chamikaraabhaaya vahnaye vishva karmane,
Namasthomabhinignaya ruchaye loka sakshine

Obeisance to the Lord who is shining like molten gold: Salutations to the transcendental fire, the fire of supreme knowledge; salutations to the Lord responsible for the creation of the Universe, for Him who is the destroyer of darkness (ignorance included), and for the glorious self effulgent Lord who is the ultimate cosmic witness.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 22

Naasa yatyesha vai bhootham tadeva srujathi prabhuh
Payathyesha thapathyesha varshatyesha gabhasthibhih

Salutations to the Lord who destroys everything that was and creates them once again. Salutations to Him who, heats water with His powerful rays, and returns it as rain.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 23

Yesha suptheshu jagarthi bhootheshu parinishtithah
Yesha chaivagni hothram cha phalam chaivagni hothrinam

Salutations to the Lord who is awake when all the beings in the world are asleep. He is both the sacrificial fire and the fruit enjoyed by the worshippers thereof.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 24

Vedascha kratavaschaiva krathoonam phalameva cha,
Yani kruthyani lokeshu sarva yesha ravih prabhuh

Lord Surya is the Lord of all action in this Universe. He is verily the Vedas, the sacrifices, such as theYagas, prescribed therein and the fruits thereof.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 25

Yena mapathsu kruchreshu kaanthaareshu bhayeshu cha,
Keerthayan Purushah kaschin aavaseedhathi Raghavah.

O Raghava, he who recites this hymn in times of peril, when in grievous distress, when lost in wilderness, when seized by fear, will not lose heart. He will be saved from the distressing times.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 26

Poojayasvaina mekegro deva devam jagat pathim,
Ethath trigunitham japthva yuddeshu vijayashyasi

O Rama, worship this God of all Gods, Lord of the Universe with a single minded devotion. Reciting this hymn thrice in a day you shall emerge victorious in your battle with the mighty Ravana

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 27

Asmin kshane mahaa baaho Ravanam thwam vadhishyasi,
Evamukthwaa tadaa Agasthyo jagama cha yada gatham

O mighty armed Rama, if you do as indicated you shall triumph over Ravana and kill him this very moment. Having spoken thus the great sage Agastya returned from whence he came.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 28

Eta chruthva mahaa thejaa nashta shoko bhavath thada,
Dhaarayaamaasa supreetho Raghavah prayathathmavaan.

Having heard this, the illustrious Raghava was greatly pleased and freed himself from all worry. Filled with great enthusiasm and with a pure heart he meditated on Lord Aditya.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 29

Adhithyam prokshya japthvaa thu param harsha mavaapthaavan,
Thriraachamya suchir bhoothva dhanuraadhaaya veeryavaan

Sri Rama cleansed himself by performing Aachamana, and then gazing intently at Aditya he performed, with great devotion, the Aditya Hridaya Japa thrice. Experiencing great felicity, he took up the mighty bow and prepared for the battle.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 30

Ravanam preshya hrushtaathmaa yudhaaya samupaagamath,
Sarva yathnena mahathaa vadhe thasya drutho bhavath.

Seeing Ravana in front of him he was delighted and went forth with great enthusiasm to fight the battle. He put forth all his effort he decided to kill Ravana.

Aditya Hridayam – Sloka 31

Adha ravi ravada nireekshya Ramam,
Mudithamanaah paramam prahrushyamaana,
Nisicharapathi samkshyam vidithva,
Sura gana Madhya gatho vachasthvarethi

When Rama meditated on the Surya deva by reciting the Aditya Hridaya, the Lord Aditya was very pleased. Surrounded by all the Devatas, Lord Surya realised that the destruction of the King Ravana was imminent. He looked at Rama with delight and exclaimed do not delay Hurry up.

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